
an 8-year-old girl fell from a balcony, and the security supervisor caught her with his bare hands, causing his arm to be dislocated


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on september 9, a guangdong netizen reported that a security guard in a residential area in huizhou caught a child falling from the 8th floor with his bare hands, which attracted attention. many netizens lamented that this brave security guard was a hero.

the situation is critical——

a child fell from the 8th floor, and the security guard dislocated his arm while trying to catch the child with his bare hands?

according to the video, a man was seen shouting "sit there and don't move, kid..." on the ground floor of a residential building. in the video, a child was seen sitting outside the window of a balcony on the 8th floor of the residential building, holding onto a sewer pipe, and looking precarious...

8-year-old girl fell out of the 8th floor balcony

another video shows a man in white kneeling in a green belt, holding his other arm with one hand, and looking injured. a child is lying on the ground, turning over. a man nearby asks the squatting man, "did you catch it?" the squatting man says, "i tried to catch it, but i didn't..." a female voice shouts, "don't touch the child." the man then says to the child on the ground, "don't move, don't move."

the man held the child's arm and the child was able to turn over after falling

on the afternoon of september 9, a reporter from the huashang daily dafeng news contacted the video publisher. she said that the incident occurred in mingjushanshuicheng community, shiwan town, huizhou, guangdong, and "everyone in the owners' group is talking about this." the man who caught the child was a property security guard. he caught the child with his bare hands, and it was said that his arm was dislocated from catching the child.

"his hometown is in henan"——

the security guard had worked in the community for four or five years and dislocated his arm while rescuing someone.

on the afternoon of september 9, a reporter from the huashang daily dafeng news contacted the relevant person in charge of the property management of mingju shanshuicheng community. he said that the incident happened at around 10 a.m. at that time, someone in the community said in the owners’ group that a child had climbed out of the balcony window. the security personnel immediately ran to the scene and immediately began to prepare sheets, mattresses, etc. to protect the child.

"it was too late. the child fell in about two minutes." the person in charge recalled that he still felt scared when talking about this incident. at that time, a security guard in the community saw the child falling and immediately ran forward to catch the child with his hands. "later, the child and the staff were injured. the staff's arm was dislocated and the doctor prescribed some medicine." "the child was crying after being caught. there should be no serious problems. the hospital needs further examination and treatment. the parents have gone to the hospital to accompany the child."

"the security guard who saved the man is from henan and has worked here for four or five years." the property manager said that after the incident, the security guard told him the whole story and said, "we are in the service industry. when encountering an emergency, we must save people first..."

"i suddenly felt a sharp pain"

he tried to hold the falling child, but was hit on the shoulder and fell to the ground

"the child had no external injuries, but i felt my arm was broken."

later, the reporter contacted the community security guard, mr. cui, who said that he was the security supervisor of the community and immediately brought people to the scene when he saw the owner's complaint. "when we arrived, the child was already outside the balcony holding onto the pipe."

"the situation was critical at the time. i comforted the child first and asked my colleagues to find sheets and contact emergency and fire departments." mr. cui said that the child struggled outside the 8th floor window and could not hold on for two or three minutes. he ran over without thinking and reached out to catch the child. "i wanted to hold the child, but it hit my arm directly, and then slid from arm to arm and fell to the ground."

mr. cui recalled, "i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, as if it was broken. i fell to one knee, but fortunately the child seemed to be fine." after the child landed, he saw that the child had no obvious external injuries and wanted to get up. his colleagues hurried over, comforted the child, told him not to move, and then contacted emergency services to send him and the child to the hospital.

"save people first, then talk" -

later i heard that the child was autistic and his father was working away from home.

the child was sent to the hospital for further examination

"after i was sent to the hospital, i was diagnosed with a dislocated arm and some soft tissue contusions, which was not a big problem. the doctor prescribed me some medicine and told me to rest for two days." mr. cui said that afterward, the building manager contacted the family and replied that the girl was seven or eight years old and might have autism. at the time of the incident, the child's mother was sleeping at home and the father was at work. after the building manager contacted the child's father, he immediately went to the hospital. "the child's condition is not clear at the moment. she should still be undergoing further examination and treatment."

"the floor was quite high, and if no one caught the child, he might have lost his life." mr. cui said that he instinctively rushed up when he saw the child falling. "when i saw someone in danger, i didn't think too much, i just saved him first."

on the same afternoon, a reporter from the huashang daily dafeng news contacted chen, the head of the shiwan community residents committee. he said that he had heard about the incident and was looking into the details.