
"beat me to death", a woman lost her sight due to domestic violence by her husband two months after marriage: because she did not give him money to play games


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on september 5, in the corridor of the first affiliated hospital of heilongjiang university of traditional chinese medicine, sunlight shone through the window onto the ground. a blind young girl sat in a wheelchair and reluctantly left the clinic accompanied by her parents. "don't be discouraged, my daughter. there will definitely be a way!" the girl's mother and father looked at each other bitterly and comforted their daughter to face the future bravely.

a woman was beaten two months after marriage for not giving her husband money to charge her game

the girl's name is xiaoxue, she is 28 years old and from inner mongolia. in 2022, xiaoxue met xie, who was two years older than her, through the introduction of a relative. during the relationship, xie took good care of xiaoxue, and xiaoxue was very satisfied with this model boyfriend. if there is any bad thing about him, there is indeed one thing, that is, he loves playing games, and the two have had many quarrels for this. but xiaoxue didn't think it was necessary to be too strict. after all, people should always have their own little hobbies. she never said anything bad about xie, and they had a smooth relationship for a while. after a while, xie felt that the time had come, so he proposed to xiaoxue. although the two sides didn't know each other well, xiaoxue finally agreed, and the two entered the palace of marriage. however, xiaoxue never thought that the married life that once made her full of expectations would become an indelible nightmare in the future.

after marriage, xiaoxue and xie went to henan to work under the introduction of their cousin. but after arriving in henan, neither of them could find a job. xie became more addicted to online games, and asked xiaoxue for money to recharge it again and again. on march 19, 2023, just two months after the two got married, xie asked xiaoxue for 10,000 yuan again. xiaoxue told her husband that the betrothal money had been almost spent and she had no money left. in anger, xie waved his fist at xiaoxue, causing her nose to bleed. xiaoxue shouted for help. "he hit me with his fists, and then with a frying pan." what made xiaoxue even more angry and disheartened was that her mother-in-law, who was on a wechat call with xie, added fuel to the fire on the other end of the phone. "his mother didn't say anything good, either, asking me to give him money, and if i didn't, she would beat me to death." xiaoxue said.

when xiaoxue's cousin arrived at their residence, he saw xie riding on xiaoxue, strangling her neck with his pajamas. xiaoxue's cousin immediately rushed over to stop his brother-in-law's behavior, then called 120 emergency number, and xiaoxue was quickly sent to the fifth affiliated hospital of zhengzhou university for emergency treatment.

the parents of a blind man sold their property and spent hundreds of thousands of yuan on medical expenses in one year

xiaoxue was treated in the hospital's intensive care unit (icu) for a long time. after more than three months of coma, xiaoxue finally woke up. but the moment she opened her eyes, she found herself in an endless darkness and could no longer see the world.

xiaoxue's parents rushed to henan from their hometown in inner mongolia as soon as they heard the news. "the moment we saw our daughter, our hearts seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, and it was heartbreaking." xiaoxue's mother said that xiaoxue's condition was very serious at the time. the doctor's diagnosis showed that her intracranial hemorrhage caused optic nerve atrophy, resulting in blindness. at the same time, her body also suffered multiple serious injuries and she was completely unable to take care of herself.

"from the time of the accident until now, we have mortgaged our house in our hometown to take xiaoxue to various major hospitals in beijing for her treatment, spending hundreds of thousands of yuan, but the answer given was that the optic nerve atrophy was irreversible, and xiaoxue could only go home to recuperate and wait for a miracle to happen." xiaoxue's mother said that xiaoxue is still weak due to lack of oxygen and ischemia in the brain, and coupled with blindness, xiaoxue can't take care of herself at all. not only does she need her parents to support her when walking, she doesn't even have the strength to eat. xiaoxue's mother cried all day, worrying about her daughter's future life.

i just want him to be severely punished by law. i have filed an appeal.

in order to maintain her subsequent rehabilitation treatment, xiaoxue wanted to take back her own property, but she didn't expect that even her own car was secretly transferred to xie's mother by xie. xiaoxue tearfully accused her in-laws of being cold and ruthless. "even though many local media outlets intervened to report on it, my in-laws remained indifferent."

in december 2023, xiaoxue's injury report showed that the degree of injury was first-degree severe injury, and xie was formally arrested. on august 30, 2024, the people's court of zhongyuan district, zhengzhou city, henan province, ruled: 1. xie was guilty of intentional homicide and sentenced to eleven years in prison. 2. xie shall compensate xiaoxue rmb 656,798.52 within ten days after the judgment takes effect. xiaoxue's parents filed an appeal with the procuratorate on september 6 within the statutory period. "after the accident, xie's family did not care, and only paid 36,000 medical expenses under the compulsory request of the police station. we have two demands, one is to let xie be severely punished by law, and the other is to let the in-laws pay for xiaoxue's treatment." xiaoxue's mother said.

came to harbin to seek medical treatment and met kind people who donated money to help

xiaoxue's father pushed xiaoxue in a wheelchair, her aunt quietly accompanied her, and xiaoxue's mother looked exhausted. speaking of this trip to harbin, xiaoxue's mother said, "a relative recommended it to us, saying that harbin's traditional chinese medicine is very famous, so we came here with the attitude of giving it a try, hoping to find a glimmer of hope for our daughter's eyes."

xiaoxue's mother choked up and said that after xiaoxue's accident, the family traveled all over the country to visit famous doctors. they had already spent all their money and borrowed from all the relatives and friends who could lend them money. this time in harbin, they didn't dare to go to a big hospital, so they went to a small chinese medicine clinic first. the kind female doctor not only treated xiaoxue's cervical pain for free, but also donated 5,000 yuan to them. looking at the heavy 5,000 yuan, xiaoxue's parents burst into tears, "as long as there is a glimmer of hope, i will take xiaoxue to treatment, and thank those who have been helping us."

trainee reporter fu meiling reporter shi yansong