
"1 4 9 n" industrial transfer conference "transfers" new opportunities


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on september 8, the 2024 china industrial transfer and development matchmaking event (yunnan) kicked off at the dianchi international convention and exhibition center in kunming. in order to make full use of the platform role of the industrial transfer and development matchmaking event, deepen regional industrial cooperation, and assist yunnan in building an industrially strong province and achieving high-quality leapfrog development, the conference designed and arranged a series of special matchmaking activities of "1+4+9+n" based on yunnan's actual situation.
on the afternoon of the 8th, the conference focused on yunnan's unique advantages and industrial foundation, and organized four provincial and ministerial special activities with the themes of bio-pharmaceutical industry, photovoltaic industry, information industry, digital cooperation in south asia and southeast asia, and docking of border industrial parks. at the same time, nine provincial and local cooperation special activities with themes such as equipment manufacturing, green aluminum, non-ferrous and rare metal new materials industry were also carried out simultaneously.
special events on biopharmaceutical industry
this special event on the biopharmaceutical industry fully demonstrated yunnan's rich biological resources and superior natural and locational advantages, deeply promoted yunnan's entrepreneurial and innovative environment, and facilitated the signing of a number of major projects, mainly concentrated in key areas such as drug planting, plant extraction, inspection and testing, traditional chinese medicine and ethnic medicine, and medical devices, covering the upstream, midstream and downstream links of the biopharmaceutical industry. the signed projects have a high degree of fit with the advantages of our province's biological resources, and are also the key tracks in the current biopharmaceutical field, effectively playing the role of "catalyst" in the transformation and upgrading of the province's industries. through this event, the companies conducted in-depth contacts and exchanges, strengthened regional coordination and complementary advantages, and were committed to building a gradient development and echelon transfer pattern for the biopharmaceutical industry. in addition, wang youchun, director of the institute of medical biology, chinese academy of medical sciences, made a special report on process transformation and evaluation platform at the meeting, further demonstrating the unique advantages of our province's animal resources, and promoting exchanges and cooperation between enterprises and the kunming institute of zoology, chinese academy of sciences, and the institute of medical biology, chinese academy of medical sciences, promoting the deep integration of industry, academia and research, and guiding the development of our province's biological resources to a higher, broader and better level.
photovoltaic industry special activities
against the backdrop of the accelerated pace of global energy green transformation and the country's high attention to energy transformation and the construction of a new energy system, the green and low-carbon development of the photovoltaic industry is regarded as one of the key directions for the future. this photovoltaic industry special event is themed "sharing the new advantages of industrial transfer and building a new highland for international cooperation", giving full play to yunnan's green energy and resource advantages, and focusing on extending, supplementing and strengthening the photovoltaic industry chain. the yunnan provincial department of industry and information technology and relevant departments stated that in order to support the development of the photovoltaic industry, yunnan province will increase policy and financial support to help photovoltaic companies build a number of "lighthouse factories" and zero-carbon factories. entrepreneurs attending the event said that this special event on industrial transfer has enabled everyone to further understand yunnan's development potential and investment opportunities, give full play to the endowment advantages, resource advantages, and characteristic advantages of various places, provide innovative cooperation models, and build a docking platform to promote the orderly flow of resource elements, build a gradient development pattern for photovoltaic industry transfer, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.
special event on information industry transfer and digital overseas cooperation
the theme of this information industry transfer and digital overseas cooperation activity is "deepen the digital cooperation between asia and the two regions, and build an open and win-win situation". it is carried out in a combination of "industrial transfer docking and negotiation + intended investment enterprises entering the park". during the special event, representatives of leading enterprises and industry organizations participated in a roundtable dialogue on building an electronic information manufacturing export base and a digital service overseas headquarters base for south asia and southeast asia based on yunnan. at the same time, the event signed projects such as the joint construction of the south asia and southeast asia information channel, digital qujing, advanced computing center, and kunming wuhua district urban digital security industrial park. entrepreneurs attending the event said that this special event on industrial transfer has enabled everyone to further understand yunnan's development potential and investment opportunities, especially yunnan's determination and major plans to promote digital cooperation in south asia and southeast asia. seeing the huge potential for the development of the digital industry in the future, they will seize the great opportunity of yunnan to promote the development of the electronic information manufacturing industry in south asia and southeast asia, and carefully study and layout related industrial chain projects to achieve win-win cooperation and competitive development between the two sides.
special activities in border industrial parks
"kaiyuan is the largest investment of new dongxu group in yunnan. we have invested in and built factories in kaiyuan, hekou and phu tho province, vietnam, to achieve the most optimized layout, and realize the linkage development of the textile industry chain between districts and counties, districts and cities, and counties and cities. the distance between the three factories is less than 200 kilometers, the logistics time is short, and each production link has achieved resource sharing and complementary advantages." at the special event of the border industrial park, xu yanjie, deputy general manager of ruyou textile printing and dyeing co., ltd. from the kaiyuan area of ​​the hekou border industrial park, shared her feelings about the company's transfer to yunnan for development. this special event of the border industrial park revolved around the theme of "sharing the new advantages of industrial transfer and jointly building a new highland for border industrial parks". the unique location advantage of the border has made yunnan a new hot spot for industrial transfer. this event not only strengthened the exchanges and cooperation between yunnan and the central and eastern provinces, asean countries, and domestic and foreign enterprises, but also brought tangible investment opportunities and project cooperation to the border industrial parks. at the same time, multiple cooperation agreements were signed at the event site, which effectively promoted the implementation of industrial transfer projects and injected new impetus into the high-quality development of the park economy.
special activities for equipment manufacturing industry
the theme of this equipment manufacturing industry docking event is "sharing the new advantages of industrial transfer and jointly building a new highland for equipment manufacturing". combining the unique location advantages, resources and climate advantages of yunnan province, relying on the equipment manufacturing industry docking event platform, precise docking and pragmatic cooperation, we strive to promote the orderly transfer and signing of a number of key links of the key industrial chain of equipment manufacturing with high technological content and good development prospects, and provide strong support for the specialization and refinement of yunnan's "three special" industries, and promote the high-quality development of the equipment manufacturing industry. this event focuses on new energy batteries (energy storage), hydrogen energy, cnc machine tools, intelligent agricultural machinery, power equipment, transportation machinery and other fields, and builds, extends, supplements and strengthens the chain in the research and development and production links to create a characteristic industrial cluster of equipment manufacturing in yunnan province. a total of 10 projects in the fields of new materials, new energy batteries (energy storage) and other fields were signed on the spot, with a total investment of 5.493 billion yuan. among them, yuxi city signed 7, pu'er city signed 2, and qujing city signed 1.
green aluminum industry special event
this special event on green aluminum industry aims to give full play to the development advantages of yunnan's green aluminum industry, closely focus on the key goals of "extending, supplementing and strengthening the green aluminum industry", seize the major opportunities of the national aluminum industry layout optimization and structural adjustment, take the initiative to undertake the transfer of green aluminum production capacity, and actively plan a number of aluminum deep processing projects. the event promoted the transfer and landing of a number of projects through the method of "key promotion + special report + project docking", and held a project signing ceremony on site. during the event, a total of 11 projects were signed with a contract amount of 5.74 billion yuan. the promoter of wenshan prefecture said that wenshan prefecture's green aluminum industry has achieved very impressive results. in 2023, it will achieve an industrial output value of 56.74 billion yuan, accounting for 48% of the output value of the province's green aluminum industry. in the future, it will actively introduce advantageous enterprises in the fields of aluminum alloy material design, processing, manufacturing, and application, vigorously develop downstream aluminum deep processing industries such as lightweight aluminum for automobiles, aluminum foil for new energy batteries, and high-end aluminum alloy profiles, and continuously promote the extension of green aluminum to deep processing and terminal manufacturing, adding color to yunnan's creation of "china green aluminum valley".
special activities on non-ferrous and rare metal new materials industry
the non-ferrous and precious metal new materials industry docking event was held with the theme of "sharing the new advantages of industrial transfer and jointly building a new highland for the development of high-end materials". based on the foundation of yunnan's non-ferrous and precious metal industry, the site gave full play to its advantages and carried out industry promotion, policy interpretation, scientific and technological achievements promotion, new technology and new product promotion, roadshow display, supply and demand docking, project signing and other activities, which promoted the signing and implementation of cooperation projects such as precious metal alloy functional materials, gold electronic new materials, and the national germanium industrial park, promoted in-depth cooperation among government, industry, academia, and research, and promoted the high-quality development of the non-ferrous and precious metal industry. "i believe that this event will help yunnan province and kunming city to undertake the development of non-ferrous metals, precious metals, and ultra-high purity metals, refine and strengthen the rare, scattered, and rare earth new materials industries, improve the level of smelting and recycling of recycled metals, promote the non-ferrous and precious metal new materials industry chain to supplement, extend, and strengthen the chain, form an industrial cluster with strong independent innovation capabilities, characteristics, and competitiveness, and build a national strategic non-ferrous metal new materials industry base." a relevant person in charge of the kunming municipal people's government said.
special activities on petrochemical industry
the petrochemical industry docking event is themed "sharing the new advantages of industrial transfer and jointly building a new highland for the petrochemical industry". it focuses on phosphorus chemical industry, coal chemical industry, petrochemical industry and silicon chemical industry, aiming to improve the development quality of yunnan's petrochemical industry, focus on promoting the agglomeration and development of upstream and downstream enterprises in the phosphorus chemical industry, achieve coupled symbiosis, build a high-end, intelligent, green, integrated and agglomerated phosphorus chemical industry system, and create a phosphorus chemical advanced manufacturing industry cluster. at the meeting, six units including kunming city, zhaotong city, qujing city, honghe prefecture, yunnan tianhua and hongtaiyang group introduced their respective advantageous industries, and attracted the attention of enterprises outside the province by showing the industrial advantages and development potential of the region. through exchanges and cooperation, resources sharing, technical exchanges and experience sharing are achieved, thereby improving the overall competitiveness and innovation ability of the chemical industry. "this exchange activity is an opportunity for our company to develop. i think this activity is also of great significance to promoting the development of the phosphorus chemical industry in yunnan province." representatives of participating enterprises said.
green food industry special activities
the theme of this event is "sharing the new advantages of industrial transfer and building a new highland for the green food industry". it focuses on the comparative advantages of yunnan's ecological resources and the foundation of plateau characteristic agricultural industries, highlights the development of specialized, standardized and green production bases and parks, promotes the development of green food processing towards facility-based, intelligent and green, builds a relatively complete green food production and supply system with upstream and downstream coordination and supporting facilities, focuses on cultivating traditional advantageous food production areas and local characteristic food industries, and orderly undertakes the development of industrial transfer on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win, and promotes the high-quality development of yunnan's green food industry. more than 90 enterprises and more than 140 people signed up for the special event, including 5 of china's top 500 enterprises, 4 of the top 500 manufacturing enterprises, 6 of the top 500 private enterprises, and 4 "small giants" enterprises with special expertise, involving many industries such as tea, nuts, coffee, vegetables, fruits, meat products, dairy products, and wine, covering the upstream, midstream and downstream links of production, processing, and trade circulation, and connecting the first, second and third industries. lincang city, diqing prefecture, honghe prefecture, dali prefecture, wenshan prefecture, baoshan city and other units will promote their products at the special event, and attract the attention of enterprises outside the province by showing the industrial advantages and development potential of the region. at the same time, relying on activities such as industry promotion and project docking, they will communicate with enterprises face to face about the development of the industry and discuss the future development of yunnan green food.
special activities for the beauty industry
the theme of the beauty industry event is "sharing the new advantages of industrial transfer and jointly building a new highland for the future of beauty", focusing on yunnan's rich characteristic plant resources, the foundation for the development of the beauty industry and its location advantages, focusing on plant essence extracts, functional skin care products, high-end plant beauty products and other products, promoting the extension of the industrial chain in the links of "resource cultivation, plant extraction, product development, and brand building", and striving to enhance the competitiveness and influence of the province's beauty industry and create a "china green beauty valley" with plateau plant characteristics. at the event, a total of 7 projects were signed, covering key links in the industry chain such as beauty raw material certification, plant resource research and development, and production and manufacturing, showing the characteristics of many high-quality participating companies, strong complementarity of the industrial chain, and wide coverage of the industrial chain. the person in charge of the consumer goods industry division of the provincial department of industry and information technology said that in the next step, we will rely on yunnan’s diverse plant resource advantages, industrial foundation and location advantages to increase the density of industrial cooperation docking, and in accordance with the project service mechanism of "one project, one leader, and one follow-up to the end", continue to increase project service efforts, and focus on full-process tracking. with the best service and the best environment, we will promote early signing, early construction, and early production of projects, and strive to promote the signing and implementation of industrial transfer negotiation projects, and accelerate the promotion of high-quality industrial development in yunnan.
special activities on optoelectronics industry
the optoelectronics industry docking event is themed "sharing new advantages of industrial transfer and building a new highland in the optoelectronics field" and centered on "sharing innovative achievements in the optoelectronics field and jointly seeking the integrated development of the optoelectronics industry". combined with the development of the optoelectronics industry in yunnan province, it carries out industry promotion, expert interpretation, government-enterprise docking, project signing and other activities to build a deep integration exchange platform, promote exchanges and cooperation between optoelectronic companies inside and outside the province, jointly seek the future development blueprint of the industry, and gather cutting-edge scientific and technological forces. during the event, the related projects of the night vision institute group and leading enterprises such as yunnan germanium industry successfully led to an investment of 200 million yuan, which will further accelerate the transfer and transformation of optoelectronic technology achievements, promote technological innovation in the optoelectronics industry, and create an innovative application highland. at the same time, the event focuses on key areas such as optical communications, optical communication equipment, optical components, optoelectronic devices, and integrated optoelectronics. by creating an innovative consortium, the overall strength of the optoelectronics industry chain in yunnan province will be enhanced, a powerful force for collaborative innovation will be formed, and the high-quality development of the optoelectronics industry in yunnan will be jointly promoted.
special matchmaking event between shanghai-yunnan lingang and kunming science and technology city
this shanghai-yunnan lingang kunming science and technology city special docking event was jointly hosted by the kunming economic development zone (kunming section of the pilot free trade zone) management committee and shanghai lingang group. it highlighted the east-west cooperation, took advantage of the lingang group's advantages as a promoter of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development, and introduced shanghai enterprises to participate in a group to help the industry undertake and empower yunnan's economy. at the same time, it highlighted the integration of numbers and realities, with the theme of "deepening shanghai-yunnan industrial cooperation and creating a highland of digital integration", focusing on digital industrialization, exploring new applications, new scenarios, and new models for the integrated development of digital economy and real economy, helping yunnan's traditional industries to transform and upgrade to industrial digitalization, and accelerating the formation of new quality productivity. in recent years, kunming economic development zone (kunming section of the pilot free trade zone) has focused on doing a good job in undertaking industrial transfer, creating a core area and a pilot demonstration area for undertaking industrial transfer-shanghai-yunnan lingang kunming science and technology city. this event is also the only one of the 13 special events held directly in the industry-bearing entity, highlighting the function of the shanghai-yunnan industrial cooperation platform, and enabling participating companies to truly feel yunnan's confidence and determination to undertake industrial transfer, helping companies to open up the south asian and southeast asian markets.
special activities on industrial financial cooperation
the theme of the industrial financial cooperation docking activity is "industrial and financial cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win". by building an efficient and professional industrial and financial platform, it promotes in-depth exchanges and cooperation between the industry and the financial sector, realizes the optimal allocation of factors, improves the efficiency of resource utilization, and explores and promotes new cooperation models. in the early stage of the event, the yunnan provincial department of industry and information technology recommended 84 enterprise projects to the industrial and financial cooperation platform of the ministry of industry and information technology. the financing needs of 29 enterprises (involving six major industries such as raw materials and equipment industry) were 1.9 billion yuan. they have passed the preliminary review of the risk department of financial institutions and have been included in the key list. a dedicated person is responsible for following up and providing human support in the credit approval process to improve the approval efficiency. at the event site, through reports from industry development experts, the release of corporate financing needs, the docking of enterprises and financial institutions, and the promotion of corporate financing projects, the intention of cooperation was exchanged, and a number of high-quality projects were promoted to be built and put into production through industrial and financial cooperation. reporter gao yiyi, xia xintong, yang ping, zhang meihuan