
75 events in 75 years - shandong's imprint in party newspapers|1960: jinan automobile manufacturing plant successfully tried to produce the "yellow river" automobile


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editor's note
this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china. 75 years is a span of time, but also a journey of progress.
newspapers are witnesses of history. for 75 years, as the official newspaper of the shandong provincial committee of the communist party of china, dazhong daily has been in line with the party, the masses, and the times, recording the wonderful stories and development legends performed on the land of shandong, writing a moving picture of the tenacious struggle and unremitting efforts of the people of shandong, and witnessing the tremendous changes of the economic and cultural province that are changing with each passing day and keeping pace with the times.
although time has passed, the memory remains. starting today, dazhong daily·dazhong news client will launch the column "75 years, 75 events·shandong imprints in the party newspaper pages", which will capture fragments from the pages of dazhong daily, listen to the echoes of history with everyone, feel the pulse of development, and set out again towards a new expedition.
in april 1960, jinan automobile manufacturing plant successfully trial-produced the "yellow river" brand jn150 8-ton truck, filling the gap in domestic heavy-duty truck production. on april 25, 1960, dazhong daily published "automobile factory's new large-scale truck leaves factory", the full text is as follows:
new large cars leave the automobile factory
the yellow river 150-type eight-and-a-half-ton large truck has been successfully trial-produced at the jinan automobile manufacturing plant. this type of vehicle has advanced technology, a solid and durable structure, and a beautiful and elegant model, and has many advantages. the vehicle also uses many advanced technologies in design, such as hydraulic shock absorption and spokeless wheels, which are conducive to safe driving and maintenance. the cab is equipped with cooling and heating equipment, and the seats are spacious and comfortable. most of the main parts of the vehicle are produced by the jinan automobile manufacturing plant itself, except for those that must be cooperated with external factories.
when the state asked the factory to manufacture this large truck at the beginning of the year, it was originally planned to produce a prototype on october 1 this year. later, it was handed over to all employees for discussion, and everyone promised to guarantee that the prototype would be produced on may 1 as a gift to the "may 1" international labor day. because all the employees of the factory exerted their revolutionary enthusiasm and made great efforts in technological innovation and technological revolution, the trial production task was completed ahead of schedule on april 20. at present, the factory is preparing for mass production.
(publicity department of the cpc jinan automobile manufacturing plant committee)
(planned by yao guangkuan, edited by zhao jun, xu chaochao, and art editor by tang yadi)