
are 3.2 trillion chinese scientists working for the united states? media: beware of toxic traffic that challenges cognition


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china news service, beijing, september 10 (reporter yuan xiuyue) "3.2 trillion chinese scientists are working for the united states. do you get angry when you hear this?" "i just saw a very explosive news that some domestic capital tycoons have deposited 21 trillion us dollars in the united states." "my son insisted on joining the army despite my opposition, but five years later he treated me like this." "house cleaning has begun to appear in xx, and many parents are panicking."...

these are short videos that have appeared online recently, posted by different self-media accounts and narrated by different bloggers, but the texts are highly similar. these videos look normal at first glance, but if you listen carefully, you can find many errors, such as the figures of "3.2 trillion chinese scientists" and "21 trillion us dollars", which are outrageous.

some people call these short videos "ownerless rumors" because they are difficult to refute, with the same rhetoric, unknown sources, exaggerated plots, and extreme views. these short videos are not as popular as rumors about hot events, which can attract huge attention, but their permeating influence cannot be ignored. they follow a repetitive pattern, covering content ranging from family ethics to international issues, not telling the facts but stirring up emotions. in the long run, "bad money drives out good money", which may subtly affect netizens' cognition, gradually erode consensus, and deepen cognitive rifts.

as the saying goes, "a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth." we cannot let this kind of toxic traffic go unchecked. with the development of technology, short video fraud has become more and more diverse, and rumor refutation must keep up with the pace. in addition to cracking down on it, we also need to start from multiple links such as production, dissemination, and distribution, and all sectors of society must work together to cut off the traffic chain and profit chain of improper development of self-media.

last year, the central cyberspace affairs commission issued the "notice on strengthening the management of "self-media"," which clearly stated that website platforms should promptly discover and strictly deal with "self-media" violations, and any "self-media" that creates and publishes rumors, hypes up social hot events, or publishes and disseminates illegal and negative information in a matrix manner, causing adverse effects, shall be closed, included in the platform's blacklist account database, and reported to the cyberspace administration department. the focus of the 2024 "clear and bright" series of actions will include rectifying the "self-media" that has no bottom line to gain traffic. rumor control is not a one-day job, and relevant departments must continue to crack down on it and strengthen rumor-refuting propaganda; platforms also need to further improve the review mechanism, optimize algorithm models, and strengthen network information governance. as the audience of short videos, we must enhance our awareness and ability to distinguish, and be more careful with the more outrageous content, and do not believe it easily or blindly. (end)