
vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators and promote the development of schools with higher quality and higher level


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red net time news september 11th(reporter lei luhao and jiang yiying) "i am a glorious people's teacher. i solemnly swear: to be loyal to the people's education, implement the party's education policy, and fulfill the sacred duties of teachers..." on the afternoon of september 10, the solemn oaths of 25 new teachers resounded throughout the tian han theater of changsha normal university. the school's 40th teachers' day celebration and commendation meeting was held. all the leaders of changsha normal university, all faculty and staff, heads of affiliated units and student representatives attended the meeting. the meeting was chaired by zhou mingxia, deputy secretary of the party committee of changsha normal university.
at the meeting, huang kuailin, member of the party committee and vice president of changsha normal university, read out the decision to award the honorary title of "teaching for 30 years" to teachers; pi jungong, member of the party committee and vice president, read out the decision to commend outstanding teachers, outstanding educators, outstanding counselors, and outstanding class teachers; vice president wu chunhui read out the decision to commend advanced individuals in teacher ethics; party committee member and vice president qiu de read out the list of outstanding communist party members and outstanding party workers in the education system of hunan province in 2024; xu qingjun, member of the party committee and vice president, read out the decision on rewards for teachers' teaching work in 2023; the leaders present at the meeting awarded honorary certificates to the commended teachers.
teachers' teaching award-winning representative, fu qin, a teacher from the school of fine arts and design, outstanding teacher representative, xie tingting, a teacher from the school of music and dance, and advanced teacher ethics representative, qu xiaojun, deputy secretary of the discipline inspection commission, spoke on stage. they shared their growth gains in the school and expressed their willingness to vigorously promote the spirit of educators, further cultivate their educational sentiments, sharpen their original aspirations and missions, actively take on responsibilities, and contribute to promoting the high-quality development of the school.
on behalf of the school, luo ting, secretary of the party committee of changsha normal university, extended holiday greetings and good wishes to all faculty and staff, congratulated the commended advanced collectives, individuals and faculty and staff who have been teaching for 30 years, and thanked all faculty and staff who have worked hard on the front line of teaching and educating people in the school. she pointed out that in the past year, all faculty and staff worked together and made progress, and the school has made new achievements in its development. in light of the new situation, new requirements and new opportunities faced by deepening the comprehensive reform of education, she put forward specific requirements for the school to fully implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee and the national education conference, promote school reform and development, and implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people. she hopes that everyone will seize the opportunity, work hard, and with the tenacity of "holding on to the green mountains and not letting go", implement the various tasks of the master's degree application in a more positive state and more proactive actions; shoulder the mission, be brave to take on responsibilities, vigorously promote the spirit of educators, actively practice the "unique spirit", establish the ambition and aspiration of "working hard in the teaching field and strengthening the country", strengthen the sense of responsibility and progress, and forge ahead along the beautiful blueprint of building a high-level undergraduate normal college with distinctive characteristics and a certain influence at home and abroad; establish morality and educate people, we should uphold the truth and make innovations, persist in using the spirit of educators as a tempering force, persist in honing noble teacher ethics, earnestly practice the teaching style of "teaching and teaching as one", care about students, care about education, be willing to be a stepping stone for others, and truly shoulder the mission of "teaching, imparting knowledge, and resolving doubts". we should strive to be a "great teacher" who is a unified "teacher of classics" and "teacher of humanity", and work hard to promote the school's connotation construction and "master's degree application" work, so as to make new and greater contributions to polishing the characteristic brand of "three colors and three studies" and accelerating the construction of "five long teachers", and present a gift to the 75th anniversary of the founding of new china with outstanding results.
students from changsha normal university and student representatives from its affiliated primary school delivered “dedications” for teachers’ day, and the celebration ended with the singing of the school song.