
asia's glory, long-lasting film and television! the new 2024 "aiff golden ibis award" film and television festival is about to open


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a new year, a new beginning. with the upcoming opening of the 2024 asia international film festival (aiff) "golden ibis award" new film and television festival, the domestic film and television industry has also ushered in a new atmosphere. as an international festival and exhibition event hosted by the asian international film association, the "golden ibis award" of the asian international film festival has selected a large number of outstanding film and television works and industry talents for the country every year since its inception, adding support and empowering the chinese film and television industry. in the golden autumn of october, outstanding directors, actors, producers and other filmmakers from all over asia will gather together to discuss film and television art, draw a blueprint for the development of asian films, and compete for various awards. compared with the previous fashion film and television festival held in sanya, hainan, this year's "golden ibis award" of the asian international film festival obviously has a stronger lineup of artists and more exciting event content. it is now scheduled to be held in macau, china in october 2024.

the asian international film association was established in 2015. it was reviewed and registered by the competent authorities of the hong kong special administrative region. it was initiated and established by the famous film and television director and producer wei xiaoxia, who serves as executive chairman. in the past few years since its establishment, many film and television industry artists, film and television stars, and outstanding film and television cultural workers have joined the association, which has also enabled the asian international film festival to quickly establish its influence in the industry and establish its industry authority. wei xiaoxia, the executive chairman of the association, has multiple identities such as screenwriter, director, producer, actor, and singer. she has won the 2017 canadian golden maple leaf international film festival new screenplay award, the 2017 kunming golden peacock youth film festival outstanding film production award, and was nominated for the best director award at the beijing international online film festival and yinchuan international film festival in 2017. in 2018, she was hired as a special guest contracted director at the beijing international online film festival. in 2018, she won the best director award at the american golden man international film festival. years of development in the film and television industry have made wei xiaoxia quite influential in the industry.

(wei xiaoxia, executive chairman of the asian international film association, famous film and television director and producer)

the aiff golden ibis award is an international film and television and televisionindustryceremonythe event will continue to empower the asian film and television industry in 2024.

this year'sthe "aiff golden ibis award" film and television festival is jointly hosted by the asian international film association and the china film association. it is based in hong kong and held in asia, attracting filmmakers from all over the world, helping domestic film and television dramas and outstanding film and television practitioners to break out of asia and go global. at the same time, as an emerging cultural brand in asia, the asian international film festival aims to "guide the whole people to watch movies and integrate the entire industry chain", and has always been committed to creating a "high-quality film festival" that is both professional, popular and international.

at present, although there are many film and television festivals in mainland china, there are few international stages like the asian international film festival. in building an artistic and cultural bridge between the chinese and pan-asia pacific film and television circles and implementing the great cause of china's film and television "bringing in and going out" strategy, the asian international film festival has clearly walked ahead of the times and the industry.

from the perspective of the film and television industry, the asian international film festival "aiff golden ibis award" film and television festival is not only a film festival, but also a platform for cultural exchange. it brings together outstanding film works from all over asia and showcases the diversity and uniqueness of asian films. through this platform, audiences can enjoy film works from different countries and regions and feel stories and emotions from different cultural backgrounds. through this platform, filmmakers have the opportunity to exchange ideas and share experiences with peers from all over the world, further promote exchanges and cooperation in film art, and open up new horizons for the future development of asian films. as long as we look back at the past, we will find that the successful holding of each aiff film and television festival has demonstrated the innovation and multiculturalism of asian films, and continued to strengthen the influence of chinese films in the international film industry.

the strict application and review process has made the golden ibis awards film festival a "benchmark" for the chinese film and television industry.

film and television production is an art and a profession. as a mainstream art carrier, movies also need professional evaluation to bring everyone a fair and just result. there is no doubt that the professionalism and internationality of the asian international film festival are also the key to its strong support from major domestic and foreign film and television media, well-known artists and government agencies. in terms of staffing, the golden ibis award film festival under the asian international film association has a group of presidiums with considerable industry authority and qualifications, as well as a professional and influential jury. in order to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of china's film and television industry and promote the thriving growth of china's outstanding film works and film and television personnel, the asian international film association has also specially formed the asian international film festival golden ibis award organizing committee, which is composed of experts in the film industry. the jury will commend outstanding film workers with a professional, open, fair and impartial selection attitude, allowing outstanding talents to stand out and show more exciting film masterpieces to the audience.

at present, the asian international film association has formed a strong presidium, organizing committee, jury and advisory group. the members of the presidium include honorary chairman yang buting (former chairman of china film group), honorary chairman/advisor jin danyang (external director of cofco group), chief advisor/international jury dr. olympia girini (founder of the olympia award of the american family film festival), chief planner/vice chairman/judge lin qi (chairman of huaguang film and television culture group). the members of the organizing committee include executive chairman wei xiaoxia (film and television director/founder of the golden ibis award), secretary general meng kaide (film and television producer), vice chairman/judge yu rongguang (famous film and television actor), vice chairman/judge lee lik-chi (famous hong kong director), and chairman of the college students' film festival jury hui huanzhang (famous documentary director). the members of the advisory group include famous film and television actor tang guoqiang, cctv host/actor cao ying, famous film and television director zhang jizhong, famous film and television actor liu xiaoqing, famous film and television actor liu yajin, etc. the successive joining of these well-known artists has made the golden ibis award film festival a "benchmark" in the chinese film and television industry.

the new golden ibis award film and television festival will be held in macau, with a strong lineup and rich awards that will be overwhelming.

the chinese film and television industry is an industry that produces many talents. in order to cater to the development trend of the industry and to encourage young chinese film and television artists to develop better in the mainland and even in the pan-asia-pacific region, the asian film festival has a rule of selecting twice a year. following the successful conclusion of the last hainan sanya golden ibis award film festival, the 2024 new golden ibis award film festival will also be held in macau, china in october this year. it is reported that the opening process of this festival includes the opening ceremony of the asian international film festival, the celebrity red carpet show, the golden ibis venture capital conference, the golden ibis award ceremony, the filmmakers summit forum, the asian film festival, the fashion red wine night, etc. the entry of well-known artists and the rich and diverse awards are also a highlight of the asian film festival. generally speaking, the 2024 new festival mainly includes the main competition unit selection and the golden ibis award unit selection. the former includes character awards, and the latter includes character awards and group awards.

in the past period of time, the association has always been committed to promoting in-depth exchanges between the mainland and asian film industries through the "aiff golden ibis award" platform of the asian international film festival, jointly promoting the development of the film and television industry, and helping chinese and asian films go global. in addition, the association has also actively optimized the exchange platform of the international film festival, strengthened cross-border cooperation and offline activities, and provided more learning and display opportunities for members and friends. for the series of achievements made by the asian international film association, wei xiaoxia, the executive chairman of the association and the founder of the "aiff golden ibis award", expressed her sincere gratitude to every honorary member, youth mentor, charity ambassador, strategic partner, and film and television new media enthusiast for their strong support and hard work. at the same time, she also pointed out that the association will continue to pay attention to and support more excellent film and television works in the future, help the growth of young filmmakers, and once again extend a sincere invitation to film and television colleagues around the world, looking forward to meeting with everyone at the awards ceremony in macau, china in october to witness the glorious moment of asian international films together!

with the growing rise of china's film and television industry, more and more international young film and television talents have joined the new round of development of chinese films. the opening of the new 2024 "aiff golden ibis award" film and television festival is also a reflection of conforming to the trend of the industry and the times. so far, the "aiff golden ibis award" film and television festival has nearly 1,000 film and television works from more than 80 countries and regions around the world joining the competition, and the organizing committee jury will continue to carry out the selection work in accordance with the principles of fairness, justice and openness. from preliminary review, re-examination, final review, to nomination, the asian international film association has always insisted on giving due honors to those filmmakers, literary and art workers, etc. who have made outstanding contributions to chinese film and television art, discovering and promoting newcomers in film and television art, thereby laying a solid foundation for the inheritance of chinese film and television art. (author: chen xi)