
if you have a dream of becoming a pilot, you need to know this policy


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jiang shiyu, reporter of huasheng online
wider than the land is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, and wider than the sky are the pilots’ feelings and ideals!
recently, the air force recruitment bureau's selection centers in beijing, nanjing, and chengdu have released the registration instructions for the air force's recruitment of flight cadets in 2025. what are the requirements for the air force's recruitment? what does the physical examination include? let's take a look.
for two categoriesstudent recruitment and selection
in 2025, the air force will recruit and select flight cadets from two categories of students to supplement the flight personnel of the air force and army aviation corps. the first category is ordinary high school graduates, who must be no younger than 17 and no older than 20, that is, born between august 31, 2005 and august 31, 2008. the second category is undergraduate graduates from military academies, who must be male and no older than 24, until june 30, 2025. whether to recruit female flight cadets will be based on the plan for that year.
graduates of ordinary high schools and undergraduate graduates of military academies who sign up for the recruitment must meet the political assessment standards for the recruitment, and they must volunteer and have the support of their parents (guardians). they must be between 165-185cm tall, have a naked eye visual acuity of 0.8 or above on the c-chart, have not undergone vision correction surgery, have not worn orthokeratology lenses, have no color blindness, color weakness, strabismus, and no history of syncope or coma.
in terms of cultural requirements, high school graduates must be candidates majoring in science or in an elective combination that includes physics (the elective subjects in provinces that have reformed the college entrance examination will be based on the official brochure to be released by the air force later), their foreign language must be english or russian, and their expected college entrance examination scores must reach the first-tier unified admission line of the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government) (special type control score line).
in addition, students who apply for the recruitment must love the communist party of china, love the motherland, love the people, love the people's army, and have a strong interest and desire in flying. students who meet the application requirements can apply at school or online. the specific registration method is subject to the registration method and registration process announced by the province where the candidate is located that year.
failure to be admitted does not affect your application to other ordinary colleges and universities
the air force's flight recruitment is part of military academy enrollment, which is part of the national general college enrollment system and an important part of the military academy enrollment work. the recruited flight cadets will study in the "dual enrollment" pilot classes of the air force aviation university or tsinghua university, peking university, and beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics.
after the freshmen enter the school, the air force aviation university organizes concentrated military and political basic training and flight experience, and selects students with excellent college entrance examination scores and qualified flight experience according to the joint training plan, and sends them to local universities such as peking university, tsinghua university, and beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics for training in early september.
the admission to the air force aviation university is a separate early admission (before the early admission). if you apply to be an air force flight cadet and are not admitted, it will not affect the admission to other universities.
elimination of a single subjectmedical selection criteriamore stringent
the air force will set up preliminary selection stations in various cities to conduct tests, mainly including: surgery (height, weight, sitting height, arm length, body shape), ophthalmology (vision, color vision, external eye), otolaryngology (ear, nose, oral cavity), etc. you can have breakfast before the preliminary selection.
medical selection criteria for pilot recruitment are stricter than those for general physical examinations. a single subject is eliminated, and if one subject is unqualified, the medical selection conclusion is unqualified. not only the pilot's usual physical health level must be checked, but also whether there are physical hazards that affect flight safety in specific environments such as high altitude and high speed. therefore, a healthy physical examination at a hospital does not necessarily mean that the pilot will be qualified for recruitment. in addition, the air force recruitment also requires psychological selection.
it is worth noting that due to the uncertainty of the impact of corneal surgery on flight in a high-altitude and high-speed environment, for flight safety reasons, the current air force recruitment medical selection standards clearly stipulate that:history of refractive surgeryorhistory of wearing orthokeratologyoffailed.
whether facial acne or scars on the body will affect the physical examination results needs to be assessed based on location and size. generally speaking, as long as it does not affect the function or appearance, and does not affect the military appearance, it meets the medical selection conditions for recruitment. other special cases will be examined and approved by doctors from relevant departments when participating in the preliminary selection.
the air force does not charge any registration or testing fees for recruitment. during the re-selection and final selection period, students will be provided with free food and accommodation, and travel expenses will be reimbursed according to regulations.
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