
bailang primary school in zixing city held a "teacher cooking competition" to show its unique style


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huasheng online news september 11 (correspondent hou na) on september 10, this special day for teachers, bailang primary school in zixing city held a unique "teacher cooking competition", adding a unique color to teachers' day.
the competition was very lively, and the teachers turned into chefs and showed their skills. from the preparation of ingredients to the cooking process, every link was full of creativity and enthusiasm.
as the dishes were served one after another, the aroma filled the air, making people salivate. the judges carefully tasted each dish and scored it based on its color, aroma, taste, shape and other aspects.
this "teacher cooking competition" not only enriched the teachers' spare time and enhanced the relationship between teachers, but also showed the teachers' unique style outside the classroom. on this special day, the teachers of bailang primary school used food to convey their love for life and dedication to education. i believe that in the days to come, they will devote themselves to their work with greater enthusiasm and contribute their own strength to rural education.
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