
"demolition hero" built and demolished by himself, "earned" 2.1 million


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"i understand the requirements of party discipline and regulations.

we often see some cadres

because he was investigated for corruption during the demolition,

at first i just refused.”

september 12th "clean sichuan" was released

wuhou district, chengdu

jinhuaqiao subdistrict convenience service center

zhao guixiang, former level 4 researcher

corruption cases

zhao guixiang

female, han nationality, born in september 1964, from chengdu, sichuan province, started working in may 1982, joined the communist party of china in june 2005, and was the head of the jinhuaqiao sub-district community development office in wuhou district, chengdu, and a fourth-level researcher at the jinhuaqiao sub-district convenience service center.

in april 2023, zhao guixiang was subject to disciplinary review by the wuhou district commission for discipline inspection of chengdu for suspected serious violations of discipline.

in july 2023, zhao guixiang was subject to supervision and investigation by the wuhou district supervisory committee of chengdu for suspected serious violations of law.

in october 2023, zhao guixiang was expelled from the party and removed from public office for serious violations of party discipline, committing duty-related violations, and being suspected of corruption and bribery.

in april 2024, zhao guixiang was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined rmb 700,000 for the crimes of embezzlement and bribery.

land acquisition and demolition are the practical needs for high-quality economic and social development. they are related to urban construction and coordinated urban and rural development, and are related to the vital interests of the people and social harmony and stability. at the same time, land acquisition and demolition are capital-intensive and resource-intensive. a project can cost hundreds of thousands of yuan or even hundreds of millions of yuan, making it a "hot commodity" for a few speculators. corruption is prone to occur frequently and has not been eradicated.

"originally, in a few months, i would have officially retired and could return to my family wholeheartedly, prepare sumptuous meals for them, help my daughter take care of her children, and travel with friends. these most ordinary things are out of reach for me now. i feel ashamed of the organization that nurtured and trusted me, and i feel ashamed of my family..." in april this year, zhao guixiang choked up and cried several times while standing in the bench, deeply touching dozens of party members and cadres from the jinhuaqiao sub-district office who were listening to the trial.

people haven't retired yet, but their hearts have already left

"every time i walk on the street and see those beautiful communities, bustling shopping malls, and neat industrial parks, i feel very proud. these are all the result of my efforts." zhao guixiang has been engaged in demolition work at the jinhuaqiao sub-district office since 1995. she is an important contributor and witness to the area's transformation from old to new.

in the last century, jinhuaqiao street, located in the southwest of chengdu, was still a typical village in the city. among the low and messy houses, there were many "small, scattered, messy and dirty" workshop-style factories, with roaring machines, noisy cars and noisy voices, full of rural "heavy metal" style. in 1998, the wuhou district government was determined to "make a new look" for the village in the city, and spent a huge amount of money to demolish, relocate or centralize the old factories, build roads and bridges, change electricity and water, and build houses... after more than 20 years of continuous efforts, the once dilapidated village in the city has now become a bustling industrial park and a beautiful and livable happy place.

land acquisition and demolition is an important part of the rapid development of jinhuaqiao street. "many residents have a strong sense of nostalgia for their hometown and are very resistant. i always approached them with the acquisition and demolition plan and archival materials, but was often turned away."zhao guixiang is not afraid of hard work or fatigue when doing demolition work. she is dedicated and full of energy.

zhao guixiang has also faced many challenges in her work. "some people who are being relocated came to me and offered to give me a 'kickback' so that i could be 'a little loose' in measuring the size of their houses and help them fill in more relocation area; some people who did not meet the relocation requirements also wanted to include their own houses in the relocation scope. i understand the requirements of party discipline and regulations, and i often see some cadres being investigated for corruption during relocation. at first, i directly refused."

a journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step. it is not difficult for a person to be honest once or twice, but it is difficult to be honest for a lifetime. in 2019, zhao guixiang, then 55 years old, was promoted to deputy director-level researcher. for her, this was a good thing, but she had the idea of ​​"the boat has arrived at the dock and the car has arrived at the station".the original enthusiasm for work gradually faded and the sense of discipline relaxed."there's not much chance of promotion, and i'll be retiring soon, so there's no need to work so hard or be so tight."

in february 2020, luo and others took the initiative to win over zhao guixiang, proposing to jointly purchase an abandoned factory building (which belonged to the area zhao guixiang was responsible for demolition), planning to "earn" the demolition compensation. zhao guixiang knew that this was a "guaranteed profit" deal."when someone approached me, i thought that in a few years, when i retire, no one would know about this, so why not take this opportunity to make some 'pension money'."

as the abandoned factory building was large in area, it required a large amount of money to purchase it. zhao guixiang spent all the 2 million yuan she had scraped together to buy the abandoned factory building with luo and others.

holding millions of "assets" but living a "low-end" life

"she knows the policies and has real power. it will definitely be beneficial to have her join us!"in the eyes of luo and others, the main purpose of finding zhao guixiang as a partner to purchase the abandoned factory building is that zhao guixiang can understand the demolition policy in advance and can help them "get away with it" in illegal construction, land acquisition and demolition to obtain huge "profits".

in order to ensure the smooth demolition of the abandoned factory buildings,zhao guixiang decided to go all out and forwarded the demolition policy document, which had not yet been published, to luo and others in less than a month, zhao guixiang, luo and others spent 800,000 yuan to build 7,300 square meters of illegal buildings.

soon,the factory invested by zhao guixiang and others was facing demolition. she was secretly delighted and began to plan her next step.household survey is an important part of the demolition work. the size of the demolished house, its nature and its accessories all need to be confirmed through household survey, which is also the key to determining the final compensation funds. the person in charge of this work is zhao guixiang.

driven by interests, zhao guixiang blatantly used her power to "say hello" and other means.the surveying and mapping personnel were asked to be generous in determining the demolition area, structure, compensation standards, etc. afterwards, zhao guixiang signed and confirmed the demolition compensation agreement, successfully including the entire area of ​​the illegally built buildings in the demolition compensation scope.

in june 2021, the demolition compensation was paid in full, and after deducting the purchase and maintenance costs,zhao guixiang "earned" 2.1 million yuan.

"after receiving the money, i was still very nervous. i felt particularly uneasy every day, worried that my problems would be discovered."in order to cover up her own corruption, zhao guixiang also carefully disguised herself.deliberately created a low-key personality."i don't usually pursue extravagant food, nor do i like luxury goods or travel abroad. i live a 'low-profile' life, but it's too tiring to 'pretend' like this!"

greed expands, and it is difficult to extricate oneself

however, this cautious life did not last long.after a while, zhao guixiang realized that no one cared about this matter, so she became bolder and more aggressive.she thought, “i must seize every opportunity to make more money for my retirement before i retire.”

once pandora's box is opened, it is difficult to close it. in july 2021, huang found zhao guixiang, hoping to help increase the compensation standard for the demolition of his house, and promised to give a thank-you fee afterwards. faced with the "good thing" delivered to her door, zhao guixiang immediately agreed. under her operation, huang quickly received the demolition compensation.and gave 100,000 yuan to zhao guixiang.

with this "successful" experience, zhao guixiang followed suit and used her position tozhao guixiang was trapped deeper and deeper in greed, unable to extricate herself from it.

however, the truth will eventually come out. in april 2023, the wuhou district commission for discipline inspection and supervision received clues about zhao guixiang's problems and immediately set up an investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation into the a state employee, zhao guixiang used her position to collude with others to embezzle more than 8.16 million yuan in public property and illegally accepted 200,000 yuan in "benefits."

in just three years, all the efforts of the previous 30 years were wasted.because of my greed, i ended up with nothing. now, i have to bear the bitter fruit by myself, but how can i face my family, my former colleagues, and my friends? "zhao guixiang woke up from her dream, but it was too late to regret.