
un official: deepening china-africa cooperation will bring a new chapter of peace and sustainable development to the world


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china news service, beijing, september 7 (zeng yue) the china-africa-unesco dialogue on education and cultural heritage protection cooperation was held in beijing on september 6. during the meeting, xia zehan, director of the unesco east asia regional office, said in an interview with the media that deepening cooperation between china and africa within the framework of the global development initiative will bring a new chapter of peace and sustainable development to the world, especially africa.
on september 6, the china-africa-unesco dialogue on education and cultural heritage protection cooperation was held in beijing. xia zehan, director of the unesco east asia regional office, attended the closing ceremony and delivered a speech. photo by wang ziru
the 2024 beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation was held in beijing from september 4 to 6. in the "china-africa joint statement on deepening cooperation within the framework of the global development initiative" issued here, all parties expressed their willingness to strengthen strategic coordination, deepen development cooperation, and jointly build an all-weather china-africa community with a shared future in the new era within the framework of the global development initiative.
in this regard, xia zehan said that the deepening of china-africa cooperation within the framework of the global development initiative has brought more opportunities and hope for the development of africa and the "global south" countries. "in my opinion, this will bring a new chapter of peace and sustainable development to the world, especially africa, and africa will benefit from the china-africa cooperation dialogue and its connection with the united nations system."
xia zehan further pointed out that the forum on china-africa cooperation, together with the high-quality joint construction of the "belt and road" cooperation and the implementation of global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, "demonstrates the joint efforts made by china and africa in promoting the implementation of the un 2030 agenda for sustainable development."
during the summit, china announced that it is willing to work with africa to promote the 10 modern partnership actions. in terms of the "people-to-people exchange partnership action", china proposed to further promote the "future african vocational education" plan, jointly build an engineering and technology college, and build 10 "luban workshops" and other specific measures.
“these are people-centred actions that focus on investing in people, especially young people and africans, and the future of the next generation, with a multilateral perspective,” said giannini, unesco assistant director-general for education.
"education and culture are two sides of the same coin and are crucial for people to build and shape the future of society." giannini said that countries are currently interdependent and inseparable. in order to ensure that "no one is left behind", countries need to work together to create an open and inclusive global platform to provide opportunities for education, cultural exchange and international cooperation for young people around the world, promote understanding, share opportunities and create a common future.
adhering to this concept, the china-africa-unesco dialogue on cooperation in education and cultural heritage protection held on the 6th released a number of outcomes, including the china-africa action initiative for cooperation in education and cultural heritage protection, the china-africa 100 university cooperation plan to support the unesco "african campus" project list, the launch of the "future africa-china-africa vocational education cooperation plan digital resource platform", the launch of the china-africa "chinese + vocational skills" education regional development center, the china-africa teacher education center, the china-africa digital education regional cooperation center, the "science and technology courtyard" africa center, and the china-africa civilization dialogue research center.
in his keynote speech, chinese minister of education huai jinpeng said that china is willing to work with african countries and unesco to focus on implementing three major actions in the field of educational cooperation, namely, digital education sharing, vocational education empowerment, and teacher capacity building. china will continue to deepen cooperation in the fields of higher education, basic education, women and youth, build a series of cooperation platforms, and jointly promote the implementation of the united nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
"we have jointly drawn up a blueprint for cooperation, which will guide the direction of our future efforts and provide a clear roadmap for practicing common values ​​and achieving strategic goals," said xia zehan in his closing speech at the meeting. (end)