
once in uniform, now on the podium, thousands of retired soldiers in hunan are engaged in education


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once in military uniform, now on the podium, thousands of retired soldiers in hunan are engaged in education work——
"soldier teachers" on campus: "soldier power" to cultivate morality and educate people
huasheng online omnimedia reporter zhou yiheng intern reporter cui beile correspondent xiang hongbo chen yu
at the beginning of the school year, "soldier teacher" hu nanjie stepped into liangshuikou middle school in sangzhi county as a ninth-grade chemistry teacher, starting a new teaching career. although a rookie, hu nanjie is confident that she can become a good teacher: "compared with normal school students who graduated at the same time, i have a special experience - two years of military experience, which has given me a deeper understanding of teaching and educating people."
veterans have firm political beliefs, strong sense of mission and responsibility, and excellent work style. they have unique advantages in inheriting the red gene and cultivating reliable successors for the party and the people. in recent years, the provincial veterans affairs system has conscientiously implemented general secretary xi jinping's important expositions on veterans' work, found the right combination of veterans' work and education work, and vigorously promoted outstanding veterans to teach in primary and secondary schools through channels such as the placement of retired soldiers, separate plans for open recruitment, enlistment with a regular post, and "non-public transfer". at present, there are 13,737 veterans engaged in education (including teachers, workers, technical personnel, administrative positions, etc.) in the province, including 4,453 "soldier teachers".
paving a policy green channel around "accessibility"
on august 21, the opening ceremony of the hunan province veteran teachers' vocational skills training class was held at hunan agricultural university. 50 outstanding self-employed veterans from 14 cities and prefectures in hunan participated.
"stepping onto the podium is not only a reflection of my personal value, but also a high recognition of the contribution of retired military personnel to society. i will work hard and contribute to the education of my hometown." said zhang tao, a student who retired from the joint logistics support force in 2023.
promoting outstanding retired soldiers to teach in primary and secondary schools is not only an important measure to promote the development of education in the new era, but also an important way to do a good job in retired soldiers' work in the new era. in recent years, hunan has insisted on organically combining the work goals of "making retired soldiers respected by the whole society" and "making teachers an enviable profession" to create "soldier teachers" and "hunan models".
in september 2022, the hunan provincial department of veterans affairs, together with 20 departments including the provincial party committee organization department and the provincial education department, issued the "hunan provincial policies and measures on further promoting employment and entrepreneurship of veterans", requiring all cities and prefectures to set aside a certain number of positions each year for the targeted recruitment (hiring) of outstanding veterans when recruiting (hiring) primary and secondary school teachers, so that more outstanding veterans who are willing to teach can "enter" campus.
in may 2023, the provincial department of veterans affairs, the provincial department of education, the provincial department of finance, and the provincial department of human resources and social security jointly issued the "implementation measures for promoting outstanding veterans to teach in primary and secondary schools", which effectively opened up the entire process of selection, training, employment and development of "soldier teachers" and comprehensively promoted the systematization, institutionalization and long-term effectiveness of the work of outstanding veterans entering campuses.
the implementation measures stipulate that when formulating the recruitment plan for primary and secondary school teachers each year, counties (cities, districts) shall set up special posts to recruit (hire) retired military personnel, and arrange no less than 5% of the special posts to recruit outstanding retired military personnel who meet the teacher qualification requirements. in principle, each county (city, district) shall provide no less than 2 primary and secondary school posts for retired soldiers to choose from each year if there are vacancies in primary and secondary schools. the number of posts can be appropriately increased if there are a large number of people to be resettled. this measure effectively guarantees the demand for "soldier teachers".
this year, yueyang city has set aside 10 positions for the targeted recruitment of retired military personnel. yizhang county has set aside 20% of its administrative positions in the education system each year, giving priority to placing qualified retired military personnel in teaching positions, and placing retired military personnel who have not obtained a teaching certificate in administrative positions.
establishing a special establishment, setting up special posts to recruit (hire) retired military personnel, establishing a talent pool of outstanding "soldier teachers", supporting the diversified development of outstanding "soldier teachers"... a series of measures are closely linked and sustained. on the basis of adhering to rigid standards and strict selection, we will fully open up the development channels for retired military personnel to teach, and send outstanding retired military personnel who are truly willing to teach for a long time and for life to teaching positions.
since 2023, the province has specially received and placed 217 "soldier teachers", and more and more outstanding retired soldiers have entered campuses and become "soul engineers".
focusing on "teaching well", unblocking the path to improve capabilities
hunan is a province with a large source of military personnel. over 85% of college students enlist in the army, and 80% of retired college student soldiers are willing to engage in primary and secondary education. it can be said to be a rich "treasure trove of human resources."
get a clear picture of the situation, conduct targeted publicity, and mobilize in a targeted manner... hunan regards demobilized college student soldiers with a university degree or above as an important source of "soldier teachers" and actively guides retired military personnel to participate in the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination and the recruitment of primary and secondary school teachers.
"i sincerely thank the veterans affairs department for building such a great learning and exchange platform, which allows us, retired soldiers who dream of becoming teachers, to give full play to our own advantages and show our talents on the stage of cultivating morality and educating people." retired soldier chen lijun said excitedly after checking the results of the teacher qualification examination.
chen lijun is a student of the first "soldier teacher" training course in yiyang city. the training course was organized by the yiyang veterans affairs bureau and hosted by the veterans education college of yiyang open university. it lasted for three and a half months and focused on the cultivation of primary and secondary school education and teaching skills. the course was precisely designed and the training was effective.
in order to allow more outstanding veterans who are willing to teach to meet the standards of "soldier teachers", the veterans affairs department actively set up a platform, followed the growth rules of "soldier teachers", and strengthened professional training and follow-up training. xiangtan, yueyang, yiyang and other places took advantage of the training of local open universities to open special training for veterans to speed up the training progress.
implement preferential policies for retired military personnel in examinations such as the expansion of higher vocational enrollment, junior college to undergraduate, college entrance examination, and postgraduate entrance examinations; encourage retired military personnel to apply for normal colleges; give extra points, exemption from examinations, individual recruitment, priority admission, etc. to those who meet the requirements, and enjoy education funding policies such as tuition and scholarships... in order to cultivate "soldier teachers", relevant departments work together to transform the contents of each document into vivid practice.
in hunan, there is also a way to train "soldier teachers" that has created the "hunan model", which is to open up the "non-public to public" path and open up a "through train" for retired soldiers to become "soldier teachers."
"non-to-public" means that students from hunan province enter public-funded teacher training colleges in the province through the college entrance examination. those who are non-public-funded undergraduate teacher students and who join the army while in school and return to school after retirement can apply to become public-funded teacher students. after graduation, they can be determined through direct assessment and recruitment to determine the specific schools and positions they will serve and the required establishment will be implemented.
at present, hunan has coordinated with 15 public teacher training colleges in the province to conduct a survey of eligible retired military personnel and apply to become public teacher students according to the procedures.
in longhui county, sangzhi county, and pingjiang county, through the active efforts of the veterans affairs, education, finance, human resources and social security departments and local governments, three veterans realized their dreams of teaching and educating through "non-public to public" conversion.
the relevant departments have united their minds and efforts, forming a strong synergy to deepen and implement the work of "soldier teachers".
focusing on "having characteristics", broadening the channels for exerting functions
"bend your knees, kick your legs, stand up, come on, do two more, two more..." at the no. 1 middle school of tongdao dong autonomous county, the scorching sun has not dampened the enthusiasm of "soldier teacher" yang huaijun and the children for training. yang huaijun, with dark skin and a loud voice, is concentrating on guiding the students to conduct swing bell training in preparation for the 12th national traditional sports games of ethnic minorities in 2024.
more than 340 kilometers away, at loudi no. 2 middle school, "soldier teacher" luo wen is organizing training for the women's football team on the football field. in 2003, after retiring and returning home, luo wen became a physical education teacher in charge of track and field teaching at loudi no. 2 middle school. in teaching, luo wen not only teaches students track and field techniques, but also often combines his military experience to tell them about the busy training scenes in the military camp. the training pacesetters who fight tenaciously and challenge their limits have become role models for students. at present, luo wen has trained 36 national first-level athletes and 65 second-level athletes.
"soldier teachers" have a tough style, strong execution, resilience and perseverance, and are role models for young students. they are not only engaged in professional education, but also play a unique role in ideological and political guidance, physical education, national defense education, security and protection, effectively boosting the masculinity of the basic education teacher team and promoting the all-round and healthy growth of young people.
at present, the province has continuously highlighted the youth group, been close to the needs of the youth, explored a national defense education model that suits the characteristics of the youth, built 7 "august 1st people's love schools", and created 78 national defense education demonstration schools. the military and local governments in changde, zhuzhou and other places have jointly explored and established a mechanism for hiring retired military instructors, opened "national defense education specialty classes" in local high schools, and selected retired military personnel to serve as military instructors.
in xiangtan, the non-commissioned officers college of hunan national defense industry vocational and technical college has introduced 32 "soldier teachers" with firm political beliefs, strong mission responsibilities, and excellent work style. they come from the army, air force, rocket force and other units, with an average military service of 16.25 years and the longest military service of 36 years. these "soldier teachers" give full play to their "natural advantages" and fully implant the theories, concepts, behaviors, and feelings of military personnel into the hearts and behaviors of students through ideological and political education, military training, vocational training, daily management, etc., nourishing the students' souls and lighting up the students' path of growth. under the guidance of the "soldier teachers", two graduating sergeants of the school were awarded second-class merit, 23 were awarded third-class merit, more than 60 were awarded by the troops, 77 were rated as "four-have" excellent soldiers in the troops, and more than 100 won places in various military competitions.
the quick response capabilities of veterans also make them an important resource for campus security and emergency response.
jiang haitao, a "soldier teacher" from lengshuitang district, yongzhou city, once used the heimlich maneuver he learned in the army to save a student. facing the praise from teachers and students, jiang haitao said that it was thanks to the first aid knowledge he learned in the army.
in the past, they wore military uniforms to defend their country, and now they stand on the podium to illuminate the future of children with their military glory. looking across the land of hunan, "soldier teachers" have become a beautiful landscape. they use practical actions to give full play to their strengths and make new contributions on the education front, allowing their youth to shine brightly in the fiery practice of strengthening the country through education and national rejuvenation.
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