
enthusiastic citizens in haikou lent their rooms to six female soldiers for washing and brushing their teeth. before leaving, the female soldiers left a note and gave them medicine to express their gratitude.


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click to view more videos reported on september 11 (reporter wang yanzhen): "thank you for your warm hospitality. we feel warm and think of my mother whom i haven't seen for a long time." in the early morning of september 8, when leaving the home of liu junlian, an enthusiastic citizen of haikou, six female soldiers of the 75560th unit who participated in the post-disaster reconstruction of haikou left a small note of thanks and two boxes of medicines for treating injuries to express their gratitude. it turned out that when liu junlian, who also has a daughter, saw several thin female soldiers working day and night on the road near her home to participate in the post-disaster clearance work, she felt very distressed, so she took the initiative to invite and lend an unused room in her home for the six female soldiers to wash and rest, and also made a large pot of hot noodle soup with ham and eggs for the female soldiers as a midnight snack. this scene of the deep affection between the military and the people is heartwarming.

a thank-you note left by the female soldier.

on the evening of september 7, liu junlian, who lives on longkun south road in haikou city, walked to the street to see the disaster situation. suddenly, she saw a group of pla soldiers busy participating in post-disaster clearance work on the roadside. among them were several thin figures who were female soldiers.

"i also have a daughter, and our family is also a military family. i feel bad to see these girls working so hard. the weather is so hot, and many places have no water or electricity. i just want to ask them if they need a place to wash up and rest." liu junlian, 66, said that because her house is in the same building as the hotel, there was water and electricity at the time, and there was an idle house for rent. when she learned that the female soldiers were temporarily living in a nearby school where there was no water or electricity, she stepped forward and invited several female soldiers to her house to wash up.

enthusiastic citizen liu junlian.

"we were busy fighting the typhoon all night on september 6. later, we received the task and rushed from chengmai to haikou to participate in post-disaster reconstruction work in the early morning of september 7. everyone's clothes were dry and wet, wet and dry. everyone was prepared to go without washing for many days." female soldier xiao chen said that after asking for instructions from her superior and getting approval, the six female soldiers decided to go to liu junlian's house to wash after finishing their tasks that night.

after finishing the obstacle-clearing task on longkun south road, it was already 0:00 on september 8 when xiao chen and six other female soldiers came to liu junlian's home. "i didn't expect aunt liu to go to the kitchen to get instant noodles, ham, and eggs to make a big bowl of noodle soup for us as a midnight snack. she also brought us a hair dryer and reminded us to dry our hair. we were really touched and felt warm in our hearts. everyone remembered their mothers at that moment." female soldier xiao chen told reporters. it turned out that these six female soldiers were from xinjiang, fujian, guangxi, hunan, guizhou, and hebei, and they had not returned to their hometowns for a long time.

when leaving, in order not to disturb liu junlian, the six female soldiers quietly left a small note full of gratitude and blessings for liu junlian. they learned that liu junlian accidentally fell while cleaning the unused room for them to use, causing her hands to be less flexible. the female soldiers left two boxes of medicine for treating bruises.

two boxes of medicine left by the female soldier.

the reporter learned that the six female soldiers were from a medical company, the youngest of whom was only 19 years old. they volunteered to go to the front line to participate in post-disaster reconstruction. in recent days, they not only participated in the clearing of fallen trees on the road, but also helped treat the soldiers who fought together with them when they suffered from heat stroke.

"in fact, these are all trivial matters. during this special period, i just want to do my part to provide convenience for the staff involved in post-disaster reconstruction. during this period, if they need to wash, they can come to my idle house." liu junlian told reporters.

