
will the start of school be postponed again until september 19? the local education department responded


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chongqing has been experiencing high temperatures for several days recently. it is reported that the opening time of primary and secondary schools in the city will be postponed again, and will start on september departments in several districts and counties in chongqing responded to jimu news reporters that they have not yet received any notification from their superiors regarding the second delay in the start of school.

according to previous reports, on august 28, chongqing’s 38 districts and counties and three development zones all announced the postponement of the start of school, and the official start time for primary and secondary schools (kindergartens) in the fall of 2024 was adjusted to september 9.

on september 4, the chongqing meteorological observatory continued to issue a red high temperature warning signal, which was the 15th consecutive day since august 21. some netizens posted on multiple social platforms that chongqing will delay the start of school for the second time. relevant screenshots showed that school registration will start on september 19 and classes will start on september 20.

it is said that chongqing will reopen for the second time (screenshot from the internet)

on the afternoon of the 4th, in response to the online information about the "second delay in the start of school", the education departments of chongqing's yubei district, nan'an district, wanzhou district, fuling district, liangping district and other districts and counties replied to jimu news reporters that they had not received any relevant notice. wanzhou district education committee staff said that school would still start on september 9 as previously notified. a parent of a student in nan'an district told jimu news reporters that they had not received any notice about the second delay in the start of school.

jimu news reporters found that the screenshots of the "second postponement of school opening" circulating online came from the postponement notice issued by chongqing transportation technician college. the school's "high temperature continues, school opening postponed! the school's official notice is here" released on august 29 showed that due to the continued high temperature, the 2022 and 2023 grade students will report on september 19, and classes will start on september 20; the 2024 grade students will report and register on september 18.

due to hot weather
previously, many places have suspended classes and delayed the start of school.


due to the continued hot and sunny weather,primary schools in some counties and districts of nanchang postpone class times, and classes will officially start on september 9. the nanchang municipal education bureau revealed that considering the hot weather and other conditions, the specific start date of primary schools will be determined by the education departments of each county and district according to the situation in their jurisdiction.

september 2
jiujiang municipal education bureau issued an emergency notice
due to hot weather
starts on the morning of september 3
in principle, all local public and private primary schools and kindergartensclass suspension
classes will resume on september 9 (next monday)
do middle and high schools need to suspend classes?
it is up to each local school to decide based on the actual situation and heatstroke prevention and cooling conditions.
make your own decision


  • enshi

because the "autumn tiger" will continue to wreak havoc, the city's education bureau issued a notice on the same day, announcing that urban primary and secondary schools and low-altitude township schools will postpone their return to school.

the notice stated that according to the weather forecast of the meteorological department, the city will continue to have high temperatures in the future. in order to protect the life safety and physical and mental health of teachers and students, based on the suggestions of relevant departments, it was decided to postpone the formal classes of the 2024 autumn semester of the "five offices and one town" primary and junior high schools in the urban area and township schools below 800 meters above sea level, and tentatively return to school on september 9.

  • jingmen

according to the jingmen live wechat account: a relevant person in charge of the jingmen municipal education bureau introduced that due to the influence of high temperature weather, in order to ensure the health of students, each district (city) county or school can make flexible arrangements such as suspending classes, adjusting teaching time, and suspending outdoor activities based on actual conditions.

  • yellowstone

some schools in huangshi have announced a delay in the start of school. on september 2, the wechat public account of yongxing primary school in yangxin county, huangshi, released a "high temperature holiday notice and safety tips". the notice stated that due to the recent continuous high temperatures, with the approval of the higher authorities, the school decided to delay the start of school from september 3 and officially return to school on september 9 (next monday). during the holiday, parents are requested to cooperate in supervising and accompanying their children.


according to sichuan daily
september 2, 10:00 am
chengdu meteorological observatory update
high temperature orange warning signal is high temperature red warning signal
that day was the day when all primary and secondary schools in the city officially started classes.
according to deployment
reporters learned from various schools
some schools have issued notices to parents about adjusting teaching arrangements:

chengdu paulownia primary school adjusts teaching arrangements

  • zigong

to ensure the health and safety of teachers and students, it has been decided that the start time of the 2024 fall semester of all primary and secondary schools (including secondary vocational schools) and kindergartens in the city will be delayed by one week (whether the senior year will be postponed will be determined by the school based on the school conditions and actual teaching). students will report on september 7, and classes will officially start on september 9. the winter vacation for this semester will be postponed accordingly.

  • nanchong

according to the nanchong municipal education and sports bureau, due to the recent high temperature weather, the 2024 fall semester of all primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens and secondary vocational schools) in the city will be postponed. students will register on september 7-8, and classes will officially start on september 9. the teaching time of this semester will be postponed by one week. colleges and universities in the city will follow the notice of the sichuan provincial department of education.

  • suining

on august 28, the suining municipal education and sports bureau issued a notice on the postponement of the start of school in the fall of 2024. according to the forecast of the suining meteorological department, the high temperature weather in suining will continue. after research and decision, the teaching time of all primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens and secondary vocational schools) in suining city in the fall semester of 2024 will be postponed by one week. students are scheduled to report and register on september 8, and classes will officially start on september 9.

  • luzhou

according to the luzhou municipal education and sports bureau: luzhou city has experienced continuous high temperatures recently, and the municipal meteorological bureau has issued red high temperature warnings continuously. in order to ensure the health and safety of teachers and students, it has been decided after research to delay the start of the 2024 fall semester in luzhou city.

the start date of the 2024 fall semester for all kindergartens and compulsory education schools in the city will be delayed to september 9; in principle, high schools are not allowed to arrange large-scale teacher-student gatherings before the current round of high temperature weather eases, and large recess activities and physical exercises should be avoided as much as possible under the scorching sun. military training for first-year high school students will be carried out at a later date; colleges and universities in luzhou will follow the notice of the education department.

  • leshan

according to the leshan municipal education bureau: according to the spirit of the "notice of the office of the leshan municipal work safety committee on doing a good job in work safety during the recent high temperature weather" (le'an office letter [2024] no. 67), after consulting the municipal meteorological bureau for detailed weather forecasts for the past 15 days, it was decided that the registration time for the fall semester of 2024 for primary and secondary schools in the city will be from september 2 to september 6, and the official class time will be arranged by each county (city, district) and school according to weather conditions and the actual situation of the school. kindergartens and secondary vocational education schools shall follow the same procedures, and other work requirements for the start of school remain unchanged.

  • meishan

according to the meishan municipal education and sports bureau, due to the recent high temperatures, in order to ensure the health and safety of teachers and students, the start of the 2024 autumn semester for primary and secondary schools in meishan will be postponed to september 5. kindergartens and secondary vocational schools will follow suit.

  • ziyang

according to the ziyang municipal education and sports bureau, due to the recent high temperatures, in order to ensure the health and safety of teachers and students, the start time of the 2024 autumn semester for primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens and secondary vocational schools) in ziyang will be postponed to september 7-8, and classes will officially start on september 9. universities in ziyang will implement the relevant requirements of the education department.

source: jimu news, china news network, hubei daily, etc.
