
one month left before the recall of liang, xie guoliang: we have the confidence to survive the big recall wave and we must fight the battle seriously


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one month to go before the recall vote for keelung mayor xie guoliang, the "remove liang" group will launch a "war chariot propaganda" to go to the streets to urge votes, explaining 30 reasons for the recall. spokesperson li yanrong admitted that the situation is not good, but even if it fails, politicians must learn humility. the blue camp has deployed heavy troops to fight a hot war, strongly attacking the "remove liang" group and the green camp for collusion. xie guoliang emphasized that he is confident that he can survive the test. regarding the person behind the scenes, he directly pointed out that "it should only be that person (lin youchang), not the dpp central committee (lai qingde)."

the recall vote will take place on october 13. "this day has finally arrived, and i feel calm inside." xie guoliang said that judging from the basic political party base, the blue camp outnumbers the green camp in keelung, and the voters supporting him are becoming more and more prominent. the blue camp is unprecedentedly united. "in my 20 years in politics, this kind of support is unprecedented." the turnout is expected to exceed 50%. he is confident that he can survive the first shot of the recall wave. whether he can pass the test is not only related to his personal political life, but the key is to block the subsequent recall wave. he dare not underestimate the enemy or relax. "i must fight and defend this battle more seriously."

he took out his phone and showed a news report video from more than a year ago, proving that someone threatened to recall him on the third day after he was elected mayor. xie guoliang said, "i had just been elected at that time, and it was obvious that they were just going to recall him for the sake of recalling him."

at that time, xie guoliang talked about this matter with xie zhengda, then deputy mayor of new taipei city. xie zhengda also found it incredible and thought it was too hasty. during the recall process, some mayors of counties and cities from the democratic progressive party called him to offer their support.

xie guoliang said that compared to the evidence of corruption involved in the tenure of former taoyuan mayor zheng wencan that was found by prosecutors and prosecuted, he did not commit any illegal acts and he believed that he would get the support of the majority of citizens.

keelung is a demonstration area for blue-white cooperation. keelung deputy mayor qiu peilin is a member of the people's party and is also an important window between hsieh and the white camp. facing the "demolition of liang" offensive, hsieh's team evaluated the votes in recent elections and believed that blue-white cooperation is one of the winning formulas. in early september, ko wen-je was detained due to the jinghuacheng case and was unable to support the campaign, but taipei and new taipei people's party councilors and legislators huang shanshan and others still went to keelung in the name of municipal exchanges to send a signal of support for hsieh.

the outside world believes that "ko wen-je saved xie guoliang." xie guoliang said that after the ko case, the green army's attacks on him were not so fierce, giving him more room to make municipal statements. however, li yanrong believes that both sides want to grab the "little grass," "we are confident that we can win in this regard."

lin jingxian, taiwan correspondent of strait herald