
claiming to be "full-service agent" but "refundable", cctv reporter uncovers the black and gray industry chain of professional title agency


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recently, some organizations have claimed that "you don't need to attend classes, take exams, publish papers, or apply for patents. you only need to spend tens of thousands of yuan to enjoy a one-stop agency service for professional titles."how did the job title evaluation become a business? are the agents who promise "refund if not accepted" reliable? let's see the investigation by the china voice reporter↓

promise to "handle the whole process" and "refund if not refunded"

the title agency claims that you can enjoy full service for a fee

in june 2023, mr. shen, who worked in a public institution in hubei, saw the professional title agency information posted by "zhi shang wang" and contacted the sales staff. considering that professional titles are linked to career development, mr. shen spent 12,000 yuan and 13,000 yuan respectively to purchase the intermediate engineer professional title review service for himself and his son.

mr. shen:the other party said that as long as i paid the money, other exams, paper publication, patent application, etc. would be covered, and i didn't have to worry about anything else and could get the certificate, and the certificate could be checked at the local human resources and social security bureau. after paying the money, i found out that the other party said that this certificate can only be used in private enterprises. after discovering this problem, i immediately said i would not apply for it.

afterwards, mr. shen applied for a refund from the platform while waiting for his son’s intermediate engineer professional title to be issued.

mr. shen introduced that his son graduated from college in 2023 and obtained an accountant qualification certificate. the agent of "zhishangwang" informed him that his son met the application requirements and could apply for the intermediate engineer professional title in tianjin. the evaluation results are expected by the end of the year.

however, in march this year, the agent told mr. shen that his son's intermediate engineer professional title was not approved because he did not meet the application requirements. the agent explained that there would be no problem with the graduation year according to previous years, but the evaluation requirements for the selected region had been adjusted, and it was recommended that he apply for a junior engineer first.

his son’s professional title was not obtained, and mr. shen’s own agency service was also stuck at the refund stage.

according to the electronic course/service agreement signed by mr. shen and the platform: "party b has the right to request a refund from party a within 7 days after the evaluation results are issued. party a will arrange a refund within 30 days after deducting 40% of the actual payment made by party b and the incurred costs (application fees, material fees, sorting fees, etc.)."

at this time, more than half a year had passed since mr. shen first applied for a refund from the platform. the after-sales staff stated that "services have been provided" and calculated a refund amount that mr. shen could not accept.

after-sales staff:we have published two papers for you, and the ownership is yours. each paper costs 4999 yuan. after two papers, we can only refund you 2002 yuan, and this has not yet deducted your 40% service fee. the contract has also been signed, and the relevant service fees need to be deducted, which include the paper fee.

mr. shen’s son’s agency service also encountered a similar refund dispute. the difference is that for mr. shen’s own agency service, the recipient, invoice, and electronic version of the course/service agreement were signed by"chengdu zhishang education consulting co., ltd.". for mr. shen’s son’s agency service, the recipient is shown as"xi'an zhishang education technology co., ltd.", the invoice will be displayed as"xi'an zhishang technology co., ltd."

△different business licenses provided by the agent to mr. shen

more than a thousand complaints involving "inducing consumption and not refunding"

there are many questions about the qualifications of professional title agencies

the reporter checked the consumer service platform "black cat complaint" and found that there were nearly 3,000 complaints involving "zhi shang wang". searching for the keyword "zhi shang", the platform showed more than 5,000 complaints from various places that "zhi shang education" induced consumption and refused to refund.

the reporter left a message on the official account of "zhi shang wang" on the pretext of consulting about the agency for the intermediate engineer title. later, a salesperson called back and said: "we are a full-package service. all application materials, including papers, achievements, patents, etc., will be handled by us."

△introduction: construction, civil engineering, surveying and mapping, machinery and other majors can be applied for professional titles by the agency

the reporter asked if it was possible to apply for the title of intermediate engineer in beijing. the salesperson told him that it was difficult and expensive to apply for the title in beijing, and suggested applying for the title in tianjin.

salesperson:the certificate will be issued by the human resources and social security bureau of the place where you apply, but the certificates are universal and can be checked online. we will match you with high-quality cooperative enterprises and let you join their companies in the form of talent introduction. you can open a social security account as a part-time technical consultant, but you will not pay it in full, which will not affect the uniqueness of your social security in beijing. after the review is completed, a letter of dismissal will be issued, which will not affect your current job.

△notice of "professional title project enrollment deadline" issued by the agency

the salesperson denied the claim that "paying the fee guarantees passing" and further explained that if the review fails, the platform will help you continue to apply for it for free, whether you change your major or region, or you can choose to refund 60% of the fee. the salesperson said that whether you can pass or not mainly depends on the "quality of the materials."

salesperson:to ensure that the materials are assembled, some effort must be made on the cost. the most important thing for the review is the materials assembled and the channels. the cost is linked to the pass rate. if the price is too low, it will reduce the material cost, the quality will be poor, and the pass rate cannot be guaranteed.

the reporter noticed that the website registration information at the bottom of the "zhi shang wang" homepage shows"tianjin zhisheng shangxue technology co., ltd."the words are consistent with the company shown on the business license that can be viewed in the "zhishang" app. however, when entering the "business cooperation" page of "zhishang", the bottom of the page is marked as"beijing zhishang education technology co., ltd."

the salesperson explained that tianjin zhisheng shangxue technology co., ltd. specializes in application materials and has branches in xi'an, shaanxi and chengdu, sichuan. beijing zhishang education technology co., ltd. was attracted by the tianjin municipal government. one is the project brand and the other is the company name, and they belong to the same company.

agencyimpersonating regular journals to publish articles

not long ago, at the repeated request of mr. shen, the agent finally provided two "papers" published for him to prove that the platform had incurred the costs.

the two pdf files provided by the agent showed that the two "papers" were published in the 2nd issue of 2024 of "china science and technology information" sponsored by the china association of science and technology news and "china science and technology talents" sponsored by the science and technology talent exchange and development service center of the ministry of science and technology. the author introduction column of the "paper" only marked mr. shen's name and id number.

mr. shen was able to find these two "papers" on the website "journal network" provided by the agent, but the reporter could not find any articles published by mr. shen on china national knowledge infrastructure and wanfang data knowledge service platform.

△the "journal website" provided by the agency and the "papers" published by mr. shen that can be searched on the website

the reporter searched the 2024 issue 2 of china science and technology information and china science and technology talent on the above two academic websites and unexpectedly found that the catalogs of the two journals seen here were completely different from the catalogs shown in the pdf files sent to mr. shen by the agent. the reporter verified the situation with the editorial departments of the two journals and found that they were all fake.

human resources and social security department: strictly prevent professional title evaluation fraud

recently, the ministry of human resources and social security issued the "interim measures for the supervision of professional title evaluation" (hereinafter referred to as the "measures"). the measures propose that for illegal and irregular activities carried out by intermediaries and other social institutions unrelated to professional title evaluation under the guise of professional title evaluation, the measures will make them the focus of special rectification of the professional title evaluation environment in various places, and require local human resources and social security departments to work with public security, market supervision, cybersecurity and other departments to punish them in accordance with the law.

human resources and social security departments in many places have issued statements to prevent professional title evaluation states that it has never cooperated with any third-party agency or individual, or entrusted them to carry out any form of agency, consulting, professional title evaluation and other activities.relevant departments remind that the common frauds currently include:

falsely claiming to "apply for certificates", promising "full-process agency" and "one-stop service", illegally producing all kinds of false professional certificates;

falsely claiming to have “internal channels” to induce people who do not meet the requirements or want to take shortcuts to pay high fees;

they falsely claim that "qualification is guaranteed", charge high fees through online platforms, and refuse to refund fees for various reasons;

they falsely claimed that "the entire network can be checked", posted fake certificate information on the internet, and created fake query websites to commit fraud.