
the road of independent innovation of "guohe no. 1"


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let’s look at two sets of numbers first.
60 years, 9 million tons, 1.5 million kilowatts;
12 years, more than 700 companies, over 30,000 people, and more than 14,000 projects.
the first group is the safety, economic and environmental protection specifications of "guohe no. 1" - the designed service life is 60 years, the annual carbon dioxide emission reduction is about 9 million tons, and the single unit power generation capacity is 1.5 million kilowatts.
the second group is the efforts and achievements behind it - in the 12-year research and development process, more than 700 units and over 30,000 technical personnel participated in it, and a total of more than 14,000 intellectual property results were generated.
the two sets of numbers together are a brilliant "resume" of "guohe no. 1". "guohe no. 1" is a landmark achievement of the third-generation nuclear power independence developed based on the national major science and technology project "large advanced pressurized water reactor and high temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plant". it is a chinese nuclear power technology brand with a completely independent design, representing the advanced level of today's nuclear power technology.
"guohe no. 1" demonstration project site lifting ring
the first unit of "guohe no. 1" - the "guohe no. 1" demonstration project is located in rongcheng, shandong. it is constructed, managed and operated by the state power investment corporation national nuclear demonstration power station co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "national nuclear demonstration"). currently, the construction of the two units in the first phase is progressing in an orderly manner. after the first phase of the project is put into operation, cogeneration of heat and power will be realized.
schematic diagram of the technical principle of "guohe no. 1"
a national treasure, filling the gap
at the national power investment corporation new energy science and technology museum in rongcheng, a 1:60 model clearly shows the structure of the "guohe no. 1". the nuclear power unit can be divided into two parts: one side is the nuclear island, which has a towering nuclear reactor pressure vessel and steam generator, and a huge water tank on top of the steel dome; the other side is the conventional island, where the steam generated by the nuclear island is transmitted to drive the steam turbine to generate electricity.
"guohe no. 1 is truly a national heavy equipment," said liu chunguang, director of the national nuclear corporation's demonstration design management department. "from the perspective of its size and structure, the total weight of a single unit of guohe no. 1 exceeds 1,400 tons. one of the large valves with a diameter of more than 1 meter weighs 29 tons and is cast from molten steel. the internal structure is also very complex. there are more than 10,000 u-shaped pipes in the steam generator alone. if these pipes are connected, the total length will be more than 300 kilometers."
it is reported that the diameter of the external containment shell is more than 40 meters. judging from the materials used, the thickness of the special steel plate is more than 5 centimeters. after it is turned on, the pressure per square meter inside some components exceeds 40 tons, which is far more than the weight of a light armored vehicle.
not only is it huge in size, but its benefits are also outstanding. the single unit of "guohe no. 1" has a generating capacity of 1.5 million kilowatts and a design life of 60 years. after it is put into operation, it will generate 11.4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, which can meet the electricity needs of more than 11 million residents and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 9 million tons per year. based on the average reduction of 1.336 tons of carbon dioxide per acre of forest, the emission reduction effect is equivalent to afforestation of about 6.74 million acres.
china's nuclear power market was once known as "multinational brands", with nuclear power technologies from many countries coexisting. in 2006, china decided to implement a third-generation nuclear power independent strategy. as a major national science and technology project, "guohe no. 1" was tasked with a special mission when it was established - to overcome the difficulties in mass production of large-scale advanced nuclear power units.
the research and development work started in 2008. in 2020, spic officially released the "guohe no. 1", marking the completion of the research and development of the technology. after 12 years of scientific research, more than 700 units and over 30,000 technicians participated in it, and a total of more than 14,000 intellectual property results were formed, forming more than 2,000 new products, new materials, new processes, new devices, new software, etc.
"'guohe no. 1' adopts cap1400 pressurized water reactor technology, which is a 're-innovation from a high starting point'. it is based on the introduction, digestion and absorption of third-generation passive pressurized water reactor nuclear power technology, based on china's 50 years of nuclear power plant research and development, design and engineering experience, and based on china's nuclear power units. nearly 30 years of safe construction and operation experience, it has completely independent intellectual property rights." liu xinli, an expert in engineering and technical management in the nuclear energy field of the state power investment corporation and deputy director of the state nuclear demonstration, introduced.
"hualong one" has successfully broken the monopoly of many materials and equipment manufacturing technologies. key equipment materials such as the main pump, bursting valve, pressure vessel, steam generator, and reactor internals have all been independently designed and domestically manufactured.
"standing at the forefront of the development of world nuclear power technology, 'guohe no. 1' has filled many technical and technological gaps in my country's nuclear power industry and promoted the overall upgrading of the nuclear power industry and technology," said liu xinli.
high safety and good economy
when building a nuclear power plant, people are most concerned about safety.
"as the world's awareness of nuclear power safety continues to increase, advanced nuclear power countries have conducted in-depth analysis and assessment of nuclear power design and operation, and proposed a series of improvement measures. the third-generation nuclear power technology has come into being," said liu xinli.
from the model structure, we can see that the outer layer of "guohe no. 1" is wrapped in a thick layer of concrete. "this is a shielded plant, 1.1 meters thick, with two layers of steel plates filled with high-performance, high-strength concrete, which can withstand typhoons, tsunamis or aircraft collisions," liu xinli introduced.
let’s look at the internal safety protection composed of four barriers: fuel cores, fuel cladding, primary pressure boundary, and especially the steel containment vessel with a diameter of 43 meters and a height of more than 70 meters, which is like a huge capsule-shaped steel barrier that can tightly wrap radioactive materials after an accident.
"advanced third-generation nuclear power eliminates the possibility of large-scale release of radioactive materials and eliminates the radioactive hazards of nuclear power to the environment and the public," said liu xinli.
in terms of safety design, the "guohe no. 1" adopts the "passive" concept. in simple terms, it can start and run automatically without relying on external power or human intervention. this concept is reflected in many details. for example, if the reactor is shut down, the heat cannot be discharged and the reactor will burn out. at this time, the large water tank on the top of the nuclear island will come into play.
the large water tank contains more than 3,000 tons of cooling water, which is one of the key links in the passive nuclear safety design concept. "water will flow to the reactor core or the surface of the containment under the action of gravity, displacing the heat inside, automatically cooling the core and containment system, and ensuring that the core and containment are not damaged." liu xinli introduced, "in the event of a power outage, the 'guohe no. 1' reactor can automatically ensure safety within 72 hours of an accident without human intervention."
"cost-effectiveness" is a key concern in daily consumption, and the same is true for engineering construction. compared with past safety measures, the passive design concept has greatly simplified nuclear power equipment, but the safety has been greatly improved. compared with traditional power plants, the overall valves of "guohe no. 1" have been reduced by 50%, pipelines by 80%, and cables by 70%, which has improved constructability, operability and maintainability. adopting the model of "standardized design, factory prefabrication, modular construction, professional management, and independent construction", "guohe no. 1" has obvious competitive advantages in terms of economy.
go all out to achieve national production
over 90% is the localization rate of equipment for the "guohe no. 1" demonstration project, and subsequent projects have basically acquired the ability to achieve national localization.
how to ensure that the third-generation nuclear power has stronger competitiveness on the basis of high safety? how to achieve mass construction? these must be solved through independence and localization.
reactor coolant pump, referred to as "main pump", is responsible for providing power for the operation of the nuclear island and can be regarded as the "heart" of the nuclear power plant when it is operating at normal power. the new manufacturing process and operation process are a huge challenge for the manufacturing industry. to ensure successful development, many key equipment adopt the "dual-line parallel" strategy. this is the case with the main pump. on the one hand, the research and development of the shielded motor main pump is promoted, and on the other hand, the wet winding main pump technology solution is launched.
after joining the company in 2011, liu yuanjun from the national nuclear demonstration equipment management office participated in the localization development of two main pumps. during the main pump prototype product test, he stayed at the test bench for 3,600 hours to help solve the problem of dry grinding of thrust plate scratches, and ensured the smooth development of the main pump according to the rapid identification, precise correction and conservative verification mode.
after ten years of hard work, the two technical routes have been successively implemented, making china's nuclear power industry chain a global leader in its niche market.
the "circle of friends" of the nuclear power industry chain includes not only large state-owned enterprises, but also many private enterprises.
the more than 10,000 u-shaped tubes used in nuclear power units need to be radiation-proof and corrosion-resistant, which places very high demands on manufacturing materials, and in the past they had to rely on imports.
in 2005, a young man named zhuang jianxin came to france to seek cooperation, but was turned down. after returning to china, zhuang jianxin founded his own company and worked hard. he finally succeeded in the research and development of u-shaped tubes, and his production capacity continued to increase, becoming the industry's "hidden champion".
from the main pump, the "heart" of nuclear power, to the "brain" of nuclear design and safety analysis software; from the "central system" of nuclear power instrumentation and control, to primary instruments and other "blood vessels" and "nerves" spread throughout the nuclear island... the third-generation nuclear power independent technology research team has been moving forward, filling in one gap after another, and tackling one "hard bone" after another.
the two units of the "guohe no. 1" demonstration project have a total of more than 80,000 pieces of equipment. some nuclear-grade equipment has strict requirements and is extremely difficult to develop. china did not have the production capacity before. in the early stage of research and development, in order to achieve commercial operation as soon as possible, the research and development team first chose to overcome the "most expensive" and "most difficult" parts based on a comprehensive review of the domestic nuclear power equipment industry, and the remaining small part of standard equipment was purchased internationally.
"this small part of equipment is reasonably priced, has sufficient market competition, is not monopolized by a few companies, and will not affect the implementation and export of 'guohe no. 1'," said wang yasong, chief of the national nuclear demonstration machinery procurement section.
with the changes in the international environment, this small part of equipment has become a huge stone weighing on the hearts of nuclear power workers. "in order to completely make up for the shortcomings and avoid '100% stuck because of 1%', after overcoming the difficulties of localizing most equipment, upstream and downstream units of the industrial chain have carried out joint research. the localization rate has now exceeded 90%, and we are sprinting towards the goal of 100% localization," said wang yasong.
from design to manufacturing, from engineering construction to installation, and then to the operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants in the later stages, china has formed a complete nuclear power industry chain, with advanced nuclear power equipment complete machine matching capabilities and supply systems. through the independence of third-generation nuclear power, china is catching up with the highest international level and helping to achieve the "dual carbon" goal.
simulation of the overall appearance of "guohe no. 1"