
"top 500 chinese enterprises in 2024" released, 5 hunan enterprises shortlisted


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huasheng online, september 11 (all-media reporter wang liang and meng jiaoyan) on september 11, the china enterprise confederation and the china entrepreneur association released the "top 500 chinese enterprises in 2024". this year's entry threshold is 47.381 billion yuan, an increase of 383 million yuan from the previous year.
five companies from hunan were shortlisted, namely: hunan iron and steel group, ranked 125th, with operating income of 236.05602 billion yuan; hunan construction investment group, ranked 162nd, with operating income of 170.05775 billion yuan; sany group, ranked 218th, with operating income of 119.55604 billion yuan; hunan bochang holdings, ranked 415th, with 58.21991 billion yuan; hunan expressway group, ranked 479th, with 50.87280 billion yuan.
the top five on the list are: state grid, china petrochemical corporation, china national petroleum corporation, china construction, and industrial and commercial bank of china.
the revenue scale of the "top 500" has reached a new level, with a total operating income of 110.07 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.58% over the previous year. the average r&d intensity has increased for the seventh consecutive year, and the total r&d investment of the listed companies accounts for 1.90% of the total operating income, the highest value since 2002.
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