
smart buds announces the 2024 global


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chao news client reporter yu pingli
on september 11, the zhihuiya innovation research center under zhihuiya released the "2024 top 100 science and technology innovation leaders report", and announced the "2024 global top 100 science and technology innovation leaders" and "2024 china top 100 science and technology innovation leaders".
the report shows that in the "2024 global science and technology innovation leaders top100", the number of seats occupied by chinese companies has increased from 5 last year to 9, and more chinese science and technology innovation leaders have entered the forefront of global science and technology innovation; chinese science and technology innovation leaders have made outstanding contributions to china's technology going overseas, and the proportion of total pct patents and total patent citations has increased year by year, increasing to 46% and 35% respectively; at the same time, the technology going overseas of chinese science and technology innovation leaders is deeper and wider, with an average patent layout of 32 countries/regions, and the average number of pct patents has increased to 2,800; in terms of industry structure, with the continuous acceleration of ai technology research and development, china and global science and technology innovation leaders show similar characteristics: information technology has become the industry with the largest number of chinese science and technology innovation leaders, and among global science and technology innovation leaders, the number of information technology and semiconductor companies has doubled; in terms of regional distribution, asia is still an important global innovation center, with the number of science and technology innovation leaders accounting for nearly half, and the speed at which chinese companies are promoted to the top 100 global science and technology innovation leaders far exceeds that of other countries/regions, with a total of 4 new companies added this year.
tao dongyan, director of the zhihuiya innovation research center, said: "we have seen that the wave of generative ai technology has swept across the country in the past year. the number of global science and technology leaders in the semiconductor and information technology industries has almost doubled this year, and the newly listed companies have shown great technological progress in the field of ai large models. at the same time, china's top scientific and technological innovation camp is accelerating its upward leap. among the top 100 global science and technology leaders this year, the number of seats belonging to china has increased to 9, nearly doubling compared to last year. especially in the fields of information technology and communications, china's technology leaders are of great importance and impressive worldwide."
the top 100 chinese science and technology leaders in 2024 are announced
based on the zhihuiya enterprise science and technology innovation assessment model, zhihuiya innovation research center conducted a comprehensive assessment of enterprises from more than 40 indicators in four dimensions of technology volume, quality, influence and global layout after massive screening and rigorous calculation, and finally selected china's 100 enterprises with the best comprehensive science and technology innovation capabilities to become the "2024 china science and technology innovation leaders top100", including oppo and honor in the electronic equipment industry, huawei and zte in the communications industry, alibaba and baidu in the information technology industry, byd and catl in the automotive industry, and fosun pharma and hengrui medicine in the life and health industry. the 2024 china science and technology innovation leaders top100 represent the 100 technology giants with the strongest comprehensive scientific and technological strength in china today, and are the vanguard of china's strategy to achieve scientific and technological self-reliance.
it is worth mentioning that this year, 20 companies including iflytek, state energy group, anshan iron and steel group, and smic have been newly included in the list.
trend 1: more chinese science and technology leaders are entering the global science and technology innovation front
the report shows that among the top 100 global science and technology leaders in 2024, the number of chinese companies has nearly doubled from 5 last year to 9. the selected companies are huawei, zte, oppo, lenovo, tencent, baidu, ant technology, boe, and state grid.
figure: chinese companies among the top100 global science and technology leaders in 2024
trend 2: china's technology leaders are exporting their technology to a wider range and to a deeper level
data shows that the average number of countries/regions where the top 100 chinese science and technology leaders in 2024 have global patents has increased by 2 compared with the same period last year, with a faster pace of global development and a wider coverage area. in terms of the breadth of global technology layout, as of the end of july 2024, the top 100 chinese science and technology leaders in 2024 have patents in 32 countries/regions around the world, with an average of 2 new countries/regions added in the past year.
at the same time, in terms of the depth of global technology layout, the average number of pct patents of the top 100 chinese science and technology leaders in 2024 increased by 400 year-on-year, and more chinese companies began to enter the global innovation technology arena. according to statistics, as of the end of july 2024, the top 100 chinese science and technology leaders in 2024 applied for an average of about 2,800 pct international patents, and an average of about 400 new pct international patents in the past year.
figure: changes in the number of countries/regions where the 2024 china science and technology innovation leaders’ top100 global patents were deployed in the past year
trend 3: chinese technology leaders contribute more to china’s technology going global
as the leading camp of china's scientific and technological innovation, the top 100 chinese science and technology innovation leaders have continuously strengthened their role in driving china's technology overseas, and gradually contributed more to china's process of building technological influence. by the end of july 2024, the top 100 chinese science and technology innovation leaders and their 76,000 technology subsidiaries had applied for a total of 280,000 pct international patents, accounting for 46% of china's pct international patent applications; the historical application patents were cited a total of 13.6 million times, accounting for 35% of the total number of citations of all patents in china.
looking back over the past two years, compared with the proportion of china's top 100 science and technology innovation leaders in 2023 and china's top 100 science and technology innovation leaders in 2022 in china's scientific and technological innovation at that time, the two indicators of the proportion of total pct patents and the proportion of total patent citations are continuing to increase.
figure: the proportion of china's top 100 science and technology leaders in china's technological innovation over the years
trend 4: in the ai ​​era, information technology leaps forward. by 2024, chinese science and technology leaders will dominate the industry.
data shows that under the global wave of generative ai, 18 companies in the information technology industry were listed in the "2024 china science and technology innovation leaders top100", becoming the first industry to dominate this year's list, while the same period last year was dominated by 17 semiconductor companies.
over the past year, chinese information technology companies have made a large number of technological innovations in the field of generative ai, forming a "hundred-model war" situation. almost all of the 18 information technology companies selected for the 2024 china science and technology innovation leaders top100 have carried out technological innovation explorations in the field of generative ai in the past year.
figure: comparison of industry distribution of china's top100 science and technology innovation leaders in 2024 and 2023
trend 5: the number of global science and technology leaders in the information technology and semiconductor industries has doubled
this year, the industry landscape changes of global and chinese science and technology leaders show the same trend: the number of information technology and semiconductor companies closely related to the development and application of ai technology has increased significantly. the report shows that there are only 4 semiconductor companies and 4 information technology companies in the 2023 global science and technology leaders top100, while in the 2024 top 100 list, the number of global science and technology leaders from these two industries has risen to 9 and 8, which is significantly different from other industries.
figure: comparison of industry distribution of the top100 global science and technology leaders in 2024 and 2023
trend 6: nearly half of the world’s science and technology leaders come from asia
according to zhihuiya statistics, similar to last year, global science and technology leaders from asia still dominate the 2024 list and are well-deserved global science and technology innovation centers, and have risen from 40 seats in last year's list to 45 seats.
looking at specific countries, more chinese companies entered the global top 100 list, with a total of 4 new global science and technology leaders; south korea added 1, semiconductor company sk hynix; the netherlands added 1, semiconductor lithography machine manufacturer asml. at the same time, the number of science and technology leaders from various countries/regions in the americas remained unchanged at 36.
figure: comparison of regional distribution of the top100 global science and technology leaders in 2024 and 2023
(image source: wisdom bud)
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