
academicians and big names spoke out in guangzhou: build a solid security barrier and jointly build a digital bay area!


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on september 9, the main forum of the cybersecurity technology summit forum and the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area cybersecurity conference were held in nansha, guangzhou. at the meeting, the national cybersecurity standardization technical committee released the 1.0 version of the "artificial intelligence security governance framework", and the national computer network emergency technical processing coordination center announced the results of the 2024 artificial intelligence technology-enabled cybersecurity application test. the construction of the nansha guangdong-hong kong-macao data service pilot zone was officially launched.
fang binxing, an academician of the chinese academy of engineering, huang zhiguang, digital policy commissioner of the hong kong digital policy office, and other government representatives and industry guests delivered keynote speeches. at the scene, many industry experts called for deepening the construction of industry standards, promoting the sharing of cybersecurity threat information, and gathering the forces of all parties in cyberspace to build a cybersecurity collaboration alliance and a cybersecurity collaborative defense system. representatives from the hong kong and macao sar governments took the stage to introduce the specific practices of hong kong and macao's cybersecurity work, and expressed their hope to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the mainland, jointly participate in building a cyberspace community, build a solid national cybersecurity barrier, and create a future for the bay area.
fang binxing, academician of the chinese academy of engineering:
block attacks with "shield cube" to ensure network security for major sports events
fang binxing, an academician of the chinese academy of engineering, believes that building a national cybersecurity defense system requires a "guard mode" led by the government and coordinated by users. he introduced the cybersecurity defense system "shield cube" on site - this is a linkage-type defense system with the threat intelligence analysis and countermeasure center as the core, which realizes the coordinated linkage between perception, research and judgment, and blocking, and changes the focus of defense from "focusing on the security of the protected object itself" to "focusing on discovering and blocking attackers", forming an information system security system based on the "guard mode". he pointed out that the "shield cube" needs to encourage the standardization and sharing of threat data at the national level, so that cybersecurity defense can return to the essence of "interception and removal", rather than just patching loopholes.
fang binxing, academician of the chinese academy of engineering
it is understood that the "shield cube" played an important role in network security protection during the beijing winter olympics and created a world record of "zero accidents" in network security. the 15th national games will be held in the greater bay area next year. how to ensure network security during large-scale sports events? academician fang also put forward his own suggestions: "we should pay more attention to protection before and during the game. before the game, we should conduct drills, scans, and fill security loopholes. during the game, all protection measures should pay more attention to attackers. we can set some traps to lure attackers into being fooled, so as to control and resolve the attack."
call on all parties to work together to build a cybersecurity collaboration alliance
how to deal with more automated and intelligent cyber attacks? fan yuan, chairman of hangzhou anheng information technology co., ltd., believes that we need to change from passive response to patch vulnerabilities to active tracking and be prepared for triple upgrades: mindset upgrade, technology upgrade and system upgrade.
fan yuan, chairman of hangzhou anheng information technology co., ltd.
fan yuan suggested that, under the background of the joint construction of the "belt and road" initiative and the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area, we should deepen the sharing of cybersecurity threat information across supervision, industry, region and border, build a cybersecurity collaboration alliance, and jointly create a national cybersecurity collaborative defense system to ensure a stable and secure network environment as a support for development. "we call on relevant departments and all sectors of society to work together to accelerate the revision of national security standards, increase investment in artificial intelligence technology, and establish a practical exercise mechanism to verify and improve the effectiveness of threat information sharing and collaborative defense system construction."
in the view of chen zhongyue, chairman and party secretary of china unicom, all parties need to work together to realize the scale, high-end and internationalization of the cybersecurity industry chain and enhance the resilience and security level of the industry chain and supply chain. he believes that they should assume the responsibility of the leader of the modern cybersecurity industry chain, give full play to the role of integration and promotion, and promote the formation of a new industrial chain pattern in which central enterprises work together to promote the development of large, medium and small enterprises.
chen zhongyue introduced that under the support and guidance of the guangzhou municipal party committee and municipal government, china unicom supported the construction of the country's first megacity digital security operation center, realizing the integration of digital security infrastructure, integrated operation and management, and integrated joint prevention and control, helping to create a guangzhou model to safeguard the construction of digital government.
"collaborative defense is an inevitable and realistic choice for financial network security. strengthening collaborative defense of network security requires joint efforts from the government, industry, enterprises and individuals." li wei, director of the science and technology department of the people's bank of china, said that it is necessary to establish the concept of cyberspace security, integrate cyberspace defense elements, gather the forces of all parties in cyberspace, and build a collaborative defense system for network security. he introduced that the people's bank of china has continuously strengthened the cross-departmental cooperation mechanism with the national cybersecurity and informatization departments, public security departments, industry and information technology departments, and power management departments, and has shut down more than 53,000 financial fraud-related websites.
benchmarking against world-class standards and strengthening safety coordination in the bay area
with the rapid development of technology and artificial intelligence, new types of cyber attacks are emerging one after another. how can the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area cope with these security challenges? he chaoxi, chairman of sangfor technologies co., ltd., believes that "only by strengthening security coordination between the mainland and hong kong and macao can the smooth development of the digital economy in the greater bay area be guaranteed."
he chaoxi, chairman of sangfor technology co., ltd.
he chaoxi said that it is necessary to establish a coordinated defense system under the unified leadership of the country in the greater bay area, integrate the forces of all parties, and efficiently cooperate to resist cyber attacks. "'security collaboration' also requires a solid 'foundation', and this 'foundation' is the domestic security infrastructure. the use of independent and controllable infrastructure can effectively deal with future supply chain risks." he suggested that cities in the greater bay area can adopt more domestic ecological products and promote and participate in the independent innovation of the domestic ecology. "the high standards and high requirements of users in hong kong and macao for products can also force domestic manufacturers to catch up with the world's first-class standards."
ho wing kin, director of the macau cybersecurity incident warning and emergency response center, expressed the hope that more exchanges and cooperation in the field of cybersecurity can be strengthened with more relevant units in the country, so as to jointly enhance the sharing of cybersecurity information, jointly respond to major cybersecurity incidents, and promote talent cultivation and technological innovation. "let macau also participate in the construction of the cyberspace community, jointly build a strong cybersecurity barrier, and jointly create the future of the bay area."
hong kong practice:
serve as a "window to the outside world" and build a safe, stable and open network environment
wong chi-kwong, digital policy specialist, hong kong digital policy office
at the conference, wong chi-kwong, digital policy commissioner of the hong kong digital policy office, introduced to the guests the hong kong sar government's response strategy to cybersecurity threats and relevant practices to safeguard the development of the digital economy.
in order to cope with the increasing number of cyber threats, the hong kong sar government has taken multiple measures to ensure cyber security. "one of the important functions of the hong kong digital policy office is to strengthen the protection of systems and data inside and outside the government, and provide a solid foundation for digital transformation and the development of the digital economy," said huang zhiguang.
huang zhiguang said that over the past period of time, the hong kong digital policy office has continued to collaborate with the industry and social groups to share resources and provide services, such as providing free website security checks for small and medium-sized enterprises and conducting cybersecurity skills training for employees. the hong kong special administrative region government has also continued to launch social publicity and education activities, such as issuing recommendations on cybersecurity protection, holding competitions, seminars, and public exhibitions. huang zhiguang revealed that hong kong will set up a cybersecurity attack and defense drill platform in the second half of this year to test the resilience of various departments and institutions to cyber attacks during actual operations.
huang zhiguang said that hong kong has three main goals in strengthening cybersecurity. the first is to provide a safe and stable network environment for digital development, while building an open network environment and fulfilling the mission of being the country's window to the outside world. the second is to ensure the security and reliability of government information infrastructure systems and data. the third is to raise the cybersecurity awareness of the public and enterprises, and learn to take appropriate measures to protect their own privacy and security.
macau practice:
cybersecurity work has changed from "passive discovery" to "active defense under certain conditions"
ho wing kin, director of the macau cybersecurity incident warning and emergency response center, said that cybersecurity incidents happen from time to time in macau. the macau sar government promulgated the "law on combating computer crime" in 2009. after the hacker intrusion in 2013, it established an inter-departmental working group on the security system in 2015 to study macau's cybersecurity legislation and passed the macau "cybersecurity law" in 2019.
ho wing kin, director of macau cyber ​​security incident warning and response center
in addition, macau's cyber ​​security center has built a situational awareness platform. authorized by the cyber ​​security law, the platform has pulled the external internet traffic of about 200 macau-related units into the detection range of this system, actively discovering cyber security threats 24 hours a day. macau's cyber security work has changed from "invisible" to "visible", and from "passive discovery" to "active defense under conditions".
"according to statistics from the cyber ​​security center, cyber attacks against relevant units in macau continue to increase every year, from an average of 1,600 times per day in 2020 to an average of 5,800 times per day last year. at the same time, the number of incidents due to cyber attacks has continued to decline in the past few years, from a peak of 21 to 8 last year, reflecting the continuous improvement of our cyber defense capabilities."
version 1.0 of the ai ​​security governance framework was released to promote safe and orderly development of the industry
the rapid development of artificial intelligence has brought great opportunities to the world, but also brought various risks and challenges. at the meeting, the national cybersecurity standardization technical committee officially released the 1.0 version of the "artificial intelligence security governance framework" to promote consensus among all parties on artificial intelligence security governance and promote the safe and orderly development of artificial intelligence. the framework proposes the artificial intelligence security governance principles of "inclusive prudence, ensuring safety, risk-oriented, agile governance, combining technology and management, coordinated response, open cooperation, co-governance and sharing".
the framework is mainly divided into four sections: ai security governance principles, security risks, technical response and comprehensive governance measures, and safe development and application guidelines. the purpose of formulating this framework is to implement the global ai governance initiative, follow the development direction of "people-oriented, intelligence for good", and promote governments, international organizations, enterprises, research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and the public to reach consensus and coordinate on ai security governance, and effectively prevent and resolve ai security risks.
the national cybersecurity standardization technical committee will actively carry out the development of artificial intelligence security standards and use high-quality standards to support the effective implementation of the framework. with the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence technology, the national cybersecurity standardization technical committee will also continue to update and improve the content of the framework.
text/guangzhou daily new flower city reporters: zhang shuhong, deng xiaoli, hou xiangyuphoto/guangzhou daily new flower city reporters: yang yaoye, mo weinong, wu ziliangguangzhou daily new flower city editor: peng wenqiang