
he was married to his original wife for 7 years, but after becoming famous he divorced her in a low-key manner and married a beautiful fan. does he regret it?


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"haiyan, please be more careful!"

with his dark skin and comical expressiveness, song xiaobao is undoubtedly zhao benshan's favorite disciple.

however, after becoming famous, song xiaobao received not only praise but also the title of "scumbag".

when he was unknown, his lovely wife huo xiaohong was always by his side and stayed with him for 7 years.

but her stay with him was met with news that song xiaobao ruthlessly abandoned her and married someone else.

what exactly was the reason that made song xiaobao abandon his wife?

what is the name of the beautiful wife beside him now?

"blind date" becomes popular overnight

in today's comedy world, all kinds of comedians emerge in endlessly.

but when it comes to the title of "king of sketches", zhao benshan still deserves the title.

with his humorous comedic sense, zhao benshan has participated in the cctv spring festival gala for 21 years.

accompanied countless audiences to spend a warm and happy new year's eve.

not only is zhao benshan himself excellent in ability, his apprentices are also not inferior.

on new year's eve in 2009, the phrase "my name is xiao shenyang" made his apprentice xiao shenyang an overnight sensation.

but now, driven by various reasons, xiao shenyang has gradually given up his job as a comedy actor.

in our opinion, xiao shenyang’s decline is a great regret in the comedy industry.

but for another person, this is a great opportunity for him to get ahead.

this person is another favorite disciple of zhao benshan - song xiaobao.

although he was not as lucky as xiao shenyang, he was personally brought to the stage of cctv spring festival gala by his master zhao benshan.

but song xiaobao still has a very high audience appeal.

his most famous representative work is the sketch "blind date" in the 2011 liaoning spring festival gala.

song xiaobao's humorous personality and dark and shiny skin add countless jokes to the stage.

the most classic one is "haiyan, please be more careful."

the show was so effective that the audiences in the audience were laughing continuously because of him.

the following year, zhao benshan created a sequel, "blind date 2", to continue looking for a partner for song xiaobao.

with his infectious laughter, song xiaobao actually made his master zhao benshan laugh on the stage.

at the end of this sketch, song xiaobao still failed to win the beauty and returned empty-handed.

but unlike his character in the sketch, song xiaobao has an excellent wife in real life.

writing is not easy. the author works hard every day just to support his family.

love with my wife

1.62 meters tall, dark complexion, not handsome appearance...

all these disadvantages in appearance are concentrated on song xiaobao alone.

fortunately, even the "display" is not the best.

but with his strong inner strength, song xiaobao successfully captured the heart of a beauty.

this person is his wife of all times - huo xiaohong.

in 1981, song xiaobao was born in a small mountain village in jilin.

due to his extremely poor family background, song xiaobao was forced to drop out of school and work before finishing the second year of junior high school.

due to the limitations of his education and appearance, song xiaobao's working journey was not smooth.

but fortunately, these shortcomings also became opportunities for him to embark on the path of errenzhuan.

when he was 19 years old, song xiaobao was spotted by the crosstalk actor jiao xiaolong by chance.

in this way, song xiaobao accidentally started his professional career in errenzhuan.

under jiao xiaolong's training, song xiaobao mastered the skills of errenzhuan and his living conditions gradually improved.

at the same time, song xiaobao also found his love.

while training in the troupe, song xiaobao met huo xiaohong, who was also a crosstalk actor.

huo xiaohong also came from a poor family. she never discriminated against song xiaobao. instead, she admired his efforts very much.

the two of them got to know each other quickly due to their similar professions, and gradually developed feelings for each other.

in this way, the two slowly developed into lovers.

although song xiaobao worked in a theater troupe at that time, his income was not stable because he was not famous.

however, these difficulties did not make huo xiaohong give up. instead, they made her more determined to accompany song xiaobao.

in 2004, the two officially became husband and wife.

perhaps with the support of his wife, song xiaobao's career quickly improved.

he met the greatest benefactor in his life - zhao benshan.

since then, song xiaobao has become a nationally renowned actor and has enjoyed great success.

however, after becoming famous, song xiaobao chose to abandon his wife!

divorce quietly and marry someone else

huo xiaohong never thought that after accompanying song xiaobao for 7 years, she would end up with such a result...

in 2011, song xiaobao became famous all over the country for his outstanding performance in the sketch "blind date".

shortly after becoming famous, song xiaobao decisively filed for divorce from huo xiaohong.

is it that there has been conflict in their relationship for a long time? or is it that song xiaobao's "flirtatiousness" is at work?

it turns out that although their marriage life is very harmonious and loving, there is still a big knot between them.

perhaps due to years of hard work in practicing errenzhuan, huo xiaohong developed some health problems and lost her fertility.

this also resulted in the couple not being able to have children after being married for seven years.

this was hard for song xiaobao to accept, so the two parted ways.

huo xiaohong also knew how much song xiaobao valued the child, so she stopped pestering him.

in this way, the two quickly went through the divorce procedures.

after becoming single again, song xiaobao soon found a new love.

with his strong sense of humor, song xiaobao has won the love of a large number of fans.

and one of the beautiful fans attracted song xiaobao's attention.

this person was his second wife, wang xue, who was eight years younger than him.

the young and beautiful wang xue should have better standards for choosing a partner.

but she was deeply attracted by song xiaobao's comedic talent, and she didn't mind even though song xiaobao had been married before.

so, the two of them got married.

after marriage, wang xue gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, for song xiaobao, which put his mind at ease.

with his family life secured, song xiaobao's career has since moved forward even further.

performing sketches, appearing on variety shows, and making movies, song xiaobao has become an indispensable talent in the comedy world.

today, song xiaobao is still active on the screen and continues to bring laughter to the audience.

matters in the relationship are always unpredictable, but song xiaobao’s behavior cannot be called that of a “scumbag”.

maybe this is what it means to be “unfulfilled destiny” in a relationship!