
jiangxi awarded merit awards to five individuals including xu shixiao, cheng yujie, and wan letian, and two units


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decision of the jiangxi provincial people's government on rewarding athletes, coaches and relevant units who achieve excellent results in the 33rd summer olympic games

to the people's governments of all cities, counties (districts), and all departments of the provincial government:

at the 33rd summer olympic games, our athletes were not afraid of strong opponents, fought hard, and won 1 gold and 2 bronze medals, creating the best medals for jiangxi athletes in overseas olympic games, winning honor for the motherland and hometown, and contributing jiangxi's strength to the realization of the dream of a strong sports country and the chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation. in order to encourage the advanced and boost enthusiasm, according to relevant regulations, the provincial government decided to reward athletes, coaches and relevant units that have achieved outstanding results, as follows.

1. three athletes, xu shixiao, cheng yujie and wan letian, and two coaches, peng hao and hu chao, will be awarded great merit.

2. the jiangxi province aquatic sports management center and the jiangxi province track and field swimming sports management center will be awarded collective merit awards.

it is hoped that the individuals and collectives who have been awarded will cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, and bravely climb new heights in competitive sports. the vast number of sports workers in the province should further carry forward the olympic spirit and the chinese sports spirit, thoroughly study and implement the important speech made by general secretary xi jinping when he met with the chinese sports delegation at the 33rd summer olympic games, accelerate the vigorous development of mass sports, competitive sports, and youth sports, and make new contributions to building a strong sports country and a healthy jiangxi. all localities and relevant departments should take the awarded collectives and individuals as examples, fully implement the spirit of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china and the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th central committee of the communist party of china and the important speech of general secretary xi jinping during his inspection of jiangxi, focus on the goal requirements of "walking in the front, striving for the first place, and being good at doing things", and focus on building "three major high grounds" and implementing "five major strategies". forge ahead, work hard, and make greater contributions to writing a chapter of chinese-style modernization in jiangxi!

september 4, 2024

[source: wechat official account of "jiangxi provincial people's government"]

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