
wuhan economic development zone dongjing street launched a volunteer activity to love and protect the river


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (correspondent zhang gedu) in order to strive to create a river environment with "clear water, green banks, smooth rivers and beautiful scenery", further give play to the role of party member volunteers as a new force, and effectively enhance the people's awareness of protecting the mother river, on september 5, dongjing street, wuhan economic development zone, and the folk river and lake chiefs launched an environmental protection activity in the wujin industrial park with the theme of "'river', let's protect the river together" to enter the factory to love the river and protect the river. at the same time, they cleaned up river garbage, improved the river environment, and put the development concept of "green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains" into practice with practical actions.
photo: group photo after the event.
at the factory site, volunteers distributed publicity materials to popularize river protection knowledge to the public, emphasized the importance of river environmental protection, encouraged the public to actively participate in protecting the rivers around them, and led people around them to take action to protect the rivers together. at the same time, they called on factory personnel not to litter or throw debris in daily production operations and life, save water resources, and contribute to the beautiful scene of unobstructed rivers, clear water, green banks, beautiful scenery, and harmonious people through practical actions.
photo: volunteers distribute promotional materials at the factory.
afterwards, the volunteers went to the east lake to clean up the waters. the party member volunteers divided the work and cooperated with each other to pick up plastic bags, waste paper, cigarette butts, plastic bottles and other garbage and debris along the banks of the east lake, and salvaged and cleaned up white garbage and broken wood and branches in the river. after the volunteers patiently cleaned up, more than a dozen garbage bags were full and heavy, the riverside environment was completely renewed, and the overall environmental quality of the cleaned river was significantly improved, creating a strong atmosphere of volunteer service. in addition, the volunteers also took the initiative to publicize green environmental protection knowledge to nearby residents, spread green ecological environmental protection concepts, and called on everyone to jointly protect the ecological environment and build and share a beautiful home.
in the next step, dongjing street will continue to deepen the six major actions for the construction of "civilized rivers", continue to increase efforts to protect water, constantly innovate working methods in co-construction, co-governance and sharing, improve the water environment in the jurisdiction, and effectively enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness, create a good atmosphere for everyone to participate in volunteer services to protect clear waters, constantly brighten the ecological background of the countryside, and paint a new ecological picture of clear waters and green banks.