
the russian army’s “shocking blow” not only awakened the united states, but also helped china. it is exciting!


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the recent missile attacks by the russian military have made the entire situation more delicate and made people realize that this geopolitical game is not just a confrontation between russia and ukraine, but its far-reaching impact may even affect the asia-pacific region, especially china.

in ukraine, a sudden missile attack shocked the world. the attack targeted a ukrainian training center and resulted in the tragic death of several swedish instructors, who were experts in training ukrainian personnel to use early warning aircraft. seeing that the situation was getting more serious, russia sent a strong warning signal through this action, indicating a response to sweden and its support for ukraine. it is worth noting that this incident was not just a simple bombing of a missile, but opened another window on the international situation.

the us response followed suit. the mysterious death of a us lieutenant colonel in poland made the situation even more confusing, and the resignation of the swedish foreign minister also added a bit of drama to the matter. the us response to this storm was particularly cautious, and the official responses from poland and the united states all revealed a hint of tension. this not only reminds people of the "red line" issue, but also makes many people realize that russia's actions have truly broken a certain tacit understanding between europe and the united states on the ukraine issue.

at the same time, the united states decided to provide ukraine with the "jassm" long-range stealth cruise missile. this decision is not a simple military support, but a response to the strong counterattack signal launched by russia. against this background, china's role and interests have also quietly surfaced. for the us military, the introduction of the jassm missile has extraordinary strategic significance. the stealth performance and strike range of this missile can directly threaten russia's rear supply lines and have a substantial impact on the war situation. but more importantly, this move has caused the us military to adjust its firepower layout in the asia-pacific region.