
the shortlist of the "flying apsaras awards" was announced, with 11 "shanghai-produced" films on the list


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"beyond", which takes short track speed skating as its entry point, has opened up a new territory for domestic dramas in the field of competitive sports.
in the name of feitian, shanghai-produced tv series have delivered outstanding results - in the list of nominees for the 34th tv series "feitian award" announced yesterday, 11 shanghai-produced tv series, including "transcendence", "flowers", "wind blowing in midsummer", "dream record", "dawn in the east", "the road of life", "the three-body problem", "special warfare glory", "the basic law of genius", "questioning the heart", and "heart residence", were on the list. on september 11, the press conference for the 34th "feitian award" and the 28th "starlight award" ceremony was held in beijing. at the press conference, the list of 48 shortlisted works for this year's "feitian award" and 79 shortlisted works for the "starlight award" were announced.
as a government award for domestic drama creation, this year's "flying apsaras award" will be selected for works broadcast from january 1, 2022 to december 31, 2023. the final selection results will be announced on the evening of september 21.
the shortlisted dramas announced yesterday represent the highest level of chinese tv drama creation in the past two years and are deeply loved by the audience. among them are both thematic masterpieces created and broadcast at major time points, as well as realistic themes that reflect the achievements of the new era and focus on the ordinary people's sense of gain, happiness and security. some works have also made positive explorations in narrative innovation, overseas dissemination, and cultural and tourism integration.
this batch of shortlisted works is not only a footnote to the high-quality development of shanghai's film and television creation in the past two years, but also a key note written in the memorandum of future creation. the works that can leave their names in the series of domestic dramas can not only allow people to appreciate the cultural character and historical context of shanghai-produced dramas, but also continue to break through boundaries and reach the future of science and technology with advanced audio-visual industry; the stories can not only write about the small happiness of people's lives, but also decode the driving force of the progress of the times.
a closer look at the list of shanghai-produced dramas shortlisted this time shows that they are particularly worthy of mention for their innovative themes and productions, and their demand for productivity from the "new". "dawn in the east", which tells the story of the first year of shanghai's liberation, focuses on major revolutionary themes and fills the narrative gap in related topics; "beyond", which takes short track speed skating as its entry point, was broadcast on the eve of the beijing winter olympics, warming up for the sports event and opening up a new territory for domestic dramas in the field of competitive sports, and its creation process itself is extremely technical; the tv series of the same name adapted from liu cixin's novel has won word-of-mouth and the long-tail effect of the market. as a rare theme for domestic dramas, "the three-body problem" is regarded as a shanghai sample of realistic new science fiction.
shanghai is the birthplace of chinese film and the main battlefield of chinese film. urban dramas, industry dramas, literary adaptations, and innovative expressions of traditional culture have always been the traditional advantages of shanghai-produced tv dramas.
shanghai creators adapted lu yao's novel "life", which provided fresh experience in film and television conversion.
"fanghua" integrates the story of a small person's business struggle into the passionate reform and opening-up era in china in the 1990s. with the stylized shanghainese dialogue and cinematic lens aesthetics, it has become a phenomenal work at the end of 2023 and a good story of cultural and tourism integration at the beginning of 2024. following "ordinary world", shanghai creators adapted lu yao's novel "life", which provided fresh experience in film and television transcoding. the popularity of "dream of hualu" conforms to the contemporary folk ancient culture craze and the "song-style culture" craze in academia. how to promote and deepen the "two-way rush" and "two-way empowerment" between literature and film and television has become a hot practical topic.
in the future, shanghai will further explore themes and creative innovations, and promote the creation of a number of key projects such as "a thousand miles of rivers and mountains", "eight thousand miles of clouds and moon", and "baoqingli", so as to show a credible, lovely, and respectable image of contemporary china with richer and more diverse themes and content.
author: wang yan
text: our reporter wang yan photos: provided by the drama editor: shi wei
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