
wechat officially issued a reminder that this kind of posting in moments is not allowed!


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wechat security center released
targeting the use of wechat accounts to spread fraudulent information
announcement on the governance of part-time cash-out behavior
according to user complaints, some criminals have recently used the guise of "part-time jobs" to post content such as "help post on wechat moments in exchange for rice (money)" and "exchange idle small accounts for pocket money" on wechat moments and groups.
henan anti-fraud center hereby reminds everyone
assisting others to post information in moments poses a great security risk
according to relevant national regulations
help others in moments and wechat groups
publishing illegal and prohibited product marketing information
it is a violation
what is more serious is
if the content published involves fraudulent traffic diversion
you will also put your friends at risk of fraud.
at the same time
knowing that this type of "part-time job" involves
helping criminals spread fraudulent information
but still in exchange for rewards
in fact, it is equivalent to assisting with a personal account
committing illegal or criminal acts
very likely
will be charged with the crime of assisting information network criminal activities
bear criminal legal responsibility
real case
one day
the idle xiao chen met his old classmate xiao lu
xiaolu introduced a "way to make money" to xiaochen
posting "part-time job" ads in various group chats
what is a part-time job?
sending wechat account recovery ads in wechat groups
after listening to the introduction of old classmates
xiao chen has some concerns
"it's just sending messages in the group, it shouldn't be illegal, right?"
"just tell me whether you're going to do it or not!"
xiao chen couldn't resist the temptation of easy money
in multiple wechat groups
send ads to recycle wechat accounts
not long
three people came to xiao chen
ask about the price of selling wechat id
that's all
xiao chen sent the wechat account information of the three people
provided to "online" lao liu
lao liu used the wechat accounts of these three people
release "drainage" information
leading to victims seeing the "drainage" information
defrauded of more than 200,000 yuan
risks of renting wechat accounts
whether you give out your account password or scan a qr code to let the other party log in to your account, it means that your personal privacy will be out of security protection, and chat records and other content may be stolen.
without prior notice, your friends will not be aware that you are renting out your account, and scammers may impersonate you to borrow money from your friends, apply for loans, etc.
during the period when the account is rented, it is likely to be used for malicious activities such as posting false advertisements, soliciting prostitution, and spreading bad information, or even for committing telecommunications network fraud crimes.
since real-name accounts have payment functions and generally have no abnormal transaction records, they are easily targeted by illegal gangs, who use them to split and "launder" their stolen money and evade the pursuit of regulatory authorities and the police. once a user's rented wechat account is involved in a "money laundering" storm, the account will no longer be "innocent."
if users choose to rent or sell their accounts and payment codes even though they know that criminals will use them for illegal activities, they may be held legally responsible for aiding and abetting crimes.
police tips
citizens please be vigilant
do not sell wechat accounts for profit
or helping criminals
posting bad or fraudulent information
also, do not rent, lend or sell it.
your own phone card, bank card
don’t be a tool for online fraud!
reposted from henan anti-fraud center
source: ping'an pingdingshan