
the 5th shenzhen international artificial intelligence exhibition concluded with over 20 billion yuan of contracts signed


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on september 10, the 3-day 5th shenzhen international artificial intelligence exhibition (gaie) came to an end. with the theme of "intelligent creation of the future, value connection", hundreds of world-renowned experts, scholars, business leaders, and representatives of ai industry brands in the field of artificial intelligence actively participated in the exhibition. the exhibition brought together 253 domestic and foreign artificial intelligence companies and more than 2,600 exhibits, showcasing the latest technologies, products and solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, including humanoid robots, industry large models, ai digital humans and other fields.

the securities times reporter learned that the exhibition attracted a total of 37,100 visitors. as an innovative market-oriented docking and cooperation platform for the artificial intelligence industry, 15 new product launches and 12 supply and demand docking meetings were held during the exhibition. more than 50 companies signed strategic cooperation agreements and signed contracts of intent exceeding 20 billion yuan, achieving new highs.

fruitful results, with over 20 billion yuan of intention contracts signed

since the successful holding of the first shenzhen international artificial intelligence exhibition in 2020, gaie aims to share the innovative achievements of artificial intelligence at home and abroad, build an international platform for the in-depth integration of multiple elements such as the whole industry display, technical exchange, academic discussion, achievement trading, brand promotion, and talent development of artificial intelligence, and create a new generation of artificial intelligence technology innovation and application landing vane. especially since this year's "artificial intelligence +" action and shenzhen's accelerated construction of an artificial intelligence pioneer city, the artificial intelligence exhibition has promoted shenzhen's artificial intelligence to move towards a more international and high-end level with higher standards and a larger pattern.

through three days of offline exhibition exchanges and event docking, the total number of on-site visitors reached 37,100. as an important window for the innovation and development of the industry, this exhibition fully demonstrated the scientific and technological strength and innovation achievements of the industry, and is committed to creating a new highland and new platform for the display of new products and technologies of global artificial intelligence, providing a docking and cooperation platform for the innovative marketization of the artificial intelligence industry, and promoting the implementation of ai results. during the exhibition, a total of 15 new product launches and 12 supply and demand docking meetings were held, with more than 50 companies intending to sign strategic cooperation agreements and more than 20 billion yuan of intention contracts signed.

the audience's enthusiasm for interaction continued, bringing the exhibition to a climax

since its opening, the shenzhen international artificial intelligence exhibition has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the audience with its cutting-edge technology display, rich interactive experience and innovative application cases. whether it is the online and offline interactive experience at the exhibition site, such as punch-in gifts, ai translation, vr virtual experience, in-depth dialogue with experts, or on-site interactive installations, ai chess robots, etc., they all keep up with fashion trends and meet the viewing and entertainment needs of audiences of all ages. these activities not only enhance the influence of the exhibition in the professional field, but also create a strong atmosphere of innovation in public life, making artificial intelligence technology closer to the public life.

after participating in the on-site interactive experience, audience member ms. qiao said: "this time at the exhibition, i visited 20 booths, experienced the application of ai technology in different fields, and gained an in-depth understanding of the unique insights of various companies on ai. i also saw smart products covering daily life, medical care, transportation and other fields. this is not only an accumulation of knowledge, but also a feast of future technology. i look forward to witnessing more artificial intelligence technologies and products and experiencing more exciting exhibitions in the next exhibition." with the successful conclusion of the 5th shenzhen international artificial intelligence exhibition, the organizers of the exhibition also look forward to continuing to bring more ai products and surprises to everyone in future exhibitions.

experts gather to discuss the future of ai

when the mission of science and technology and innovation goes beyond the scope of daily life, and when the world is in a wave of rapid change and reconstruction, how can we demonstrate the value of ai, how can we inspire innovation to lead change, and how can we conduct deep thinking, unremitting exploration and valuable accumulation in this rapidly changing era? to this end, the forum concurrently with this exhibition invited yao jianquan, academician of the chinese academy of sciences, professor and honorary dean of the school of precision instruments of tianjin university, and director of the institute of laser and optoelectronics, pan yi, academician of the american academy of medical and biological engineering, academician of the royal college of public health of the united kingdom, and dean of the school of computer science and control engineering of shenzhen university of technology, and wang xujin, academician, dean of the institute of microelectronics of shenzhen university, and dean of the institute of semiconductor manufacturing, and nearly 80 other multi-field experts gathered in the "city of innovation" to discuss and analyze from different perspectives how artificial intelligence can empower thousands of industries, explore the industry trends under the new environment, expand ai to more unknown fields, and use artificial intelligence from a cross-border perspective to promote deep integration and innovative development in various fields, and explore the new boundaries of future technology and society.

each forum was packed with visitors, including not only practitioners, entrepreneurs and college students in the field of artificial intelligence from all over the country, but also exhibitors, visitors and practitioners in their respective fields from different fields including manufacturing, consumer industry, infrastructure, energy (battery), smart hardware, algorithm, etc. everyone showed great interest and enthusiasm in the future application of artificial intelligence technology and industry development trends. by listening to the insights of academicians and industry leaders, participants not only gained valuable knowledge and information, but also inspired unlimited imagination of the application of artificial intelligence in all walks of life. the forum not only provides professionals with a platform to exchange ideas and share experiences, but also provides participants inside and outside the industry with an opportunity to understand the latest developments and cutting-edge technologies in artificial intelligence. the entire conference is not only a feast of knowledge, but also a collision of ideas, contributing wisdom and strength to promote the development and application of artificial intelligence technology.

shenzhen accelerates the construction of an artificial intelligence pioneer city

at the opening ceremony of this exhibition, zhao bingbing, head of the artificial intelligence special team of the shenzhen municipal bureau of industry and information technology, explained in detail the strategic planning and policy measures of shenzhen in the field of artificial intelligence. he said that shenzhen took the lead in issuing the first national artificial intelligence industry promotion regulations, incorporating artificial intelligence into the city's 20 major strategic emerging industry clusters for key cultivation, and building a national new generation of artificial intelligence innovation development pilot zone and a national artificial intelligence innovation application pilot zone with high standards, and making every effort to build an artificial intelligence pioneer city. next, we will focus on the development goals of the "five pioneers" in the field of artificial intelligence, and comprehensively create an open and inclusive artificial intelligence development environment from the aspects of "promoting industrial agglomeration and development, strengthening industrial exchanges and cooperation, promoting industrial integration, increasing the efforts to attract and cultivate talents, promoting inclusive and prudent supervision, and strengthening organizational guarantees".

lang liyan, executive president of the shenzhen artificial intelligence industry association, said that shenzhen's accelerated construction of an artificial intelligence pioneer city has given shenzhen a new mission. under the new starting point and new opportunities, how artificial intelligence can empower thousands of industries has given this year's exhibition a new topic. this year's shenzhen international artificial intelligence exhibition takes "intelligent creation of the future and value connection" as its focus. it is from the perspective of diversified integration to explore how artificial intelligence technology can be deeply integrated with all walks of life, so that different cross-border fields can use innovation as an engine, and provide firm confidence for the innovative development of artificial intelligence technology. it is hoped that more new products, new technologies, and new brands will emerge on this platform.