
xiangyang ciqi street primary school: 83 pots of green plants convey 83 pieces of love


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (reporters hu peng, liu shanshan, shi bao) on this special day, september 10, xiangyang ciqi street primary school ushered in its 40th teachers' day. in order to express respect and care for the teachers, the school presented each of the 83 teachers in the school with a beautiful green potted plant.
on that day, teachers had a special gift on their desks - pots of green plants with a faint fragrance. these green plants not only beautified the office environment, but also made the teachers feel a sense of peace and comfort in their busy teaching work. they were like small lives, carrying the school leaders' deep care and respect for the teachers.
secretary zhang yunping said that teachers are the precious wealth of the school. they work hard in the front line of education and make great efforts for the growth of students. on this special day of teachers' day, the school hopes to let teachers feel the warmth and care of the school by sending green plants. at the same time, it also hopes that teachers can be full of vitality and energy like these green plants and continue to contribute their own strength to the cause of education.
principal tian feng also said that these 83 pots of green plants represent the school's care and blessings for the 83 teachers. he hopes that they can accompany the teachers through every busy day and bring them joy and relaxation. at the same time, the school will continue to work hard to create a better working environment and conditions for teachers, so that teachers can engage in educational work with greater peace of mind and comfort.
this activity not only made the teachers feel the care and warmth of the school, but also enhanced their sense of belonging and cohesion. the teachers said that they would turn this care into motivation for their work and continue to work hard to contribute to the growth of students and the development of the school.
through the teachers' day green plant donation activity, xiangyang ciqi street primary school further promoted the traditional virtue of respecting teachers and valuing education, and also demonstrated the school's emphasis on education and care for teachers. i believe that in the future, the school will continue to create a better working environment and conditions for teachers, so that teachers can engage in education work with greater peace of mind and contribute more to the growth of students and the development of the school.