
pushing away the original wife and tolerating her husband's affair with a mistress, and refusing to divorce despite being betrayed, xu fan is more tolerant than you think


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the entertainment industry has always been a place of gossip, and the marriages of celebrities are like dancing on the edge of a knife.

but who could have thought that in this big melting pot, there are people who used a "buddhist" attitude to defend their marriage?

yes, she is feng xiaogang’s wife xu fan.

faced with her husband's gossip, she did not cry or make a fuss but remained calm like an outsider.

please use your golden finger to make money, like and go, you will become rich forever, please follow and like, it will be difficult if you don't want to become rich

is such a "buddhist" wife really generous or is there something else going on?

well, since xu fan is so "buddhist", let's see how she handles this battle to defend her marriage.

in 2009, the entertainment industry was suddenly like someone dropped a huge bomb, and it was completely turned upside down.

what happened? our director feng xiaogang was caught by the paparazzi.

this great director actually stayed in the same room with a beautiful host for a full 8 hours!

now the "overnight stay" incident instantly became the annual drama for the spectators.

everyone pricked up their ears, waiting to see how xu fan, the "original wife", would make a fuss.

what was the result? xu fan performed a unique trick of "turning a blind eye" for everyone.

he eats when he should eat and sleeps when he should sleep, looking like he knows nothing.

this operation has completely shut up the gossip media.

oh, you thought that was the end? naive!

in 2015, director feng put on another good show.

when filming "mr. six", he and xu qing had a passionate rivalry.

now the rumors are flying everywhere and the paparazzi are about to break their camera lenses.

director feng not only did not explain, but also added fuel to the fire.

he said in front of everyone that xu qing was his "dream lover".

my god, these words are like stabbing xu fan in the heart!

if it were any other female star, they would have probably fallen out and made a scene on the set long ago.

but what about our sister xu fan? she still has an attitude of "it's none of my business".

such concentration is truly admirable!

in 2016, xu fan appeared on "jin xing show".

everyone knows that sister jin xing is not an easy person to get along with.

without further ado, she asked xu fan, "aren't you worried that your husband will betray you?"

wow, this is a very powerful question! if it were us ordinary people, we would probably be speechless.

but xu fan was very calm and said lightly: "the one in my family is a man, so i won't suffer any loss."

this answer is a textbook example of "buddhism"!

sister jin xing was probably stunned by this answer, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became subtle.

after reading this, do you think xu fan is too boring as a wife?

don't be anxious, there are many tricks involved.

this is not xu fan swallowing her anger, it is clearly a display of high emotional intelligence, okay?

think about it, in this era when everyone is watching the marriages of celebrities, xu fan is killing two birds with one stone by doing this.

on the one hand, she gave her husband enough face, and on the other hand, she portrayed herself as a sensible and virtuous wife.

this is a clever trick! it's really clever!

but do you think xu fan is really a person without temper?

totally wrong! she turned her husband's luck with women into her own good reputation.

and look at feng xiaogang, although he has been involved in gossips over the years, didn't he still return to xu fan in the end?

this is not tolerance at all, it is clearly controlling the marriage in one's own way!

xu fan has mastered the tactic of "retreat to advance".

in this big dye vat of the entertainment industry, not only has she not been polluted, but she has become more and more radiant.

i have to say this method is really clever!

after all, xu fan's "buddhist" attitude did not come out of thin air.

we have to start from the beginning and see how this "most tolerant" woman was made.

xu fan's story begins with an artistic family in wuhan.

her parents are not ordinary people, but famous chu opera actors in the local area.

do you think children from such families are trained to be little actors from a young age?

oh, you are so naive!

xu fan's parents don't think so. they know too well how hard this job is.

how could i bear to let my precious daughter suffer this? i really wanted to hold her in my hands.

but xu fan has been a restless girl since she was young.

the passion for acting is like something engraved in my bones and cannot be erased.

her parents said no? no problem, she secretly applied for the hubei opera academy.

this action is simply the art circle version of "rebellious girl"!

can you imagine a good girl secretly pursuing her dreams without telling her parents?

this courage probably even surprised herself.

in the end, the stubborn xu fan was admitted.

when the parents learned the news, the expressions on their faces must have been wonderful.

there was shock, helplessness, and a hint of pride.

seeing how much their daughter loved performing, her parents had no choice but to compromise.

in this way, xu fan started her journey in drama and became the "little drama princess" in the family.

who knew that things would change unexpectedly? in the 1980s, due to social unrest, the peking opera theater where xu fan worked gradually declined.

seeing his bright future going down the drain, xu fan must be feeling very bad.

if it were an ordinary person, he might have just accepted his fate, but who is xu fan?

she has dared to challenge her parents since she was a child!

how could this little setback defeat her?

when xu fan was 19 years old, she heard that the central academy of drama was recruiting students.

to her, this news was like a ray of light in the darkness.

without saying a word, he packed his bags and headed north.

imagine a 19-year-old girl going to beijing alone to make a living.

this scene is even more exciting than the movie.

xu fan must have been both excited and nervous, but her unwillingness to admit defeat supported her.

in the end, xu fan lived up to everyone's expectations and successfully entered the central academy of drama.

this was a great achievement as she not only fulfilled her dream, but also became classmates with future big names such as chen xiaoyi, jiang shan, and hu jun.

you say her luck is like god is helping her!

after reading this, do you think xu fan is an interesting person?

although he was born into an artistic family, he insisted on taking a challenging path.

this girl is not a good girl at all; she is clearly a restless person!

but it was this spirit of not admitting defeat that laid the foundation for xu fan's future survival in the entertainment industry.

after all, in this big melting pot, you can’t survive without some backbone!

xu fan's story tells us that sometimes being disobedient may lead to success in your career.

don’t think that xu fan’s life is only about career, her love life is also very colorful!

when she was at the central academy of drama, xu fan was a famous beauty and was known as one of the "three great beauties of the central academy of drama".

this title simply labels her as a "must-pursue girl for boys".

but do you think she would be interested in those young male classmates? how naive!

xu fan has high standards. she has her eyes on a teacher in the school - wang zhiwen.

that’s right, it’s wang zhiwen who starred in “getting high”!

at that time, wang zhiwen was a prominent figure in the central academy of drama. when he was giving lectures, the girls in the audience almost stared at him with their eyes wide open.

the scene was just like a scene from an idol drama, and i almost wanted to throw roses to teacher wang.

but xu fan is worthy of being xu fan, she is not the kind of girl who only loves secretly.

the girl directly launched a fierce offensive against wang zhiwen, which was simply the campus version of "forcing someone to have sex"!

in the end, it really worked! this operation is really admirable.

the two dated for five years, and xu fan even moved into wang zhiwen's rental house.

imagine two young people squeezed into a small house in beijing, which is both sweet and sad.

it looks like a fairytale love, right?

unfortunately, the good times didn’t last long and this relationship finally fell into the pit of reality.

xu fan graduated in 1991. while her classmates were making their mark in the entertainment industry, she remained unknown.

xu fan was very anxious, like an ant on a hot pan, fidgeting.

she asked wang zhiwen to help recommend roles, thinking that having a "backer" would be of some use, right?

what happened? wang zhiwen not only failed to help, but also rejected xu fan.

this really pissed off xu fan! it felt like being betrayed by the person he trusted the most.

it was at this time that xu fan met director tian zhuangzhuang and got a role in "the eunuch li lianying".

this is simply timely help, xu fan must be very happy.

but who would have known that xu fan and tian zhuangzhuang had a scandal on the set!

when this news came out, it was like throwing a bomb into a calm lake.

when wang zhiwen heard the news, he was furious.

when he got home, he threw all of xu fan's things out of the door without saying a word.

this scene is simply a melodramatic plot from an idol drama!

just like that, this seemingly beautiful relationship ended so dramatically.

xu fan was heartbroken after the breakup, but she was not the kind of person who would never recover.

soon she and tian zhuangzhuang became the "crew couple".

this operation is a textbook example of "retaliatory escape from being single"!

unfortunately, the good times didn’t last long. as soon as the filming of the movie was completed, tian zhuangzhuang dumped xu fan.

this really hit xu fan hard, and she fell into self-doubt for a while.

it feels like being slapped hard in the face by life, and it hurts so much.

after reading this, do you feel that xu fan’s love life is like a roller coaster?

sometimes high, sometimes low, it's like a real-life version of "emotional roller coaster".

but it was these ups and downs that made xu fan understand a truth: in this circle, it is often difficult to balance love and career.

these experiences were like a shot of adrenaline for xu fan, making her more emotionally mature and rational.

after experiencing so many emotional ups and downs, xu fan's heart was almost beaten into a sieve.

but there is always a way out! just when she was at her lowest point, fate played a trick on her.

she met the turning point in her life - feng xiaogang.

at that time, feng xiaogang was a very famous director.

and what about xu fan? she was still an unknown little actor, not even making a splash in the circle.

it stands to reason that this combination of a big director and a small actor can easily become an unspoken rule, right?

but a different chemical reaction occurred between feng xiaogang and xu fan.

feng xiaogang gave xu fan a chance and let her star in "big scatter".

this is xu fan's first leading role! it's like she was struck by a fairy wand.

how could these two not have a spark? that current of electricity could light up the entire crew.

but this relationship doesn't start so easily.

because feng xiaogang was already married at that time, and his wife zhang di was a tough character.

when feng xiaogang was still a pauper, zhang di married him despite her family's opposition and gave birth to a daughter for him.

do you think xu fan would back down in this situation?

no, no, no, she is someone who has experienced many ups and downs, so what is this little obstacle?

a subtle relationship gradually developed between xu fan and feng xiaogang.

they are not lovers, but better than lovers; they are not husband and wife, but closer than husband and wife.

this kind of relationship is rare in the entertainment industry! it's like walking a tightrope, exciting and dangerous.

finally in 1999, feng xiaogang and zhang di divorced.

guess what the first thing he did after his divorce?

that's right, he married xu fan! this shocked everyone in and outside the circle.

everyone is wondering if this was premeditated?

but don't think xu fan can rest easy now.

after getting married, feng xiaogang's career became more and more prosperous, but gossips also occurred one after another.

the "night stay scandal" and the "passionate scene" with xu qing were all causing a huge uproar.

if it were any other female star, she would have had a huge falling out with feng xiaogang long ago.

but what about xu fan? she chose a way that no one expected to deal with it - turning a blind eye and a deaf ear.

you might say that xu fan is just swallowing her anger?

totally wrong! xu fan is not being tolerant, she is clearly trying to control the marriage in her own way.

you see, although feng xiaogang was involved in constant gossip, didn’t he still return to xu fan in the end?

moreover, xu fan's way of handling the situation not only did not damage her image, but instead made her appear to the public as a sensible and virtuous wife.

this is a brilliant move! it's a textbook example of marriage management!

so is xu fan really more tolerant than you thought?

no she's just smarter than you think!

in this ever-changing entertainment industry, xu fan used her own way to not only preserve her marriage but also create a perfect public image.

not everyone has this ability!

finally, let's go back to the question at the beginning: is xu fan really the "most tolerant" woman in the entertainment industry?

the answer is obvious: she is not enduring, but managing her life and marriage wisely.

this seemingly "buddhist" woman is actually the real "winner in life" in the entertainment industry!

in her own way, xu fan explained what "retreating to advance" and "a wise choice" mean.

in this entertainment industry full of temptations and traps, she not only maintained her true character, but also reaped success in both career and love.