
65 "hunan-made" phosphate hopper cars shipped to saudi arabia


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huasheng online news, september 6 (all-media reporter li yongliang, correspondent jiang changyi) today, 65 phosphate hopper trucks of crrc changjiang group zhuzhou rolling stock co., ltd. were loaded on ships from changshu port and zhangjiagang port and sent to saudi arabia.
this order of 65 phosphate hopper trucks is an additional order after the first batch of 135 vehicles was delivered by zhuqi company in december 2023. the vehicles are mainly used for local mining logistics to transport phosphate ore powder. the advanced automatic opening and closing top cover and bottom door hopper technology can be matched with existing loading facilities and ground unloading facilities to achieve automatic loading and unloading. all control systems adopt dust-proof design, which can not only adapt to saudi arabia's sandy environment, but also conform to the current development trend of green environmental protection.
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