
yang wenji, who was banned for life: he was owed wages for a long time and let down the fans for 40,000 yuan


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live bar, september 12th, yang wenji, a player banned for life, said: i suffered long-term wage arrears, so i let down the fans for 40,000 yuan

i am yang wenji, one of the 44 players banned for life. i just want to tell you about the other side of the players that you don’t see, especially the amount of money i receive, my income. many people think that our players earn hundreds of millions of yuan just like the national team. seeing this, i want to tell you my actual situation.

i joined a team in april 2022. i won't talk about the team. the contract was 12,000 a month before tax. that year, the competition was still a tournament, divided into four stages. at that time, the club said that the winning bonus for each game was 100,000, which would be paid after each stage. i was quite satisfied with this condition, but i didn't expect to be owed wages. the promised bonus was delayed again and again, and in the end they directly told us that the bonus might not be available.

in fact, that year was a good year for a relegation team, given the serious wage arrears at the club. if the team had not been deducted points, they would have completed the relegation task earlier. however, after the points deduction, they fell into the relegation zone again. it was not enough that they worked so hard but did not get any bonuses. their wages were also in arrears for a long time.

the match where i received the money was at the fa cup, which was around mid-november. at that time, i only received three months' salary in total. the salary flow is shown in the picture, you can take a look.

the salary is fine, but the key is that there is no bonus for half a year, which can be said to be a waste of half a year. if you know the salary of domestic players, you should know that the salary is not much.

this is one reason. another reason is that my child was also born that year. i felt very anxious not long after the child was born. i was also in my 30s and needed to support a family. this situation was really uncomfortable.

you may think that 12,000 yuan is not a low income, but for a player, it only takes a few years from earning money to retiring, maybe three to five years at the shortest, or 10 years at the longest. and after retirement, the income will drop sharply to a few thousand yuan a month, and you may not even be able to find a job. during this period, i also thought about other ways to increase my income, but after thinking for a long time, to be honest, i really don’t know how to do anything else. i can’t do anything except playing football.

the last reason is the atmosphere. the atmosphere of the entire league made me feel that it was okay to make this mistake. of course, the most important reason was my own greed. i am sorry for the fans who like us.

now, a common phenomenon among low-level teams is that the club owes wages for a few months, and if you want to prove your departure as a free agent, the club will ask you to sign a no-debt dispute agreement. i myself also experienced this situation that year. at the end of the entire league, the club still owed four months of wages, because the football association kept urging the club to pay the owed wages to the players as soon as possible, and those who did not pay were not allowed to participate in the new year's league.

so when the new season started and players needed to sign for admission (i should also explain here that the football association requires each team to sign for salary confirmation. the football association said that if one person did not sign, they would not be allowed to pass the admission, and then the deadline was delayed again and again. when most people signed, the few who did not sign did not admit that the club owed wages on the grounds that they did not participate in the arbitration. even if you participated in the arbitration, it was considered a disputed wage before the arbitration result was announced. at that time, the arbitration hearing period was as short as three to five months, and as long as half a year. during this period, even if your contract expired, you still needed a free agent certificate from the original club if you wanted to go to a new club. so think about it, if you have a dispute with the club, can you easily get a free agent certificate?), the club began to call me and said that either you should give me two months to sign first, or you will not get a penny if you cannot pass the admission. facing this situation, i really felt wronged. not only did i not get a penny in bonus, but even the basic salary was so difficult to get.

but as a player, i had no other choice but to trust the club. after i passed the admission test, the club still did not pay me two months' salary. we players had nowhere to complain, so we called the football association, and the football association's response was to let the players discuss it with the club.

the football association can help with arbitration, but the arbitration period is very long and will miss a transfer window, so it is likely that many players will not be able to play for half a year. in this case, most players can only sign a debt-free dispute and get a free agent certificate. in the end, the french open is not leaky, and we did not escape the punishment of the law. the chinese football association also imposed the most severe punishment on us in the industry. i sincerely repent for my behavior and accept all punishments with pleasure. if my story can alert other players and prevent similar incidents from happening, it will be a great blessing for chinese football. however, if a sound and complete mechanism cannot be established for chinese players fighting on the front line to protect their legitimate rights and interests, then naturally there will be batches of players who will damage the interests of chinese football in the same way or in different ways.

this is what i went through. looking back now, it was really stupid. for 40,000 yuan, i not only let down the fans, but also got a suspended sentence for 3 months and had a criminal record. i am just an ordinary player, without high moral standards. i just wanted to make my family live a more comfortable life. if i could do it again, i would definitely play well, work hard, and make chinese football a pure land.