
the movie "wild child" was released today, and it moved the wandering brothers and sent them the first warm hug in early autumn.


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the realistic emotional masterpiece "wild child" was released today, and a warm current swept across theaters across the country in early autumn. the film is based on the real event of "wandering brothers" that has touched countless people. the "thief" brother ma liang (played by wang junkai) met the "orphan" brother xuanxuan (played by guan zixie) who was left unattended. the two abandoned "wild children" warmed each other and established their own warm home in the wind and rain. now, this true story has been presented more completely and delicately on the big screen. after the premiere, it has received praise and countless tears. "it's good! so warm! so crying!" is the most frequent feedback given by the first batch of viewers of the movie. the real foundation of the movie makes it more powerful, allowing the special group of "children in social difficulties" to enter the public eye. the social significance of the film has also been praised by audiences of all ages.

the film simultaneously released the feature film clip "we have a home" and the poster for today's release. the garbage dump became their treasure, and the abandoned amusement park became the new home of the two abandoned people. a pair of brothers with different surnames spent the four seasons together and also endured the rainy season of life.

highlight 1: full of texture! wang junkai and a strong cast perform the new work of the director of "my sister"

"she is worthy of being a female director! the filming is particularly delicate and moving." director yin ruoxin has created another emotional masterpiece after "my sister", continuing the humanistic care for small people, focusing on the living conditions of marginalized minors, exploring the social topic of "birth and raising", and interpreting the importance of companionship and love in growth. the brothers of different surnames created by wang junkai and guan zixie touched the softest part of the hearts of countless audiences. ma liang is an abandoned homeless teenager, a lawbreaker who steals for a living, and a loving and responsible brother. wang junkai admits that the complexity of interpreting this role and the rivalry with the young actor are both challenges for him. the rivalry between the two is often real and improvised, and the chemical reaction between the two brothers is natural and vivid, which makes many viewers exclaim "so cute and touching, not relatives but better than relatives!" "it's hard to get out of the play, and i still feel distressed when i see them now!"

the film also features deng jiajia, chen yongsheng, pan binlong and other talented actors, who together create a group of highly textured characters. deng jiajia revealed that everyone was very serious about the creation, and it was normal to polish a scene over and over again for more than ten or twenty times. the sincerity of the main creators also received positive feedback from the audience, who praised each actor for bringing the character to life, which was real, three-dimensional and vivid.

highlight 2: the power of truth! a new perspective of domestic realism presents a little-known group portrait of wild children's survival

"reality has its own power." the movie "wild child" is based on the real events of "wandering brothers," and many characters have real prototypes. it is worth mentioning that although the film is based on reality, it does not just tell the prototype story. on the basis of presenting the moving fetters of the prototype, it focuses on the special group of "children in social difficulties." the director said that the purpose of adding group portraits is to let everyone see more real orphans in a limited space, and to show the vitality of wild children in running and shouting. "the core of a true realistic work is care and respect." through the creation of a group of wild children, the film not only allows the audience to see their real predicament, but also sees the power of wild grass not bowing its head in the face of headwinds and wild children growing upward.

the people involved in the original story of the movie were also deeply moved after watching the movie. they affirmed the efforts made by all the creators to restore the authenticity of the story and thanked the film for bringing more people's attention to the group of children in social difficulties. the sense of reality makes the film more powerful. some viewers said that they found out that the film was based on real events after watching it, and their noses suddenly soured. although the movie presents a cruel real-life story, the underlying tone is full of love and warmth.

highlight 3: the heartwarming story of the world! the "thief" brother and the "orphan" brother wander together and redeem each other, which makes the audience cry.

ma liang and xuan xuan are the core characters of the film, creating many sincere and touching famous scenes. as shown in the posters and feature film clips released today, when xuan xuan broke into ma liang's wandering life, the two helpless children relied on each other from then on, the garbage dump could be a treasure, and the abandoned amusement park could echo with laughter again and become a home to shelter from the wind and rain. they were all abandoned by their loved ones, just like this forgotten amusement park, but with each other, warm light penetrated the cracks in their lives, and the life that was thought to be in ruins could be revitalized.

"ma liang himself had been caught in the rain, and he wanted to hold an umbrella for xuanxuan." wang junkai interpreted ma liang's feelings for xuanxuan in this way, "when ma liang decided to live with his brother, he made their lives very clean and decent. he hoped that xuanxuan would have a decent childhood." the mutual redemption of this pair of wandering brothers also hit the audience through the screen, "emotions rise and fall with their story, tears can't stop, but the corners of my mouth are warmed up."

highlight 4: social pain points! the topic of "giving birth but not raising" of marginalized minors has aroused deep reflection among the public of all ages

through the survival dilemma and struggle of "wild children", the film truly depicts a series of "growth sequelae" caused by the lack of family affection and education, and interprets the importance of companionship and love in growth. in addition, the film boldly presents the criminal industry chain hidden behind children in social difficulties, pretending to be disabled children to beg and defraud, street robbery, car smashing and theft, breaking into luxury houses and stealing... wild children are constrained by living conditions, and have become a tool for criminals to make money before their values ​​are formed. with the release of the film, a series of topics such as giving birth but not raising, the survival dilemma of marginal minors, and juvenile delinquency will further enter the public eye and attract national attention. as wang junkai said in an interview, "being seen is a kind of power." i hope that the "wild child effect" can become a night light to illuminate more corners that have been neglected.

beyond the movie, there is also a warm current. it is reported that under the guidance of the ministry of civil affairs' social affairs expert committee, the "helping homeless people go home" public welfare program of the same name as the movie "wild child" has been launched, and part of the box office revenue will be used to help homeless people go home. this movie with a strong humanistic care is fermenting its social value in practice.

the movie "wild child" is directed by yin ruoxin, produced by lü xu, and written by xu yizhou; starring wang junkai, deng jiajia, chen yongsheng, pan binlong, and special introductions to guan zixie and chi xingkai. the film is produced by henan yuanqi film and television culture co., ltd., beijing shangshi culture group co., ltd., shanghai lingguang film co., ltd., and beijing yuanqi entertainment culture co., ltd., and filmed under the guidance of the henan provincial film bureau. it will be released nationwide today.

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