
chasing the paralympic dream丨cheer for the heroic spirit and cheer for the unyielding soul


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the paris paralympic games are more than halfway through. the athletes of the chinese sports delegation have fought hard and achieved great results, showing their outstanding competitive level and spirit to the world. since the start of the competition, the chinese team has been ranked first in both the gold medal table and the medal table. the athletes fought hard and bravely pursued their dreams on the field, winning honor for the country and showing the brilliance of self-improvement and optimism, leaving many touching scenes.
li zhangyu, who won the first gold medal for the chinese sports delegation in this paralympic games, is a veteran who has fought in the disabled cycling event for many years. from london to paris, he has been forging ahead with his dream. his six gold medals in four paralympic games have witnessed his tenacity and glory. his smile after winning the championship was pure and bright, which was very contagious, and the audience couldn't help but applaud and cheer for him. the entire competition venue was plunged into a jubilant and warm atmosphere.
in the men's long jump t11 final, di dongdong performed well under the guidance of his coach, breaking the world record that had stood for 10 years with a score of 6.85 meters and successfully defending his title. although di dongdong has severe visual impairment, he is not afraid of darkness and pursues light, becoming an "all-around athlete". in addition to the long jump event, he also participated in the men's t11 400m and 100m races in this paralympic games. he said that to participate in these events, one must first overcome fear. "at the beginning, i had no sense of direction and boundaries, and i didn't dare to take a step. after days of hard training, i am now brave enough to stride forward."
yang yue, who won the gold medal in the women's discus f64, has participated in the paralympics for the sixth time. in the previous five paralympics, she won four silver medals. she finally achieved her dream of winning the gold medal in this paralympics. after winning the championship, yang yue celebrated in the stadium with the national flag draped over her, tears in her eyes and determination. when she stood on the podium and heard the national anthem, her expression was serious and relaxed. after the game, yang yue posted a photo of the gold medal on social media and wrote: i believe in the power of persistence.
every medal and every breakthrough is the result of the sweat and tears of the paralympic athletes. they have bravely proved to the world that "nothing is impossible". in fact, no matter what the results are, every paralympic athlete is a warrior. the moment they step onto the field, they have proved themselves to the world.
cheer for their heroic struggle and applaud their unyielding souls!
source: people's daily online
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