
23 chinese companies are among the top 50! the list of the top 500 global new energy companies in 2024 is released


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▲forum scene
on september 10, the 2024 new energy and power market innovation and development conference and the 14th global new energy top 500 enterprises forum were held in taiyuan. the forum was hosted by the shanxi provincial energy bureau, china energy news, and china datang corporation. during the forum,"2024 global top 500 new energy enterprises competitiveness analysis report" "2024 global top 500 new energy enterprises"release.
according to the report, among the top 500 companies in 2024, the number of chinese companies will be255, the same as last year, accounting for51%
the report shows
as the global economic and political landscape continues to evolve, the external environment becomes increasingly severe and complex, and the downward pressure on the global economy increases, the development of the global new energy industry is inevitably impacted, and the overall growth rate slows down, which is most obvious in china, the united states, japan and germany. the competitive landscape also presents different changes: south korea ranks among the top three, challenging the core status of japan and germany; a regional competitive landscape is formed in which the advantages of emerging market countries are becoming increasingly obvious, china and asia are stable, and developed countries in europe and the united states show signs of recovery; the development of solar energy and energy storage companies slows down, and wind energy and biomass energy develop steadily.
in terms of total operating income of the top 500 companies in 2024, china and the united states will still firmly occupy the top two positions, with operating income reaching5.07 trillion yuanand 1.04 trillion yuan, accounting for53.16%the total operating income of south korean companies reached 525.1 billion yuan, surpassing germany and japan, and ranked among the top three.
2024 global top 500 new energy enterprises (top 50)
statistical results show
the total operating revenue of the top 500 global new energy companies in 2024 will reach9.54 trillion yuan, compared with 8.66 trillion yuan in the previous yearan increase of 0.88 trillion yuanincreased by 10.16%the growth rate was significantly lower by 47.58 percentage points from 57.74% in the previous year.
the average size of the top 500 companies in 2024 will be19.082 billion yuan, compared with 17.328 billion yuan in the previous yearincrease of 1.754 billion yuanincreased by 10.12%the growth rate was a significant decrease of 47.68 percentage points from 57.80% in the previous year.
among the top 50 companies, chinese, american, german, korean and japanese companies are23, 7, 4, 3 and 2.
statistical results show
among the top 500 companies in 2024, the number of chinese companies will be255, the same as last year, accounting for51%
in terms of total operating income, the total operating income of chinese enterprises reached5.07 trillion yuan, up from 4.47 trillion yuan in the previous yearincrease of 0.6 trillion yuantotal operating incomeincreased by 13.56%, a significant decrease of 62.86 percentage points from 76.42% in the previous year.
in terms of enterprise size, the average size of chinese enterprises is19.888 billion yuan, compared with 17.513 billion yuan in the previous yearincrease of 2.375 billion yuanaverage size of enterprisesincreased by 13.56%, a significant decrease of 55.94 percentage points from 69.50% last year, the second lowest in the past five years.
obviously, affected by the international situation, although my country's new energy enterprises have maintained double-digit growth and their core position remains solid, the pace of growth has slowed significantly compared with before.
▲forum scene
wei qiuli, executive vice president of china institute of energy economics, introduced
at present, with the intensification of geopolitical conflicts, the acceleration of "decoupling and chain breaking", the sluggish global economic recovery, and the increase in extreme climate and weather, whether the development of the global new energy industry will slow down further, whether china and asia can maintain their status, whether the raw materials industry can recover, whether the competitiveness of south korea, europe and the united states will improve, etc. are all worthy of continued attention, and are also the focus of future attention in the global new energy enterprise competitiveness analysis report.
|source: shanxi daily