
tonight! the ideological interpretation media film "quenching" will be broadcast soon!


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source | chinese military bugle

china military news, beijing, september 11 with the approval of the central military commission, the political work department of the central military commission, in conjunction with the cyberspace administration of china and china media group, produced the ideological interpretation integrated media film "quenching".the film will be broadcast on cctv comprehensive channel of china central radio and television from september 11.

"quenching" has a total of 6 episodes, namely "the oath under the military flag", "training elite soldiers for war", "glory shines on the new journey", "moving forward in unison", "dare to take responsibility in the middle stream", and "working together to create first-class".the film focuses on the tough battle to achieve the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army. it presents the high-spirited style of all officers and soldiers of the army who, under the guidance of xi jinping's thoughts on strengthening the army, implement the strategy of political army building in the new era, and work hard, tenaciously and unremittingly for the cause of strengthening the army. it will further educate and inspire the officers and soldiers to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments" and enhance the "fourwe must strengthen the "four self-confidences", uphold the "two safeguards", implement the system of responsibility of the chairman of the central military commission, resolutely obey the command of the party central committee, the central military commission and chairman xi, faithfully perform the missions and tasks entrusted by the party and the people, and work together to achieve the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army as scheduled and accelerate the building of the people's army into a world-class army.

eastern theater command authoritative release

supervisor | political work department of eastern theater command
host | eastern theater command media center
publicationissue | issue 5032

intern editor: liu chengyuan
email: [email protected]

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