
the us-india honeymoon bubble has burst! modi has fallen into two traps. if the us cannot sanction china, it will sanction india.


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as a superpower, the us economy has always been a weather vane of the world market, but times have changed. the us economy is really not doing well recently, and the high interest rates are a headache.

it is hard to say whether anyone is fascinated by it, but the fact is that no one is willing to pay for it. at this time, the united states made a big plan:first, the united states wanted to harvest china as a big customer, but due to a series of operations by china, its wish failed. the united states had no choice but to turn to india and try to find a scapegoat.

recall that when the russian-ukrainian war just started, the united states was enthusiastic about india. biden even personally invited modi to visit the united states. the intimate gestures of the two at that time are still vivid in our minds. unexpectedly, not long after, the united states suddenly made a big reversal and decided to sanction india. the change of face was faster than turning a page of a book. this operation can be said to be stunned.

why did the united states change its attitude towards india by 180 degrees? the answer may lie in its gold reservesindia previously had 513.8 tons of gold in banks in the uk and the us as a savings and safe haven. however, when india tried to get the gold back, it ran into a snag. in may this year, india got back 100 tons from the uk, but the rest, especially those stored in the us, were simply lost, and the us did not allow india to move at all.