
shenzhen ecological monitoring nature school 2024 environmental protection volunteer teacher training course results report and graduation assessment ceremony was held


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recently, the shenzhen ecological monitoring nature school held a report and graduation ceremony for the 2024 environmental protection volunteer teacher training course at the shenzhen ecological environment monitoring center (hereinafter referred to as the "monitoring center"). 20 graduates, 5 instructors and representatives of outstanding graduates from previous years attended the ceremony, bringing this journey of "recharging" environmental protection knowledge to a successful conclusion.
at the beginning of the activity, feng xianfang, the head teacher of the environmental protection volunteer teacher training class, affirmed the students' learning attitude and achievements, and encouraged the students to work hard in the field of environmental protection, widely spread the knowledge and experience they have learned, and use their actions to influence and drive more people to join the ranks of green life. afterwards, ma haipeng, a representative of outstanding graduates from previous years, combined his own environmental protection experience and gave the students an interesting special lecture on the theme of "environmental protection volunteers protect the ecological environment responsibility and responsibility".
after the staff read out the assessment rules, the 20 graduates were divided into four groups according to the lottery results: atmosphere, soil, water quality, and plants for roadshow presentations. the works of the four groups of students were: "atmosphere", "starting the protection of soil from world soil day", "the past and present of maozhou river", and "not far away orchids". the students made detailed statements from the significance of the topic selection, research content to breakthroughs in difficulties and innovative presentations. the assessment teachers raised a number of professional questions around the content of the graduation design with a rigorous academic attitude, and the students answered fluently, showing good professionalism and adaptability.
after the instructors' evaluation and the students' group evaluation, the final overall evaluation scores of each group of students were determined, and all 20 students passed the roadshow assessment. ma song, deputy director of the monitoring center, issued completion certificates to the students, marking that they officially became environmental protection volunteer teachers of the nature school. in addition, five teachers, feng xianfang, ma song, liu chanfang, xu wang, and yu xinfan, were awarded the honorary title of "excellent instructor of nature school" on the spot.
it is reported that shenzhen ecological monitoring nature school has successfully carried out 10 environmental volunteer teacher training courses since its operation in 2015, and trained more than 200 environmental volunteer teachers, becoming messengers for spreading ecological concepts.
text | reporter li yigephoto: provided by shenzhen municipal ecology and environment bureau