
chenjiazui middle school in anxiang county: national defense education theme event at the fall semester


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huasheng online news (correspondent: leng yuntao) in order to enable all seventh-grade freshmen to develop good behavioral habits and living habits, cultivate tenacious will and spirit of unity and cooperation, and thus lay a solid foundation for future study and life, at the beginning of the school year, anxiang county chenjiazui middle school organized the school's physical education teachers to give all seventh-grade freshmen the first military training lesson.
(look, the sunny boy sits like a clock)
despite the hot weather, everyone was enthusiastic and actively participated in the training, not afraid of hardship or tiredness. even though their clothes were soaked with sweat, the students still performed standard movements, standing like pine trees and sitting like bells. standing at attention, marching in unison... everywhere you look, you can see the students training seriously. the students' military postures were upright, their steps were neat, their slogans were loud, and their upright postures and resolute eyes were the best testimony to their growth.
during the three-day military training, the students of chenzhong felt the military style and tempered the will of the soldiers. they proved with their excellent performance that they are not flowers in a greenhouse, but eagles that are about to spread their wings and fly! i believe that this valuable experience will give every student enough confidence and courage to face all the difficulties and challenges in the future life!
(look, the students are lined up neatly and look very heroic!)
(students in military training are full of vigor and vitality, and have a promising future)
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