
at the beginning of the school year, guangzhou police officers present a cyber security "gift package"


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on the eve of the 2024 cyber ​​security awareness week, from september 4th to 5th, the panyu entry-exit border inspection station, the panyu district branch of the guangzhou public security bureau and many other units presented a rich "gift package" of cyber security knowledge to teachers and students of guangzhou university town around the theme of "cyber ​​security is for the people and cyber ​​security depends on the people".
"don't believe the lie of 'free arrangements for leaving the country'!" at the scene, a college student came to consult with an advertisement for free internships abroad that he saw on the internet. sun jun, a police officer at the panyu entry-exit border inspection station, repeatedly reminded him: "the 'free', 'no need to apply for a permit' and 'already arranged' they are all trying to get you to leave the country illegally."
sun jun told the students that chinese citizens must present their passports or other travel documents to the border inspection authorities before entering or leaving the country, and must go through the required procedures before they can enter or leave the country after inspection and approval. before leaving, sun jun gave the students a brochure on "popularizing the law, strengthening the basics, fighting fraud and fighting immigration smuggling" and asked them to take it back and circulate it for study.
the event coincided with the enrollment of freshmen. many freshmen had just left their families to live independently and were confused by the complicated online information. the police listened carefully to the problems encountered by the students, analyzed the doubts, interpreted the relevant laws and regulations in a targeted manner, and guided everyone to improve their awareness of prevention and ability to identify fraud.
during the event, police officers from the panyu entry-exit border inspection station introduced practical skills in daily life such as personal information protection, artificial intelligence security, and data security to the teachers and students participating in the event through distributing brochures, face-to-face explanations, knowledge quizzes, and fun games.
it is reported that in recent years, the panyu entry-exit border inspection station has continued to carry out in-depth "mongoose hunting" operations to crack down on crimes that hinder national (border) management and summer public security crackdown and rectification operations, and has checked the online information of hundreds of thousands of people entering and leaving the country. dozens of clues have been filed for investigation by local public security organs.
text|reporter yan min, correspondent zhao ziyuphoto: provided by the correspondent