
lpl championship scenario sparks heated discussion, bin is expected to surpass theshy, the no. 1 top laner in history, fierce competition


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dear lpl viewers andleague of legendshello summoners, this is the world game center.

the s14 world championship is getting closer and closer. every year before the world championship begins, the audience will make a prediction for the world champion. the emergence of new champion teams or players will also affect the overall landscape of lol e-sports.


in terms of the strength structure between lpl and lck this year, lck is clearly ahead, and it is also quite difficult for lpl to win the championship.

the championship scenario has sparked heated discussions, and the competition for the top spot is fierce

currently, the generally accepted top lineup in history is the shy or duke, bengi, faker, bang, beryl or wolf. the more controversial positions are the top lane and support positions. in terms of honors in the top lane, duke is number one, and in terms of peak height, many viewers believe that the shy is number one.


in addition, zeus is also competitive because he won one championship and one runner-up in the s series. wolf has higher honors in the support position, but beryl has won two s championships after changing teams. some viewers think that this is more difficult and we cannot just look at the honors.

in the competition for the no. 1 in history, the top lane position is the most likely to change after this year. bin and 369, the two domestic top laners in the lpl region, have the opportunity to compete for the no. 1 position in history. of course, if 369 wins the championship, there is a lot of controversy as to whether he can be elected the no. 1 in history, because 369's overall condition this year is not very good.


but if bin wins the championship, there is a greater possibility that he will be the first in history. it will be even better if he can get the fmvp bonus, because bin has the bonus of double msi championships. winning the s championship can achieve the grand slam achievement. in addition, he is also the runner-up in the s game. it is more convincing to be elected the first in history. in terms of lck, if zeus and kingen win the championship, they can be the first in history.

the first domestic midfielder, a field never touched before

it can be said that except for the top lane, no matter who wins the championship in other positions, it is not easy to shake the first place. maybe if canyon or xiaotian wins the second s championship, it is possible to impact bengi's position. the same is true for beryl. changing teams and winning the second s championship, and in an era where lck is not the only one dominating, the gold content will be higher.


then in lpl, the competition for the no. 1 domestic mid laner is what everyone is looking forward to. that is to say, among the four lpl teams that advanced to the world championship, there are three domestic mid laners. no matter who wins the championship among these three mid laners, they will become the no. 1 domestic mid laner in history, because no domestic mid laner has ever touched the championship of the s championship. as long as they win the championship, they will be the no. 1 in lpl.

once xiaohu or knight wins the championship, they will not only become the undisputed no. 1 domestic mid laner, but also be crowned the second mid laner in history, second only to faker. this honor is also extremely high. both players can get a grand slam by winning the championship. xiaohu has more msis, and knight has more fmvps.


in lck, chovy, zeka, and showmaker can become the second in history if they win the championship, but players who have never won the s championship and do not have an msi championship and cannot achieve the grand slam cannot win the championship.

there are two conditions for lpl to win the championship.

personally, i think the probability of lpl winning the championship this year is relatively low. among the favorites to win the championship, blg, hle and gen are roughly at the same level. if t1 unlocks the world championship bonus buff again, some variables may arise. tes has serious shortcomings, relies heavily on version bonuses, and lacks the ability to develop a tactical system.


if blg wants to win the championship, it must meet one of the two conditions. the first is that blg can keep up with the lck's understanding of the version, and can also come up with its own unique things to achieve results. it needs to produce a tactical kaleidoscope effect and use endless bp changes to deal with lck's powerful bp and tactical design capabilities.

the second is to expect the lck team to have a fatal flaw, that is, gen's world championship debuff will appear again. chovy has performed poorly in almost every world championship in the past few times. if it is the same this time, then gen will withdraw from the championship contention again.


then hle also exposed its shortcomings. for example, doran started to give up, the support delight was in poor condition, or xiaohuasheng was no longer magical. then t1 continued the state during the league, so blg has a great chance of winning the championship.

it is unrealistic to expect the second situation to happen. what blg needs to do is to accomplish the first point as much as possible and strive to defeat lck in the strong dialogue.