
4808 entries! the 7th "zhanhua cup" henan regional finals kicks off


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina news: on september 12, the 2024 henan province 5g application collection competition and the 7th "blooming cup" henan regional competition finals were officially launched in zhengzhou. the competition is themed "5g sails to promote integration, henan's new digital engine", aiming to select and cultivate a group of excellent 5g application benchmark demonstration projects, further improve the quality and level of 5g applications, and continuously promote 5g network construction and industrial development.
the scale of 5g applications in our province ranks first in the country
at present, 5g is rapidly being integrated into thousands of industries, forming new products, new formats and new models of 5g integrated applications. digital technologies represented by 5g are important engines for the digital transformation of the economy and society, and have great potential in promoting consumption, helping upgrades and cultivating new economic development momentum. "5g is a revolutionary technology for digital transformation, which truly realizes unlimited integration with the real economy and real elements, and plays an important role in the production line." lu jianwen, secretary of the party leadership group and director of the henan provincial communications administration, said.
"as of the end of august 2024, the province has accumulated 4,443 5g application projects replicated and promoted, with a total investment of 10.02 billion yuan, driving economic benefits of more than 86.83 billion yuan (directly driving 53.77 billion yuan and indirectly driving 33.06 billion yuan)." sun li, member of the party leadership group and first-level inspector of the henan provincial communications administration, introduced that according to the goals set by the "zhongyuan sailing" work plan for 5g large-scale application in the provincial information and communication industry in 2024" at the beginning of the year, by the end of 2024, the total number of 5g application projects in key areas of the province's information and communication industry participating in the construction and operation will exceed 5,000, with a total investment of 11 billion yuan, driving economic benefits of more than 90 billion yuan. the scale of 5g applications ranks first in the country, providing effective support for henan province's new industrialization.
the participating projects involved 15 industries and 64 sub-sectors
5g empowers smart medical care, 5g accelerates the digitalization of coal mines, 5g+24h unmanned intelligent love station... this year's participating projects are diverse, involving 64 sub-sectors in 15 industries such as 5g+industrial internet, coal, steel, advanced manufacturing, energy and nonferrous metals, smart cities, and medical health. it demonstrates the huge potential of new infrastructure represented by 5g in promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, enhancing social governance capabilities, and improving people's livelihood and welfare.
"through 5g one network to connect 'end, network, cloud,' we can realize one map of the coal mining industry, making the mining area more transparent, safer and more efficient." at the competition site, the contestants introduced the henan province 5g intelligent coal mine construction project "5g-a+'small, fast and smart'". when introducing the "5g+24h unmanned intelligent love station" project, the contestants believed that compared with the traditional love station, the newly built and renovated 5g intelligent station has greatly reduced the overall investment cost in terms of construction cost, labor management cost, energy consumption, etc. lu jianwen said that the "blooming cup" 5g application collection competition has played a positive role in promoting the development of 5g in our province. the participating projects are based on all walks of life in henan, introducing 5g into the front line of production and life, and deeply integrating it with physical elements.
the number of participating projects has reached a new high, with an increase of 2,161 compared to last year
the reporter learned that a total of 4,808 projects were registered for the 2024 "zhanhua cup" henan regional competition, an increase of 2,161 projects from 2023, an increase of more than 80%. after layers of selection, 3,668 projects entered the group stage and 75 projects entered the finals.
according to statistics, in recent years, a total of 10,527 projects have registered to participate in the competition in our province, and a total of 69 projects have won awards in the national competition. they have set up 5g application benchmarks and typical demonstrations in various industries across the province, comprehensively improved the construction and development level of 5g large-scale applications in our province, and played a greater role in better promoting the cultivation and upgrading of the "7+28+n" industrial chain in our province.
sun li introduced that in the next step, the province's information and communication industry will further improve the "henan 5g lecture hall" 5g product catalog and case compilation, actively explore 5g application business models, and hold 5g application project introduction and promotion activities to provide solid support for accelerating the 5g empowerment of digital transformation in key areas and promote 5g applications in more fields to achieve new breakthroughs. (tian jianing)
appendix: list of finalists for the henan regional competition of the 7th "zhanzhang cup" 5g application collection competition (sorted by project number)