
what kind of work is so important that alipay should create a new app?


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alipay has finally released a new app.

just yesterday, alipay launched a new app, the name sounds like a joke, called zhi xiao bao. moreover, it is also available in alipay, and you can use it by pulling down the homepage.

really treated like a real son...

the news came too suddenly, and many onlookers have not yet recovered. how could you, alipay, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, give birth secretly?

he even gave his "son" such an abstract name.

there are also honest people who say, no matter you are dabao or xiaobao, i just want to knowcan you help me collect energy, steal energy? can you feed the chickens? ? it's really urgent!

i need this too. if you have this function, please kick me.( no)

but joking aside, to be honest, this is a pretty big deal.

because alipay has been around for more than 20 years, it has become a super application that integrates thousands of functions. from paying social security, water and electricity at work, to getting a marriage certificate, and even paying tuition for children,your entire life can be handled through alipay.

the bad reviewer really couldn't have imagined thatwhat kind of work is so important that they need to develop an app for it?

i had no hope at first, but after playing for an afternoon, i just wanted to say:alipay, what have you been doing so far?

zhixiaobao is actually an ai smart assistant developed based on the bailing model developed by alipay.

let's put it this way, although alipay is easy to use, there are also some unavoidable troubles because there are too many things in it. you may not know that alipay has more than4 million mini programsmore than 8,000 digital life services

man, the rocket launch console has only a little over a hundred buttons, and if you count the indicator lights, there are only a little over four hundred.

no wonder we can always find a variety of alipay usage tutorials on the internet.

but in the future, these tutorials will probably disappear. because zhi xiaobao can not only brag and chat like other ai,i also have the ability to become your own life manager and take good care of your messy life.

after entering, the interface is very simple, with only three sections:[now], [dialogue], and [agent]

the function at this moment is the simplest, but it is my favorite. click on it and you will see some small cards. the content on the card will beit will be different according to your time and location. it will even adapt to your usage habits.

for example, as a writer who likes to follow hot topics, when i wake up in the morning, it will give me a [5-minute news] card.

when we go to work, it will find you a nearby bike. but if you are like me, who always takes a taxi to work, it may push a reminder to take a taxi. . .

when i was busy all afternoon and ready to go home, the message of the express package arriving at the station was pushed to me. everything is just right, and the more you use it, the more it can understand your little habits.

a word before going out:don't forget to bring an umbrella, it's going to rain today, like your girlfriend, if you have one.

the last two sections are what everyone is more familiar with.

like other mature large models, zhi xiaobao's dialogue is also very smooth and it responds to your calls. even if your instructions are incoherent, it can break them down point by point like solving a college entrance examination question.

ask what amusement parks are there in hangzhou, and i have collected all the ones in qiandao lake. these guides are compiled by xiaobao after analyzing the public information on the internet.of,i also specifically wrote down several articles that mentioned other words, you can use other people's experiences as inspiration for your own life.

although other ais can chat about everything, it is hesitant and unable to tell you which porridge shop downstairs from your house has the best porridge.

compared to the ai ​​library that knows everything, sometimes i still need this one that can tell me “what to eat after get off work?” local assistant for .

but,sometimes ai is too comprehensive and quite rude.

for example, let's ask zhi xiaobao, "what are the reviews of the nearby xx restaurant?" zhi xiaobao, who is known for his honesty, will directly list out all the negative reviews of the store, even the rice is cooked hard.

but,the really amazing thing about zhi xiaobao is that he is the "young shopkeeper" who is going to inherit the family business...

backed by alipay's huge service applications, while other ais are still reciting poems and bragging for you, zhi xiaobao has already rolled up his sleeves and gotten to work.

you will definitely feel that ai tools are not used in daily life and you have nowhere to use them.

no matter how good you are at making ppt, when you want to eat, you can only run to the software to choose. you can calculate formulas in excel, but you can only transfer money to your goddess by yourself.find the id that you know by heart from a pile of contacts, and enter the amount and payment password devoutly.

but if i say, after you have zhi xiaobao, you only need to say to zhi xiaobao:buddy, give my goddess 520 . will it automatically transfer to you?

it can even find all the people in your list who have marked the goddess and send them your "blessings".

seeing this, a lot of differences( tian )friend( gou )exit download.

in the past, you had to follow the tutorial step by step, but now we can just have a simple chat and let zhi xiaobao provide all kinds of services personally.

if your phone is in arrears, just say "recharge 100". the order has been generated for you, just click to pay.

as long as you go out, you can feel xiaobao's full companionship and meticulous care.

if your bike runs out of battery, you don’t need to open the map, just one sentence will lead you to charge it; if you get tired of walking, the location of the bike is clearly marked; if you need to go on a business trip, the ticket will be selected and put in your hand.

it's like a "licking dog" who won't say no to you. even if you make some more excessive requests, such as being too sleepy after slacking off at work, i will just say i want to drink raw coconut latte.

result,it is like a domineering boyfriend, who directly selects the sweetness and temperature.feed it into my mouth.

after i said the weather was too hot and i wanted something iced, it immediately adjusted and placed a new order for me.

although it was clearly my money and i ordered a cup of iced coffee, i don't know why in hangzhou, where the temperature is 40 degrees, it made me feel warm inside.

this is xiaobao’s ability. it can not only perform simple calls, but also has certain execution capabilities to connect various services that are deeply rooted in our lives.

if you are thirsty, it will give you some milk tea or coffee. if you are hungry, tell it that you want to eat something delicious today, and it will sort out several options for you. if you are not satisfied, just tell it that you don’t want spicy food or coriander. it is much more patient than your partner.

moreover, zhi xiaobao, the "young shopkeeper",not only does he have a strong backer, he also works very order to better meet our needs, some professional agents were studied.

this is a little different from the intelligent agents we have seen before.

for example, the bad reviewer found ahuang xiaosong'sif you go to huangshan, this intelligent agent will jump out to serve as a free tour guide for you, not to mention buying tickets and deciding on a travel guide.

wherever you go, it can provide real-time voice explanations of where you are, which door is the most convenient to enter, how long it will take to walk there, and what stories there are.i can even tell you kindly that this is how you can take a check-in photo for your goddess.

if this thing had existed back then, the neighboring shichao would not have had to go to xi'an to see the terracotta warriors for an afternoon holiday. . .

this is just a trial cooperation with huangshan. in the future, there may be one ai tour guide for each scenic spot.maybe there is a navigation to the check-in points for the golden retriever hotpot.

there are many similar intelligent entities in zhixiaobao. not only do you have a one-on-one tour guide when you go out for fun, you also have a social security butler when you pay social security, and a dedicated flight butler when you take a plane.

however, the existence of intelligent bodies is not only to facilitate our lives, but i think the more important point is thatit can maximize the professionalism of the content and eliminate information gaps.

especially in the medical field where rumors are rampant, zhi xiaobao has a professional "health manager" who can answer your questions online 24 hours a day, such as what the medical examination report means or which department you should go to.

in short, compared with the general ai assistants currently available, zhi xiaobao focuses on being practical and will patiently help you complete many small needs in your life one by one.

i feel that it is not only an ai for working people, but also an ai for most ordinary people.

in addition, in the opinion of the bad reviewer, compared with other ai applications, zhixiaobao will have more room for imagination in the future.maybe it will also stimulate the mini program market in reverse.

this may be a way to realize ai agent in the future. various tasks can be completed through the linkage between millions of small programs.

let us imagine boldly what would happen if ticketing, food delivery, and travel mini-programs were linked together.

when ai helps you grab a ticket for a performance in shanghai, the high-speed rail ticket is also booked and included in the itinerary.

as soon as you get off the high-speed train, the autonavi taxi you ordered is on the way. by the way, your favorite xie baolin barbecue rice(note: chen zejia grilled sausage version)arrived at the hotel reception.

this is just the linkage between these three mini-programs.just think about the terrifying number of mini-programs and services in alipay, which has allowed xiaobao, the "young shopkeeper", to get a bargain.

moreover, in the future, perhaps intelligent agents can call on intelligent agents to connect the entire internet ecosystem. for example, if i drive a xiaomi su7, i can ask xiao ai to ask zhi xiaobao to buy a cup of coffee at a nearby shopping mall.

of course, this is just a random guess made by the bad reviewer.

because zhi xiaobao's current functions are still in the initial stage, the service calls are sometimes a bit slow, and the recognition of ambiguous commands can be more accurate. after all, there are still many obstacles blocking zhi xiaobao's evolution.

not only does the big model have to be powerful enough, but the millions of services scattered in alipay must also be reconstructed with ai, just like how alipay used qr codes to build the mobile payment network bit by bit.

so, if we think about it, national-level applications like alipay are indeed one of the few platforms currently capable of serving as this kind of ai assistant.

although it is still a long way to realize those ideas, we have to take the first step, starting from ordering a takeaway or calling a car, so that we can touch the future.