
the activity of fangxian characteristic industry college students visiting fangxian was officially launched


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (reporters wei caichun and tong guoqin) in order to deepen college students' understanding of fang county's regional culture and enhance their sense of pride and belonging in studying and living in fang county, on september 9, the "hubei friends meet fang county" fang county characteristic industry college college students' tour of fang county event was officially launched.
the launch ceremony site. photo provided by the correspondent
this activity route covers many representative attractions and special experiences in fang county, aiming to let college students appreciate the charm of fang county in all aspects. the activity will start from lulingwang winery, where you can not only taste the traditional hubei wine culture, but also have a deep understanding of the production process and historical culture of lulingwang wine. afterwards, go to savage valley to explore the uncanny workmanship of nature and experience the tranquility and mystery of the primeval forest. then go to savage cave to experience the unique geological landforms and biological diversity. finally, return to the urban area of ​​fang county to feel the pulse and cultural atmosphere of the city, taste authentic fang county cuisine, and experience the diversity and excitement of urban life.
through field visits and experiences, college students have the opportunity to get in-depth exposure to fang county’s culture, history and modern development while studying, and enhance their understanding and identification with their hometown. at the same time, it enhances college students’ sense of belonging and pride, and inspires their attention to and enthusiasm for participating in the development of their hometown.