
we firmly oppose external forces' sanctions on xinjiang to "use xinjiang to contain china"


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recently, the 13th session of the standing committee of the 14th people's congress of the xinjiang uygur autonomous region reviewed and passed the "resolution of the standing committee of the people's congress of the xinjiang uygur autonomous region on resolutely opposing the series of us sanctions laws on xinjiang and supporting the development of sanctioned enterprises and related industries", which positively responded to the long-term sanctions and suppression of the xinjiang-related supply chain industry chain by western countries led by the united states, openly exposed the sinister intention of the united states to "politicize economic issues", and issued a strong declaration that the people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang will unite and seek common development under the leadership of the communist party of china.

sanctions on xinjiang are a common tactic used by the united states to "use xinjiang to contain china"

in recent years, the united states has regarded china as its "only global strategic competitor" and has advocated the "china threat theory" on a global scale, coercing other countries to take sides and "decouple" from china. it has also tried its best to win over its allies to constantly create trouble on core issues involving china's sovereignty, security, and development interests. in particular, it has long pursued the strategy of "using xinjiang to control china" and "using terror to contain china", attempting to delay china's economic and social development and hinder the process of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation through sanctions related to xinjiang.

the united states deliberately fabricated xinjiang-related issues, fabricated the so-called "genocide" and "forced labor" and other lies of the century, frequently maliciously slandered china's human rights situation in xinjiang and smeared our xinjiang governance strategy in the posture of a "human rights judge", and engaged in political manipulation under the guise of human rights, attempting to create a so-called "unified international voice" and coerce more countries to put pressure on china on xinjiang-related issues. the u.s. congress concocted xinjiang-related bills represented by the "uyghur forced labor prevention act" in an attempt to create a so-called international xinjiang-related sanctions legal system, and abused "long-arm jurisdiction" to impose unilateral sanctions on our xinjiang-related entities and enterprises, seriously damaging the production and operation rights and legitimate development interests of xinjiang enterprises, and seriously damaging the right to survival and development of people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang, which has aroused great indignation and strong opposition from chinese people all over the world, including people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang.

in order to maintain its global hegemony, the united states has been engaging in a clumsy show of politicizing economic issues, which has seriously violated international trade norms and market economy principles, seriously undermined the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of companies and consumers in various countries. its hegemonic nature of using the cloak of "legality" to cover up its economic monopoly has been fully exposed, its ugly face of using shameless lies to cover up anti-china political manipulation has been clearly visible, and its hypocritical use of the so-called "external enemy" to divert attention is self-evident.

xinjiang's economic development and social stability are universally recognized and beyond doubt.

the people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang have the most say in the human rights situation in xinjiang. over the past 40 years, the uyghur population in xinjiang has grown from 5.55 million to more than 12 million. over the past 60 years, xinjiang's economic output has increased by more than 200 times, and the average life expectancy has increased from 30 to more than 70 years. at present, xinjiang is in the best period of development in history, with social stability, economic prosperity, people living and working in peace and contentment, and ethnic unity and harmony. china's xinjiang governance policy has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. this is a fact that no one can deny, and it is also the consensus of most countries in the world.

the chinese government has always put people first, promoted coordinated regional development in a coordinated manner, fully protected the legitimate rights and interests of all ethnic groups, and implemented a series of policies to aid xinjiang and benefit the people. xinjiang's economy and society have developed rapidly, violent terrorist activities and extremist infiltration have been effectively curbed, the public security situation has improved significantly, and the sense of gain, happiness and security of people of all ethnic groups has been significantly enhanced. in recent years, more than 1,200 diplomats, officials of international organizations, journalists, religious figures and others from more than 100 countries have visited xinjiang to learn about the real situation on the ground. they believe that what they have seen and heard in xinjiang is completely different from what some western media have reported. it can be said that xinjiang's economic and social development and social stability are recognized by the world, and the people of all ethnic groups live and work in peace and contentment. it is obvious to all, and the international community generally gives high praise.

however, the us has turned a blind eye to facts, confused right and wrong, and repeatedly spread rumors and created troubles on issues related to xinjiang. it has used issues related to xinjiang to carry out conspiracies and intrigues, and has imposed groundless sanctions on xinjiang-related companies. the people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang will never agree to this, and the chinese people will never agree to this. the us’s efforts to cause chaos in xinjiang are doomed to fail!

we firmly oppose any external forces interfering in china's internal affairs

xinjiang affairs are purely china's internal affairs, which concern china's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity and brook no foreign interference. the us has imposed unilateral sanctions on chinese entities under the guise of human rights and used the opportunity to smear china's xinjiang policy, which is a gross interference in china's internal affairs.

unilateral sanctions cannot change the overall situation of xinjiang's prosperity and stability, nor can they hinder the process of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation. xinjiang is china's xinjiang, and xinjiang's prosperity and stability are jointly protected by 1.4 billion chinese people, including compatriots of all ethnic groups in xinjiang. no one and no external force is qualified to comment on xinjiang's governance, let alone attempt to change xinjiang's future through "long-arm jurisdiction" and unwarranted sanctions. instead of intervening in other countries with double standards, the united states should deeply reflect on its original sin of genocide against indians through massacres, expulsions, forced assimilation and other means since its founding, attach importance to solving its own long-standing problems such as racial discrimination and violent law enforcement, abandon hypocrisy and double standards on human rights issues, and take practical measures to improve the human rights situation in the united states.

any lies that distort the truth and fabricate something out of nothing will eventually be exposed, and unscrupulous rumors and slander will eventually be brought to justice. under the strong leadership of the cpc central committee, the national security organs will fully implement the overall national security concept and the party's xinjiang governance strategy in the new era, resolutely oppose all forms of hegemony and power politics, oppose unilateral sanctions and extreme pressure, and firmly defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests.