
mr. guo wei infrastructure real estate public reits operation and financing


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the most direct challenge brought by the slowdown of urbanization during the 14th five-year plan period to the construction industry is the shrinking market size. the infrastructure industry is greatly affected by macroeconomic policies, so the policies of the central bank, the ministry of finance, the national development and reform commission and financial institutions play an important guiding role in the investment of the construction industry. with the tightening of risk prevention and control and supervision of local government illegal debt and local government hidden debt, the government-led infrastructure construction projects have insufficient investment motivation and limited returns. infrastructure projects urgently need to find a model that conforms to the characteristics of the new era from investment, financing, construction, operation to exit. infrastructure real estate public reits can effectively revitalize existing infrastructure assets, reduce the debt level of the government and state-owned enterprises, and at the same time revitalize existing assets, increase the enthusiasm of enterprises to invest in infrastructure projects, and open up a new path for infrastructure project investment and financing, making the originally bulky infrastructure projects a financial asset favored by the capital market. this course will interpret the entire process from the background, significance, product structure, product characteristics, application areas, industry status, retis expansion, and difficult challenges of infrastructure real estate public reits issuance.

course duration:1 day

target audience:central state-owned enterprises and their subsidiaries in the construction industry, government urban investment companies, and government financial development and reform departments

course method: practical teaching + case analysis

course benefits:

understand the overall trend of real estate public offering retis

understand the role of public real estate reits at the national, local government and corporate levels