
luo yonghao denied naming the three sheep and xiao yangge: it was obviously a lesson for yu minhong, i am not afraid of anyone, but i don’t plan to start a fight with the whole world


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on september 12, in response to the remarks that "luo yonghao taught brother yang a lesson".

luo yonghao responded in a post: i clearly taught a lesson to yu minhong, who repeatedly sold fake and defective goods and did not offer a refund and compensation of three times the amount. why do you all say that i taught a lesson to brother yang? is yu minhong so powerful? is this the legendary power of capital?

luo yonghao. image source: visual china

in addition, some media reported that he named "three sheep" in the article. in response, luo yonghao said: "the article also named three sheep"? i didn't, you named the three sheep. i am not afraid of offending anyone, but i don't plan to fight with the whole world. i am very busy and tired.

on the afternoon of the 11th, luo yonghao apologized for selling fake fendi mooncakes. luo yonghao said that the mistake was quite low-level, and as the chief supervisor hired by "make friends", he and the company sincerely apologized to consumers, and the refund of three times the amount would be automatically credited to the account within ten working days.

in addition, luo yonghao also called out yu minhong, saying that he had sold a series of problematic foods, including 3.15 trough meat, tiq tianqi prune juice, and fake wild ecuadorian white shrimp. he suggested that he actively refund three times the price for all the problematic products in the history of oriental selection, otherwise "sooner or later you will have to pay for what you have done."

earlier on the same day, the jiaogepengyou live broadcast room issued a statement saying that there were indeed omissions in the product selection and review of qualifications. after repeated checks, it was found that the brand could not prove that it had an actual connection with the luxury brand fendicasa, and was suspected of brand fraud. after the company conducted an investigation, it stopped the sale of related products and compensated all purchasing users in advance, with a refund of three times the amount.

editor: fang yu

[source: jiupai news, a comprehensive analysis of relevant social accounts]

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