
support changsha to build the first city in central china for industrial internet platform, and release the "trillion-yuan middle stream" initiative


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huasheng online news, september 9 (all-media reporter deng guiming, correspondent chen danni) this morning, the 2024 internet yuelu summit "industrial internet intelligence changsha city" theme forum was held in the small theater of meixi lake international culture and art center. 161 representatives from the industrial internet field jointly issued the "trillion middle stream" initiative.
it is reported that industrial internet is playing an important role in accelerating the construction of hunan's modern industrial system. the hunan provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to and fully support the implementation and development of industrial internet platforms in hunan. the "trillion middle stream" initiative released at the "industrial internet smart changsha city" theme forum of the yuelu summit supports changsha city in striving to achieve an annual transaction volume of more than 1 trillion yuan for the industrial internet platform around 2028, build china's first industrial internet platform city in central china, and become the mainstay of the global industrial internet.
proposal for the trillion midstream plan
we voluntarily join the "trillion-yuan middle stream" plan to build a first-class industrial internet platform cluster in central china: strive to achieve an annual transaction volume of 1 trillion yuan for changsha's industrial internet platform around 2028, and help the cluster become the mainstay of the global internet. to this end, we will work together to build a more healthy, harmonious and sustainable trillion-level industrial environment based on the industry principle of cooperation and win-win.
to this end, we propose:
1. build a global top industrial internet platform cluster, promote high-quality development of enterprises, actively advocate and practice an industry culture with value creation as the core and mutual complementation and promotion as the basis. encourage enterprises to develop in the direction of specialization, excellence and innovation in model innovation, technology research and development, brand building, etc., enhance core competitiveness by improving scientific and technological content and service level, so as to achieve high-quality development of enterprises.
2. promote industry cooperation, promote common development, advocate strengthening communication and cooperation among enterprises, explore new paths for win-win development, and encourage enterprises joining the plan to give priority to cooperation with each other. together through technical cooperation, industrial chain cooperation, resource sharing and other means, we will form a good situation of jointly responding to challenges and sharing development opportunities, and enhance the overall strength of the industry.
3. optimize the talent development mechanism, promote the reasonable flow of talents, advocate that enterprises respect and value the value of talents, attract and retain outstanding talents through reasonable incentive mechanisms and broad development platforms. at the same time, advocate the reasonable flow of talents in the industry, avoid malicious poaching and disorderly competition, and create a good environment conducive to the growth and development of talents.
4. build a sustainable development ecosystem, fulfill social responsibilities, and advocate that enterprises actively fulfill their social responsibilities while pursuing economic benefits, pay attention to green and low-carbon development, and promote green concepts. promote the industry to move forward steadily on the road to achieving a trillion-level scale and sustainable development.
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