
the shanghai bridge association held the 9th members' meeting to continue promoting bridge into campus


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in the past four years, a total of 142,000 people in shanghai have participated in bridge-related activities organized online, and the number of people participating in offline activities has reached 35,200.
as a major city for the development of intellectual sports in china, shanghai has made continuous breakthroughs in the promotion of bridge. on september 5, beijing time, the 9th members' meeting of the shanghai bridge association was held at the shanghai chess academy. 63 members attended the meeting and elected comrade dai liu as the chairman of the 9th council.
the meeting elected 21 directors and reviewed and approved 13 related matters, including the work report of the 8th board of directors, the work report of the supervisory board, the financial audit report, the "shanghai bridge association charter (draft revised)", and the "shanghai bridge association membership fee collection standards and management measures (draft)".
at the first meeting of the board of directors, a new team was elected, with dai liu as the president, wang wenfei (female), shen yuxiong, zhao bing (female), and zhai jian as vice presidents, and zhao bing as the secretary-general and legal representative. at the first meeting of the board of supervisors, ge ping was elected as the chairman of the board of supervisors.
in his work report of the 8th council, secretary-general zhao bing reviewed and summarized the achievements made by the municipal bridge association in the promotion and development of intellectual sports over the past four years: in 2022, the association was rated as a 3a-level club in the evaluation of shanghai's professional (occupational) clubs; in the evaluation of shanghai sports social organization special funds awards and shanghai non-olympic project development support funds, it won the "talent cultivation award", "excellent event award", "standardization construction award", "brand event award", "talent cultivation award" and "competition preparation award" for a total of six awards.
in addition, the association actively supported and served the national games and the national intellectual games, and made positive contributions to the shanghai delegation's efforts to win gold and silver medals at the 14th national games and the 5th national intellectual games, and was awarded the contribution award at the shanghai delegation's summary and commendation meeting.
in addition, the shanghai bridge association also gave a set of data: from 2020 to 2023, a total of 914 teams participated in the online competitions organized by the association, and the number of participants reached 142,000; a total of 1,640 teams participated in the offline competitions, and the number of participants reached 35,200.
"the 8th bridge association council has the concept of 'serving shanghai and building a learning and intelligent international metropolis'. it not only focuses on improving the level of competitive sports, but also actively promotes and popularizes bridge sports. it has successfully completed various goals and tasks, set a benchmark for the shanghai bridge industry, and made positive contributions to consolidating shanghai bridge's leading position in the country and promoting shanghai's construction into a world-renowned sports city." xu bin, secretary of the party leadership group and director of the shanghai sports bureau and chairman of the shanghai sports federation, said at the meeting.
he hopes that the new council will be able to further establish and improve the service management system and talent training system, cultivate more outstanding bridge talents for shanghai, and explore new paths, take new steps, and create new experiences for shanghai's intellectual sports to continue to be at the forefront of the country.
xu bin also put forward several new requirements and hopes for the future promotion of bridge in shanghai, which include not only focusing on functions, providing good guarantees, and deepening the development of shanghai's bridge industry, but also emphasizing standardized development and gradually forming a healthy and orderly new business model. he also hopes to expand the influence of bridge by focusing on brand cultivation and actively carrying out exchanges.
xu bin said that young people are the cornerstone of the project's development. we must always focus on cultivating young reserve talents, continue to promote bridge activities on campus, and expand the number of students participating in intellectual sports.
"shanghai's intellectual sports have a profound foundation and brilliant achievements. looking to the future, we are more confident and hope that all members and member units, under the leadership of the president and the new team, will be brave enough to take on challenges, unite and cooperate, and jointly promote the development of shanghai's intellectual sports to a new level."
ma zuoyu, reporter of the paper
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