
yuanjiang's "time-honored brands" are rejuvenated. from january to july, the turnover of four time-honored brands reached 355 million yuan.


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huasheng online news, september 6 (all-media reporter lei hongtao, guo duoduo, correspondent huang yongjun, chen yuqing) today, the reporter walked into the production workshop of yuanjiang yichang food co., ltd., where workers were rushing to make two new products - sugar-free mooncakes and asparagus biscuits (cakes) to seize the mid-autumn festival mooncake market.
yichang sesame cake is a "chinese time-honored brand". to make a piece of sesame cake, 16 processes are required, including frying glutinous rice, making cake flour, and absorbing moisture from cake flour. "we have not missed any of these 16 processes. at the same time, we continue to innovate in the inheritance and develop a series of new products." zhou hong, chairman of the company, said that the new products have stimulated consumption potential, and some products have become popular snacks loved by young people.
yuanjiang city has one "chinese time-honored brand" and three "hunan time-honored brands". in recent years, with the support of the commerce department, time-honored enterprises in yuanjiang city have actively responded to market changes, using a combination of inheritance and innovation, technology empowerment, and online marketing to continuously release consumer vitality and expand consumer space. time-honored enterprises have regained new vitality. from january to july, the turnover of the four time-honored brands in yuanjiang city reached 355 million yuan.
la meizi food co., ltd. is not only a time-honored enterprise in hunan, but also a high-tech enterprise in hunan province. the company pays attention to technology empowerment in its development and has won the "second prize of the national science and technology progress award". the company has joined hands with hunan agricultural university to build a chili product research and development and application laboratory. "'one sauce makes a signature dish'. through technology empowerment, we have launched new 'crayfish sauce' and 'braised pork sauce' to cater to young consumer groups. among them, crayfish sauce has spicy, spicy, garlic and other flavors." wu zheng, head of la meizi yuanjiang factory, told reporters that the new product became a hit immediately after its launch.
in order to attract more consumers, time-honored enterprises in yuanjiang actively carry out online and offline integrated marketing. shalin shrimp and crab was recognized as a "hunan time-honored brand" in 2022. last year, hunan shalin catering management co., ltd. established a new media department to focus on online marketing. "even if the shrimp is delicious, it will not be popular if it is not well-known. we went from offline to online, combined with the characteristics of online consumption, and launched five levels of packages such as 158 yuan and 488 yuan." li chi, head of the company's new media department, introduced that online marketing is more down-to-earth and expands consumer space. at present, all time-honored enterprises in yuanjiang city have established online marketing subsidiaries or departments.
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