
"i live and eat at the pig farm." the man was on the run for 19 years after killing someone. the first thing he asked the police after he was arrested was "do you have food to eat?"


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"is there any food? give me something first. i haven't eaten for a day. i walked for more than three hours in the afternoon. i'm so hungry!" on the afternoon of september 3, chen mouwu, who had been on the run for 19 years for committing a murder, was arrested by police from guiyang county public security bureau. this was the first sentence chen mouwu said to the police after he admitted his true identity.

according to chen mouwu's confession, he returned to guiyang from wanzai county, jiangxi province by minibus two days ago. after several transfers, he got off in front of changning temple. he then walked all the way from the temple, intending to return to his hometown in liantang city. unexpectedly, he was caught by the police when he arrived in liantang town.

case review

in the early morning of may 4, 2005, a murder occurred in a village in tangshi town, guiyang county. one person was hacked to death and another was slightly injured. when the victim was found, the suspect had already fled the scene.

after the incident, the criminal investigation team of guiyang county public security bureau immediately launched an in-depth investigation into the case. based on the investigation results at the time, they successfully identified the suspect as chen mouwu, a villager from the same village. because the suspect had a strong anti-investigation awareness and the investigation technology at the time was limited, no effective clues about the suspect were obtained, and the investigation of the case came to a standstill. in the same year, the suspect chen mouwu was listed as an online fugitive.

over the years, although the police officers in charge of chasing fugitives have changed several times, generations of police officers have always been persistent, and the "sword" of chasing fugitives has always been hanging high. with the in-depth development of the "summer operation" in 2024, the guiyang county public security bureau has continuously adjusted its investigative thinking and once again concentrated its superior police resources to vigorously tackle major cases and online fugitives. with the strong assistance of the anhui police and the empowerment of the "intelligence, command and action" integrated combat center, the police made careful judgments and searched for the murderer in a sea of ​​people. on september 3, they obtained the activity information of chen mouwu, a criminal suspect who had been on the run for 19 years, and successfully captured him.

when questioned by the police, chen mouwu initially denied his real identity. it was not until the police told him the name of the victim that chen mouwu had to accept the fact that he was arrested. he then truthfully confessed the crime and his escape experience.

crime and escape

according to chen mouwu's confession, he suspected that his wife had an affair with the victim's father, chen mou, which led to a long-term discord between the couple. chen mouwu held a grudge against chen mou and decided to take revenge. so he sold the pigs raised at home in advance to raise money for his escape after committing the crime. on the night of the crime, chen mouwu, who was drunk, hacked and killed chen mou's two left-behind children. after committing the crime, chen mouwu fled on foot to avoid being arrested by the police. it took him nearly two months to reach gao'an city, jiangxi province.

"when i first fled, i was afraid of being discovered, so i didn't dare spend the more than 600 yuan i had prepared from selling pigs. along the way, i basically relied on stealing sweet potatoes from other people's fields to eat." chen mouwu said, "after fleeing to jiangxi, i temporarily lived in various counties and cities in jiangxi, and did odd jobs during that time. i spent most of my time in pig farms, where i ate and lived." it was not until he met his current partner liu five or six years ago that chen mouwu began to settle down in a village in tanbu town, wanzai county.

"i didn't dare to apply for an id card, let alone marry liu. i had always lied to her (liu) that i owed a lot of gambling debts in my hometown. seeing that i didn't dare to go home or apply for an id card, her (liu's) relatives began to suspect that i had done something illegal." chen mouwu said that he had not dared to go home for nearly 20 years. recently, for some reason, he particularly wanted to come back to visit, but he was arrested before he got home.

justice may be late, but it will never be absent. at present, chen mouwu has been detained according to law, and the case is under further investigation.

police reminder

fleeing is not a solution, turning yourself in is the way back. guiyang police advise all fugitives to turn themselves in as soon as possible and seek lenient treatment.